


After@lowedeus​ managed to fix and bring back the BG lot clouds that were broken since Seasons with a new purchasable controller, I just had to make them global. 

This means that with my edit they will show up on every lot without you having to purchase them or doing anything, as long as the lot has a pedestrian portal they will automatically show up.


You can find the amazing fix over at lowe’s Tumblr: https://lowedeus.tumblr.com/post/634535668839743488/oh-yeah-carry-on-carry-on-some-of-you-could

You will need to download the rain clouds from their post, the Lot Clouds controller is optional, you can get it if you want to be able to manually place the clouds in case it doesn’t work in a lot because it’s missing the portal for whatever reason.

Download my global edit: SFSDropbox

Clear Sky (11/16/2020):
This is a separate package that, when installed, will randomly make the sky cloudless every so often for a while, as long as it’s not raining. Also depends on the season. It’s a very subtle effect but it should add to the realism.
The rate and chances are tunable by modifying the BCON files with SimPe as usual.

Download clear sky addon: SFS/Dropbox

All credit goes to @lowedeus​, without their fix and permission this wouldn’t be possible in the first place; they’ve basically done all the work, I just modified it a bit to better fit my needs.

11/17/2020:Flipped clouds so that they follow the direction of the Totalitarian Sky ones

Look for the updates 


Fixes Sim parts being too bright in CAS on modern hardware if they were made without tangents or if you’re playing with useshaders on false. Replaces ancient and unsupported fixed function shaders with pixel shaders to achieve this.

Download:SFS/Dropbox /MTS

If you have this issue, chances are there’s no point in playing with useshaders on false - it actually performs (and looks) worse, but it will still fix items that appear like this in CAS even with useshaders on true.

Before and After screenshots:

“Broken” CC Hair - Without and with this fix:

boolprop useshaders false - Without and with this fix:


[TS2] Height Mod


This is an experimental Proof of Concept height mod for The Sims 2.

Sims have configurable height differences between genders, ages and a unique height difference per Sim.

By default, elder Sims and female Sims are now shorter, but this change can be reverted or adjusted if desired.

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Squeeee, I can’t wait to try this out! It looks like so much fun! ^^


[TS2] Huge Lots Mod (120x120)

big boy....ALT

big boyyyy….


This is a WIP mod that increases the lot size limit in TS2 from 60x60 to 120x120, as seen on Castaway Stories.

The information below is included in a README file in the zip as the installation is pretty non-standard for a mod.

Installation and Download under the cut.

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Omg, this is incredibly amazing !!! Think of the many possibilities one could create! <3


[TS2] Height Mod


This is an experimental Proof of Concept height mod for The Sims 2.

Sims have configurable height differences between genders, ages and a unique height difference per Sim.

By default, elder Sims and female Sims are now shorter, but this change can be reverted or adjusted if desired.

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Seriously? I’m blown away! 
