#ts2 mods



Once upon a time a fellow simmer noticed that the “Dreams Alight by Guildsmen Industries” lamp from Family Fun Stuff pack had no magic sparks. Answering the question about this ocassion, I concluded that the instance number of Effect list resource in the FFS SP core files clashes with the instance number of Effect list from TS Castaway Stories in Pescado’s cs-corefuncs.package. Well, neither fairytale styled lamp nor lots of animated CS conversions should lost their charm in our games! I have applied the unique (and unused) instance number for FFS SP effects list. So now it compatible with corefuncs.



After@lowedeus​ managed to fix and bring back the BG lot clouds that were broken since Seasons with a new purchasable controller, I just had to make them global. 

This means that with my edit they will show up on every lot without you having to purchase them or doing anything, as long as the lot has a pedestrian portal they will automatically show up.


You can find the amazing fix over at lowe’s Tumblr: https://lowedeus.tumblr.com/post/634535668839743488/oh-yeah-carry-on-carry-on-some-of-you-could

You will need to download the rain clouds from their post, the Lot Clouds controller is optional, you can get it if you want to be able to manually place the clouds in case it doesn’t work in a lot because it’s missing the portal for whatever reason.

Download my global edit: SFSDropbox

Clear Sky (11/16/2020):
This is a separate package that, when installed, will randomly make the sky cloudless every so often for a while, as long as it’s not raining. Also depends on the season. It’s a very subtle effect but it should add to the realism.
The rate and chances are tunable by modifying the BCON files with SimPe as usual.

Download clear sky addon: SFS/Dropbox

All credit goes to @lowedeus​, without their fix and permission this wouldn’t be possible in the first place; they’ve basically done all the work, I just modified it a bit to better fit my needs.

11/17/2020:Flipped clouds so that they follow the direction of the Totalitarian Sky ones

Look for the updates 

*oh yeah, carry on, carry on*Some of you could remember pre-totalitarian clouds floating above the l

*oh yeah, carry on, carry on*

Some of you could remember pre-totalitarian clouds floating above the lot in the base game… until the Maxis broke it in Seasons EP.

Years ago I have understood a bit about the structure of the Effects.package file, so I managed to return them into the game, and even made several innovations and discoveries.



1. The lot clouds controller (misc.) - the hemisphere, that disappears in the Live mode (as it works in the totalitarian sky). It launches daytime clouds during the day, and night clouds at night time. In the base game there is a common effect for all lot sky effects (skybox fx + sun fx + clouds fx etc.), that switch all of them at the night automatically. The lot sky holder effect was changed in EP5, so there is no way at this time to restore it in original way without destroying the EP5 effections, so, I find the best way - the BHAV-based controller, that works in the similar way.


(required one of the next texture files for rain clouds, because they don’t exist in the game files)

UPD:also look at the @lazyduchess global edit launches the clouds on any lot without buying a controller manually! Texture file from this post is still required


2. The rain clouds textures - when I tried to dig out the effects in the game files, I discover, that maxis had made the rain clouds effect directly for EP5, but then leave it unused. Why they destroyed clouds? What kind of fail was arrived during the development EP5? I don’t know. But in fact, when the weather on lot is overcast, the clouds automatically turned into rainclouds (sadly, only top clouds, distant clouds will still white). 

The texture file is absolutely required for the mod, because the original rain cloud texture was cut away from the final game, so the storm produces the cringy flakes of NOTEX:


*Richard Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries vibes*

There are three alternative versions of rain textures

Download (click the bold text, choose only one!):







3. The optional default replacement for the basegame cloud textures, based on the dust version (zombie cloud from EP01). It looks nice under the overcast skies (totalitarian or not, they are fully compatible, btw). And suited well with the dark dust rain texture.



4. The Neighborhood effects: there are lot sky effect holder for lots (either day with nice blue skybox and sun, or night with moon and stars, will switch with “L”-button) and separated day and night floating cloud enviroment can be placed in neighborhood view. As far as automaticall changing it in fx-based or bhav-based ways are impossible, cloud effects should be replaced manually - but it’s not a burden, just one object per map is enough. The weather reaction works fine. NOTE:unlike the Totalitarian Sky, these should be placed in the center of the map.



5. The neighborhood effect: static cloud (umh, non-floating?). Such a cinematic effect, more for show-off than for actual long-time gameplay. The previous option launch the groups of clouds, distant and top, that float above the map, that real clouds do. This option cast the standalone cloud, as basegame Nhood cloud, that use the fixed point to arrive. It useful to be placed in a row so it can be COOL dynamic overcast sky YAY!!!! There are the low and high versions. Sadly, contains no night versions (but it isn’t too hard to do it, really).



*welcome to City 17, for example*

Thanks@simnopke for beta testing, and Maxis for the mechanics


I hope you find it useful, nice or just interesting as one of Maxis’ Lost&Found things. 
Any way the wind blows doesn’t really matter to me…

Post link

Hello all!

We’d like to begin by saying thank you so much for the outpouring of support and love for our shared projects that has been shown. We really enjoy seeing people using them in their games, it makes our collective day!

We’d like to gently touch upon the subject of requests, however. We both have ideas for things we really want in our games. We talk about them between ourselves and see if we can make them a reality. We work on them, finish them up and share them with others so that, hopefully, they will find as much enjoyment in them as we will in our games. The fun in this lies in knowing that our personal games will finally have that missing piece that either or both of us have wanted for so long and that’s what makes it fun and rewarding to do. 

On that note, we will not be taking requests for tweaks to mods or sets that we have released or will release in the future. Making slight changes for one person tends to lead to many more people requesting slight changes and that is not a road either one of us is willing to go down. We do this for fun and working on things that we are personally uninterested in makes this whole deal feel like a job. And we both already have jobs >.<. I hope this is something that is understandable. 

If there is a mod that we have released that you would like to make your own version of we strongly encourage you to look into the code, do your research and make an attempt at tweaks of your own. Our TOU is completely flexible for things like that as long as credit is given. And you are free to ask questions along the way; both of us learned by asking questions and being proactive and we’d really recommend doing that to others as well. 

We really hope that this doesn’t come across as selfish, harsh or unyielding, but when it comes to our personal time spent on making content for our games, we are both in agreement that we want to only do things that make us happy and are rewarding to us personally. Thanks for your understanding.

-Mortia & Laura

TS2 Mod - Use Inaccessible Beds (Like a double bed next to a wall for example..)

Made By simlogical&TwoJeffs

When a sim’s bed is against the wall only one sim can sleep in a double bed. Here’s a mod that lets your Sims get into a double bed where one side is against a wall, or the head of it is wedged into a bay window etc etc.   

The animations might look a bit weird in some cases, but at least you can arrange your rooms the way you want.


Find those and download them:

  • ijUseInaccessibleBeds.zip
  • ijACR - Controller - Bed Socials.zip


Aliens can change skintone

I made a mod to let aliens disguise themselves by changing their skintone. This action is selectable on active aliens. They can change their skintone into Maxis light, Maxis tan, Maxis medium, Maxis dark, mannequin, zombie and alien. They can also reset their skintone back to their genetic setting. If alien Sim is also a zombie, they will change back into zombie skintone instead of their genetic skintone. You can add more skintones if you want to.

You need Sophie-David’s alien token for this mod to work. Download SDmetallicmirror_basegame_mesh.zip file. I’ve used some code from treeag’s Sim Transformer.

Download at SFS|alt|alt version for users of zombie overlay

Update 29th of November 2019: added version for the users of zombie overlay mod. It doesn’t remove the overlay, so zombies will keep it, no matter which skintone they are using at the moment. It just omits zombie skintone, because you don’t use it when you use the overlay, so zombies reset to their genetic skintone too.

Update 23rd of May 2020: fixed problem where this action would still appear on aliens turned into non-aliens

Update 13th of November 2021: added support for @tammyhybrid21‘salien trait

IMPORTANT NOTE: you may come across an issue that makes skintone reset. You can fix this issue by downloading christianlov’s Custom Skintone Selector, extracting Function - Main - Set Skin BHAV and saving it in separate file. After that you can delete christianlov’s skintone selector. You won’t experience this problem if you have christianlov’s Custom Skintone Selector or @midgethetree‘szombie overlay.

Insane Sims can summon social bunny

Your Sims with insane trait can summon social bunny if their social need is below 50 (half). This action is selectable on active insane Sims. I’ve used code from MidgeTheTree’s Imaginary Friend Doll Can Summon Social Bunny.


Download at SFS|alt


On the 20th of November I updated poison modand TSM spy crafting station.

I added two new poisons: poisoned wine in modern glass and poisoned instant meal, and updated poison Sim mod. If Sim has more than one kind of poison in their inventory, they will use the medieval poison first. If they don’t have any medieval poison, they will use the modern one. They will use the instant meal one only when they’ve got no other kind of poison in their inventory.

I also updated the footprint of crafting station, now it takes 3 tiles instead of 2. To get the new footprint, you have to rebuy the station.

On the 23rd of November I updated airbending practise from 2nd part of bending mod. From now on likeliness of performing joga, meditation and playing with leaves anims depends on personality - serious Sims are more likely to do joga and meditation, while playful Sims are more likely to play with leaves.




Full Body



PolyCounts: 8.260

It is your responsibility if you download it.

original download

Download Separate Files


[TS2] Height Mod


This is an experimental Proof of Concept height mod for The Sims 2.

Sims have configurable height differences between genders, ages and a unique height difference per Sim.

By default, elder Sims and female Sims are now shorter, but this change can be reverted or adjusted if desired.

Keep reading

Seriously? I’m blown away! 
