#le moribond


Chapter 7: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Part 1 of 2.

‘’ Adieu l'Émile je t'aimais bien

Adieu l'Émile je t'aimais bien tu sais

On a chanté les mêmes vins

On a chanté les mêmes filles

On a chanté les mêmes chagrins

Adieu l'Émile je vais mourir

C'est dur de mourir au printemps tu sais

Mais je pars aux fleurs la paix dans l'âme

Car vu que tu es bon comme du pain blanc

Je sais que tu prendras soin de ma femme ’’

 Connor opened his eyes, the song of ’’Le moribond’’ ringing through his ears. He was tied to a chair, his legs and arms not capable of moving. His head was throbbing in ain, and all he could remember before passing out was a hard hit to the back of his head.

‘’ Sure took you long enough to wake up. ‘’




Connor looked down to see Billy having bent Connor’s ringfinger all the way back as if it was a twig. He yelled out in pain, the music covering most of it up however.


‘’ You still got 9 more fingers. And if breaking them doesn’t work…then I’ll move on over to…. ‘’

He had his right thumb a few millimeters away from Connor’s right eye. One move and he would be blind.

‘’ L-lay the fuck off. ‘’

‘’Oh? Then how about you fucking talk? Talk, and I wont crush your eye. Did you know that the eye is very sensitive to contact? Ofcourse you do. You are not stupid. A speck of dust….is excruciating. A finger touching…let alone squeezing down on it…..is like seeing the first level of hell. If you do not fucking talk, then I’ll be taking away your senses. One by fucking one. First your sense of touch…Crushing your fingers takes care of that….then smell. Then hearing….then taste….and last your sight…..I hope you actually don’t spit it out right away….Would ruin all the fun of going down the list of things to do. ‘’

‘’ I….I’m not afraid.. ‘’

‘’ Then why the stutter? What do you have to lose, man? You have no family….You have no…respect….not really. You…You got nothing. Why don’t just come clean?  ‘’

‘’ W-what even fucking happen…. ‘’

‘’ You don’t remember poisoning Benji? My British idiot of a friend…You are gonna have to do better than that. I’am no idiot. ‘’

‘’ I didnt fucking do that. ‘’

‘’ Very believable, friend. Am I supposed to believe that you didn’t.. ‘’


Billy delivered an boneshattering right hook to the defenseless Connor, who’se head flew back,  and as it came back, he coughed up a large amount of blood, as well as two teeth. Billy was built like a tank, not only in stature, but in strength as well. Connor knew that he himself was a good fighter…but he knew that even unbound…That Billy could kill him whenever he wanted.  He was terrified of him, but he could never show so.

‘’…speak very loudly about your desire to make the…what was it….oh yes… ‘’Fat bastard pay’’? ‘’

‘’ I….I didn’t fucking kill him. I’am just…a fucking loudmouth. I couldn’t…couldn’t fucking kill one of our own….even if I think he was a prick. I was mouthing off….I wanted to let people know how pissed off I was. ‘’

Billy began to keep punching him right after he finished his sentence. Once Connor’s face was caked with blood, he looked back up at Billy and his eyes began to show great fright and confusion. Billy pointed at Connor’s boots.

‘’ Those boots. Size 43. Dwight told me that there was a pair of significant footprints in the dust where the food is kept. You wear boots….right size….Tell me, what have you got to prove me wrong? ‘’

‘’ I…..I…. ‘’

‘’ Oh god. You are so fucking pathetic…..Come here. ‘’

Billy untied Connor, who was too weak to make any sort of escape, and then grabbed Connor by the neck and pulled him over to the open window. Connor began to frantically fight back once he realized where he was. Billy clutched his throat and held his lower arm over it as well. Connor felt completelty overwhelmed by Billy’s great strength.

‘’ Connor…..Gravity isn’t a girl with patience. She doesn’t like to be teased. She likes it ballsdeep…suddenly. Quickly. Rough. No warning as to WHEN it will happen.  She is probably getting angry at both of us right now for not giving her what she wants…So….Let’s not keep her waiting. ‘’



Connor managed in a split second grab onto Billy’s bandana. With one powerful flick of the hand, he ripped it apart. Billy lost grip of his throat and he walked back into the shadows. Connor slumped down towards the wall, trying to catch some air.

‘’  No…No….No…..No….No….No. ‘’

Connor smiled and chuckled weakly through bloodied teeth and under his two black eyes.

‘’ *gasp* S-show…show your fucking face, you sadistic coward. Let me see your ugly fucking mug. ‘’

‘’….Very well. I will give you one last sight to behold before I throw you out the window. ‘’


The Tatra was driving quickly along the road to Sanctuary. Negan and Lucille had been driving for hours, but they had finally found their way back. They did not know in what state it was in…but they were both extremely happy to see home again.

Lucille looked over at Negan for a second. She suddenly felt her heart race a beat and she quickly looked away, hiding her face in her palm. She felt odd. She hadn’t felt that feeling in several years.

‘’ Neggie…I… ‘’

Negan suddenly yelled out to Lucille to stop the car, who slammed the brakes just infront of Sanctuary’s gates. But…something was wrong.

‘’ What….What the fuck is this? ‘’

They saw an wall of deadies surrounding Sanctuary….but they were not swarming it. They had been stuck into the ground through iron poles and chains. Cement barriers and cars had been placed to make a…relatively safe path to the maingate. Lucille felt worried for a second, thinking somebody has taken Sanctuary for their own. She then heard music coming from an window up above. She recognized the singer. Jacques Brel.

‘’ What the fuck is going on… ‘’



His left cheek was covered in a webbing of scars. A deeper scar went from the left corner of his mouth, forming a Glasgow smile. There were two more scars that seemed thay had sunk deep into the skin, resembling gunshot-wounds more than burnscars.

‘’ You might’ve heard of the Corsican Mafia? I’ll explain…..in short. I was part of it back when I lived in France…….more secluded branch-family. I was one of their enforcers….until that day.  ‘’

‘’ A narcotics-deal gone wrong. I and 6 other guys….was just sent to….take back the package…Dispose of any witnesses…..but it was a fucking ambush. Fucking rival family….They were there first….We were outnumbered….So foolish. ‘’

‘’ Gunshots. Everywhere. I saw my friends shot to pieces…..And I myself was struck three times. One bullet tore through right beside my ear….very closely. It pretty much burst my eardrum like a balloon. Since then, my hearing on that side is….30 % at best.  The overall pain was…..unlike anything that I’m inflicting on you now. Have you ever had a piece of your jaw just….turn into bonefragments, digging deep into your mouth? You cant….speak…nor…eat for a long time. Even the slightest musculatory movements feels like somebody…pushing a… ‘’

Billy unsheathed his knife and held it over Connor’s bad leg. He then suddenly without warning pushed right down where the wound had recently healed. Blood began to gush out and Connor tried to scream in pain as Billy held his hand over his mouth, deafening all attempts at shouting, as Billy pushed the knife deeper and deeper, until the tip had come out the other side.

‘’…Knife through flesh. You might wonder why this is not putting a smile on my face? It’s because whilst the scars have healed…..the muscles have not. It still hurts…..alot.  ‘’

He pulled it out and gave out a very faint chuckle before he suddenly began to cover up his scars under left hand. He stood up and began to pace back and forward.

‘’ The only reason I lived was …..it was….. ‘’

‘’ Because of….HER. She was working at the hospital I was sent to. So…so pure. So kind. She did not care about my past…She did not hate me for what I had done…A kind and forgiving soul….She made me want….no….She MADE me change my ways…Si….Si pur. Si pur…..Si pur…. ‘’

(so pure)

He kept saying those two words with heartfelt affection, almost like an mantra, before his eyes locked onto Connor, and he came back to his senses.

‘’But then along came this world….and scum like you. You are forcing me to go back to being the man I hated. I will not risk her safety….I will not risk to let the life we are building get ruined because some fuck is losing his humanity…..But….in order to do so….I will have to do what I’m about to do.

“Je suis désolé”. ‘’

(Please forgive me)

He once more grabbed ahold of his throat and began to try and push him out of the window.  Connor was too weak and he had just about given up when…


A gunshot struck the wall near Billy. He pulled back Connor and then looked out of the window seeing Lucille down below aiming the gun up towards him.

‘’ Lucille….. ‘’


Billy looked down at her and sighed, and then suddenly turned away and disappeared from her sight. She ran for the main door, and kicked it open.

Everyone in the sanctuary was looking at Lucille with shock in their eyes when she stormed in and she walked in to see Billy walk slowly down the metal stairs from the second level. She walked up to him, ready to punch him, but stopped just as he turned to face her.

‘’ Billy….WHAT THE FUCK were you doin….What the fuck happened to you? ‘’

‘’ Connor ripped off the bandana. No big issue. I can get another….What did you want? ‘’

‘’ I want you to….lay off on Connor. I don’t know if he…if he is the killer….Infact…Man, I need a minute to take it all in…but…either way….lay off.  You are not in command, Billy. I’AM. I decide what we do. You do not make decisions…like that fucking wall thingy….without telling ME first. ‘’

His voice had become very monotone all of a sudden, and he seemed regretful.

‘’ Ofcourse….madam. Your order is my command….I will send for….somebody to patch up Connor. Sorry….for any trouble. ‘’

Billy waved goodbye to the others and walked back up the catwalk and away into one of the corridors. Lucille walked away as well, and Negan began to look around for Dwight, carrying a dufflebag with something big backed inside it. Once he saw him, he shouted out to him to come over.

‘’ Dwight, come here! I got something for you. Found it laying around in the truck we brought back….It’s my….apology for losing your gun all those weeks ago. ‘’

Negan handed him the bag, and Dwight opened it up and his expression turned to one of great surprise.

‘’ A…A crossbow? ‘’

‘’ It’s not a gun….but It’ll do the trick. Even the greatest of men will fall before an arrow through the head. ‘’

‘’ Thank you, Negan. It’s gonna take some time…but I reckon I could get used to this. ‘’

They waved goodbye to eachother for the day. Negan was about to go up to his room to rest when he saw Lucille leaning up against a metal beam. She seemed calm and unaffected, but the way her hands and fingers moved…it was clear that she was bothered by the situation.

‘’ Lucille…Where are you going? ‘’

‘’ I…I need some rest. I’ll…..I’ll fix all this tomorrow.  Havent slept for a whole day. I’ll…I’ll see you tomorrow, kay’?  Now go…leave me alone. ‘’


Afternoon passed, and by nightfall, only a very few people were still awake. Amongst them Dwight and Negan, who were outdoors smoking cigarettes.

‘’ Negan…What happened out there? What took you guys so long? ‘’

‘’ Heh….Cant tell. We survived. Not much to it, really. I…I did not expect to come home to…this….but….we’ll solve this. We’ll make a good life for ourselves here…..Just…trust Lucille’s lead, and we’ll make it through this mess. ‘’

‘’ Dwight…how’s Sherry? ‘’

‘’ Why you ask? ‘’

‘’ Just…curious. I haven’t talked to her much. She seems…friendly. ‘’

‘’ Yeah…*inhales smoke*…*breathes out* she is. Friendliest woman you’ll ever meet. But…I’m gonna say this…You and me….we are friends…but don’t try to approach her in a way that you are gonna regret. Because she is ALL I got. If she gets hurts….I’m gonna kill whoever did so. Even if that person were to be….Lucille….or YOU. ‘’

Negan clenched his fist at the mention of her name. Dwight didn’t seem to notice, and patted him on the shoulder.

‘’ I…ofcourse…would never let that sort of event happen in the first place. Best way to not start more shit is to NOT start shit in the first place….y’feel me? ‘’

‘’ ..Yeah….I do. But we are already kneedeep in it. And…who knows what the fucking fuck will happen tomorrow?


Marguerite was hopping down the corridor on her crutches. She stopped once she got to the locker room. She pushed the door open withan shoulder push and went on in.

She suddenly gasped and opened her eyes wide. She hopped away to an open locker and knelt down to search through the lower section. She seemed stressed and nervous as her breathing became quicker.

‘’ Where….where are the…. ‘’

‘’ Looking for….THESE? ‘’

Lucille stood in the doorway, the faintly lit lamp making her seem like a silhouette, with only her wide smile and white teeth showing through.

‘’ L-Lucille….why are you here? ‘’

Lucille then threw over a duffle bag to Marguerite. When it landed on the floor, it made a distinct metallic noise.  And the sole of a boot was sticking through the opening. On the sole, it’s size said ‘’43’’.

‘’ I found some shit in your locker. I have manners…so I waited for you to get here. Been waiting around the corner for….well…about 20 minutes. ‘’

She smiled and began to slowly walk towards Marguerite, her bat being dragged along the stonefloor.

‘’ I got you now, bitch. ‘’

End of part 1. 

Part 1 of chapter 7 was fun to write. It let’s me give some backstory to Billy and also some insight into a few other characters.

I like Connor….and I just notice i’ve been making him a punching bag for my fanfic. Not…completely intentional. Heh. :3

But…yeah, we find out who is the killer….and….Part 2 will be very intense and….a bunch of stuff will happen. We will get an explanation as to how it all went down, so it will make sense.


Oh and…..The…sort of official translation for the song playing on the cd-player (Le Moribond in English is known Seasons In the Suns)  is here. (have a link for the song as well)


(Rough translation: Goodbye Émile I liked you a lot

Goodbye Émile I liked you a lot you know

We sang the same wines

We sang the same girls

We sang the same grief(s)

Goodbye Émile I’m going to die

It’s hard dieing in the spring, you know

But I leave (at/to) the flowers peace in my soul

Cause look/we saw that you are good like white bread

I know you will take care of my girl/wife)

 Look forward to part 2, people. It’ll be a good one.
