#lauri speaks


Unfortunately I seem to have contracted some sort of brain disease and now all I can think about is Azul Twistedwonderland

itaru <3

I don’t put a dni on my posts bc

a) they don’t do anything bc like. If someone actively identifies as racist they’re not the type to respect a dni lol they rly don’t do anything other than signal to other likeminded ppl that you’re Morally Good & Correct

and b) I dislike being reminded that terfs/racists/whatever exist on every single post I make more than I dislike having to block someone occasionally. I also don’t want to actively remind my readers that these people exist.

With the above being said, it does come as a nasty shock when I do see terfs in my notes bc. WHAT ARE U DOING HERE I’m literally trans. Go read someone else’s cringe Phoenix Wright reader inserts. LEAVE

My twst language headcanons aren’t fully fledged enough for me to post them yet but hghhh I want to scream into the sky about them so badly

who would win: NRC’s magic translation spell or Rook speaking French

my twst languages hc project has somehow become two separate projects, one where i assign real world languages to each region/character and one where i just make up my own and truly this is just how it goes

Is there any canon stuff about how language works in twisted wonderland? I’m an en player and I’d like to make some worldbuilding language hcs, but if there’s already stuff established I’d like to know!
