#walking dead comic


Chapter 13: Welcome to the new age.

I’m waking up, I feel it in my bones

Enough to make my systems blow,

Welcome to the new age,

to the new age

Welcome to the new age,

to the new age

(excerpt from Imagine Dragons’s  ‘’Radioactive’’.)

Gerard looked down at Tuco with hateful discontempt, who looked back with an friendly smile.

‘’ The poem….That was you. ‘’

‘’ Indeed. I recalled hearing it somewhere….thought It would fit what just happened very well….Them eyes of yours are muddied. The old you would’ve seen this coming. It was fucking easy to take out those guards of yours…make our little visit her all hush-hush…until now. ‘’

Gerard clenched his fists, his voice was calm, but everything else about him screamed that he wanted to lash out. But he was powerless in the face of this danger.

‘’ You planned this? ‘’

‘’ Ofcourse. You cant catch somebody without planning it out first. You are not stupid, son. You KNOW this. ‘’

‘’ Welll-weeeeell, Gerry-boy….Enough about that….It’s been…..what was it, Cain? ‘’

Cain was the man to his right, who had an unusual appearance. Except for a window for the right side of his face, showing white skin and one hazel, bordering on orange eye, all of his exposed flesh was covered by bandages, with brown hair sticking out from the top. He was wearing an black denim jacket with cargopants and black leather boots.

‘’ 6 months, Boss. On the day. ‘’

‘’ 6 months, Gerry. 6 months of me licking my wounds…..and regaining my focus…How you’ve been, son? ‘’

‘’ Give him back, Tuco. He doesnt have anything to do with this. ‘’

‘’ True. He doesn’t. But that is beside the point. And…Well, I might not be a genius, Gerry…..but I think having your boy here means I got leverage on you. You give me what I want….and you don’t have to see….his throat being slit right here and now…..Or better yet, I’ll let Cain deal with him. And you know Cain…..Aint nothing he loves more than getting to cut up somebody…..Something that tall gal you got waltzing after you knows all too well. ‘’

‘’ Tell me….How did you get Aiden….Where is Roscoe…? ‘’

‘’ The fat guy?  Cain, what did you do to him? I don’t recall…My old mind is not as quick as it once was. ‘’

Cain did an sweeping motion across his neck and for a moment, chuckling as he did it.

‘’ It was fun. Fat pig squealed nicely. ‘’

‘’ Aiden….what happened… ‘’

‘’ I…I ran off. R-roscoe….ran after m-me…..and then…. ‘’

‘’ As your stuttering son is trying to say, we found them….and now here we are. A small disagreement was had…but we got through to the fat man. ‘’

‘’ Give him back. ‘’

‘’ Again, leverage. You get your son back no harm done…but not for free. ‘’

‘’ What do you fucking want then? ‘’

‘’ Paradise. You pack up…and we get what came here to get. ‘’


Cain suddenly was blown off his feet. Blood shot from the bullethole in his shoulder and left a splatter on the ground. He crashed down on the ground and Tuco’s men raised their rifles.

‘’ Lay the fuck off, men. We aint gonna go shooting nobody…..not yet. ‘’

Gerard screamed out as he turned around to face the shooter.

‘’ Shit….shit shit….. WHO FUCKING TOOK THAT SHOT!? ‘’

Gerard yelled out towards the group of people running down the street towards them. Leading them was Jennie, with Billy and Dwight right behind her and 7 others. She was holding onto her Ruger Super Redhawk, smoke seeping out of the barrel.

‘’ I did, master. I heard the scream….we all came here as soon as we could. They are out numbered, just tell us, and we’ll sho….Oh my god….Aiden…. ‘’¨

‘’ Now see here, miss, I still got a hostage. I’d appreciate it if….well, you didn’t shoot my men when we are discussing business. Now….Cain….Get the fuck up. ‘’

‘’ Hi, Jennie. ‘’

Cain suddenly sat up, as if the bullet hadn’t hurt him. He looked at the wound and only exclaimed with his raspy mocking tone:

‘’ It’s not fucking easy to get a hold of these jackets, fucking Christ….Fuck. If you weren’t so damn cute, I’d be mad. ‘’

Jennie suddenly brought her revolver up and aimed it towards Cain. Gerard was telling her to back down, but this once, she didn’t listen.

‘’ It’s been too long, Jennie….I’ve missed that cute face of yours. Those cuts….they match your skin so well. Beautiful…Beeeeeeautifuuuuuuul. ♪♫ ‘’

‘’ Go fucking die, you mummified piece of shit. ‘’

She put her finger over the trigger slowly and her one green eye was shining in anger.

Cain slowly began to walk towards her and the hand he had had resting on the hilt of his machete lustfully stroke it up and down slowly, almost erotically. He was giggling to himself, and Jennie was showing an expression of extreme loathing.

‘’ Not until I get to play with you oneeeeee last time. You and me, we are made for oneanother. Lovers starcrossed. ‘’

He then grasped it and took the machete out. The blade was polished to a mirror sheen, but the blade had been chipped, as if to make more damage when it struck.

Tuco put his other hand over his face and rubbed his eyes, sighing.

‘’ Cain, for Pete’s sake, don’t do that here. Have some decency towards the lady. ‘’

‘’ Sorry, will do….But honey, I’ll see you again when you feel like it’s time. ‘’

‘’ When I feel like it’s time to put a bullet in your fucking face. ‘’

Cain put his machete back in it’s sheath and walked back to the others, but not before winking to Jennie, who spat towards him. She was still aiming at him as he walked back, but she let go of the trigger.

 ‘’ Gerard…..nobody can shot me down before I’ve slit his throat…Bodyspasms and all that, so tell them all to back down. Shooting me means the death of the boy. ‘’

‘’ You heard him….drop your guns. ‘’

‘’ But Master… ‘’


Gerard looked back at Jennie, his voice bursting under anger, and she reluctantly put her gun back in it’s holster. She nodded towards Billy and the others quickly stood down.

‘’ That’s better. Me and my guys will leave now. We will contact you…..very soon. Then we can renegotiate and you may have your son back…not before. Do you understand, Gerry-boy? ‘’

‘’ I understand. I suppose my son is safe whilst in your hands? ‘’

Aiden looked towards his father in confusion and fright. Gerard was trying to look away, but he couldn’t.

‘’ As safe as he can be. He is my leverage. If he gets hurt, I lose my one way into that place behind you. You have my word as an honest man, Gerry-boy. Do I have your word that you wont shoot me in the back, or any of my men….OR that you follow us? Because you can TRUST that I WILL kill the boy if you so much as think in our general direction. ‘’

‘’ Yes. ‘’

‘’ Now…Boy….come here. You will be with us for a while. Don’t struggle…Make it easier on you….and your dad. ‘’


Aiden tried to wrench his way out, but Tuco locked his arm against his throat.

‘’ Kid, calm DOWN! ‘’

Tuco was raising his sword as if to strike down towards Aiden, but he stopped right before it could hit the jugular.

‘’ See? Not a scratch….Guys, time to signal the truck. Shoot the fucking flare. BOYS! ‘’

A red flare suddenly shot up from one of the house roofs, and in about 2 minutes, 4 blackpainted army-trucks had appeared behind Tuco and the others. He smiled as he saw the frightend faces of the people of Paradise.

Tuco began to walk backwards to the last truck by the end. He then quickly handed him over to one of the people inside, and then ran up to the passenger door. He pointed his katana up towards the sky and exclaimed:

‘’ Not today…not tomorrow….but mark these words, O people of Paradise. Your end is nigh, and once the day comes….we will come and reap what is rightfully fucking ours. Until then….please…enjoy the company of dear friends….and….enjoy the life you have been living….because as soon as we come back…..Things WILL change. Until then…..I suppose we’ll be in touch. Farewell. ‘’

Tuco then opened the truck door and signaled the others to come.  The last one that went towards the truck was Cain, who winked towards Jennie, who wanted to reach for her gun, but she didn’t, knowing Gerard’s rage and disappointment was something she hated to face far more than Cain.

The trucks all then started at the same time, the roar of their engines rumbling through the streets as they left, leaving behind the people of Paradise in confusion, anger and disappointment.

Once they had disappeared from sight, Gerard turned around and with sunken down shoulders began to walk back down the street, until Jennie shouted out towards him:

‘’ Look out! To the right! ‘’

From the alley next to him, Roscoe was walking towards him, his stomach cut open, guts hanging out, and blood dripping down his throat. His skin was colorless and his eyes blank. He snarled and gurgled as he moved towards Gerard.

Gerard looked back towards Jennie and told her and the others to not shoot. Gerard then didn’t try to fight back, and opened up his arms to embrace Roscoe.


Gerard had stuck a knife through the chin of Roscoe and up through his brain. He had kept it hidden in his sleeve, and his speed in drawing it had been impressive.

Once Roscoe had fallen to the ground, Jennie spoke out.

‘’ What the FUCK was that, master? Why didn’t we fight back just now? ‘’

‘’ Any bullet could’ve hit Aiden. You mustv’e realized that as well. You only shot Cain because of your history..impulse..but….You know shooting any more would’ve resulted in his death. This way….Aiden is safe….for now.  Tuco is a a cruel cunt of a man….but he has integrity…Honor. Some of it, atleast. ‘’

‘’ Integrity? Need I remind you what HE and his people did? We CAN’T trust him. He will be back….and there will be blood. ‘’

‘’ We can trust that he wont hurt Aiden. Tuco is not stupid. What he said about Aiden being leverage…Tuco wont hurt him. ‘’

‘’ Either way…We shouldn’t worry. We will come through….We just need to calm down…and think. ‘’

‘’ Look…I get it….but we cant fucking give up. We have defeated these fucks before. We can do so again. Strike before they even know what hit them. ‘’

‘’ Jennie….please…enough. I understand how you feel….and trust me, I want to strike back at that fucker more than anyone….but NOW is not the time. We…We need to work this out. ‘’

Gerard then pointed towards Negan and the others.

‘’ Negan, I want you and all of your people in the mainhall by tomorrow morning. We will think something out then….For now….Let’s all go back. Jennie…Can you and the others take care of Roscoe and the guards? Burn the bodies….It’s all we can do for them now. ‘’

‘’ Understood, master. ‘’

They all walked back, confused over what just happened, but the most worried and afraid were Negan. The paradise he had throught to be perfect….was cracked.



A few hours later, Jennie had gotten back to her room. It was decorated with expensive wooden furniture and burgundy leather sofas with gold lining and a big kingsized bed, most of it clearly put in afterwards rather than before the outbreak, as her room was unlike anyone else’s. The walls had been colored deep burgundy red.

She looked towards the minibar and pulled up a bottle of Silver Lightning Moonshine, and poured up one shot of it, next to an tray of 10 more shot glasses. She was about to down it when she heard a knock on the door.

‘’ Who is it? ‘’

‘’ Rude boy. I want to talk. ‘’

She chuckled and told him to come in the door opened and Billy’s towering silhouette was the first thing she saw at the door.

Billy’s hair was unkempt and unwashed, but his clothes were new. He had a cream colored vest over a darkgreen turtleneck, and he wore black jeans, and instead of his sneakers, he wore black oxfords. Around his neck, the two necklaces hung down towards his chest. His face was still stuck in the stern, taciturn expression it had been for days. His eyes however were open, and for once, he did not look frightening. Jennie told him to head over to the sofa, and he nodded and complied.

She sat down beside him and leaned against his shoulder. Billy moved away and sat at far to the left of the sofa.

‘’ You are no fun. ‘’

‘’ I didnt come here to be fun. I came here to talk. You always act this welcoming to your guests?  ‘’

‘’ Ha! Geez, no. You should’ve seen a few days ago. Alexander came over and knocked on my door. Tried to make some….move or whatever on me. Slammed the door so hard in his face he fell to the ground. It was hilarious. ‘’

‘’ Who is Alexander? ‘’

‘’ Alexander Davidson. You haven’t seen him? Old guy, has a big stache, wears an orange shirt so fucking garish it wasn’t even popular in the 70’s.  You haven’t seen him by now? ‘’

‘’ Well, stay away from him. Guy is a creep. He apparently was some big-shot back in wherever fucking-nowhere he came from. He said ladies loved him. I don’t believe him. A guy like that can’t get laid unless he fucking blackmails or forces them. I don’t see why we keep him around…but apparently Gerard thinks he’s on the level. Either way…he’s been harmless here. He flirts around with anyone without a dick, but it leads nowhere. ‘’

She went over to the foodtable and picked up the moonshine.

‘’ Billy, take some of this. It’s good for you. Straight from the united states to you. It’s not your top notch French wine or whatever…but it’s good enough. ‘’

She poured the whisky into 10 shot glasses, 5 for each other.

She downed one, her body shivering under the heavy and sharp taste. She looked towards Billy, who downed one without so much as a shiver.

‘’ Impressive. ‘’

‘’ What brings you here anyways? Lonely? I know how to change that. ‘’

Jennie put her hand on his lap, but he moved it away and looked out of the window. She rolled her eyes and leaned over to the other side of the sofa.

‘’ Jennie, I came here to ask you some things. I feel like going to Gerard directly….wouldnt be a great idea. I want to help. But I need to know some things first. Get to know you better. “

‘’ First of all….What is the deal with you and Gerard? Are you…. ‘’

She chuckled and shook her head.

‘’ My my, look who suddenly got curious. Well…If you thought….THAT, then No. We are not lovers. Thought has crossed my mind….but Gerard is an man….who is too focused on what he does for other pleasures. He works his ass off every day just to make the place safer and better for those who live her. That man….is a hero. If he is not interested, then I’am still glad to follow him as a subordinate….and friend. Why you’d ask? ‘’

‘’ Because I saw the boy call you Mother. ‘’

‘’ That…oh….well….I don’t know the history of it all too well, and Gerard doesn’t actually want anyone to know…but….Gerard lost his wife in the early days. Things happened….we all met up…and he grew to see me as his mother. I think it helps him cope….and Gerard doesn’t mind. He is all for the idea of not upsetting Aiden. I can’t imagine the pain he is in right now…..he must be so worried about Aiden…more than anyone of us. ‘’

She downed two more shots, and took a deep breath.

 ‘’ Well then. Now onto the more pressing matters at hand.  Jennie….tell me what happened back there. Who the fuck was that man? The bandaged one. You KNOW eachother, I could tell. ‘’

‘’ The fuck in bandages is Cain. Cain Gibbs. Motherfucker is the scum of scum. Long story short….He gets off of hurting people. He is Tuco’s lapdop…..and a very dangerous man.  He’s the guy that….well….did all of this. ‘’

She pointed towards the scars on her face and sighed, Billy noticing she didn’t want to go into details.

‘’ So take him down, we cripple this….Tuco’s group? ‘’

‘’ Yeah….And we are NOT gonna do that. Gerard ordered me to stay here…and that means you too, rude boy. Cain is dangerous…..Tuco even more so.  Tuco is the man holding the leash…Cain is his loyal pitbull. And Tuco is unpredictable…so you can never be safe around those two. Not only that, Tuco has a lot of guys under his thumb, and those guys are what most people here aren’t….sicko’s. Monsters with no care for human life. Dangerous. ‘

  ‘’ Also…about Cain…I don’t know why…but it’s like he doesnt feel pain. At all. Motherfucker is immortal. You saw it, didn’t you? That shot…Any other person would’ve been screaming in pain. But…nothing. And the fucker is covered head to toe in burns. I don’t see why he doesn’t feel nothing. ‘’

‘’ No, he cant be immortal. Congenital Analgesia. ‘’

‘’ What? ‘’

‘’ If he cant feel pain, it means he suffers from that. It is an nerve disorder, simply put, it severs the feeling of pain from your body. People suffering from it does not notice or feel pain whatsoever. They still suffer injuries like any other, but they do not FEEL the pain. Not like us. Never met one with that disease before, but I can see the results. ‘’

‘’ How do you know that? You a gangster or a nurse? ‘’

‘’ My wif…..My….My wife worked in medicine. She taught me….plenty….Even more than I ever learned when I got trained to become what I’am. ‘’

Billy’s voice became softer and solemn  and he looked down into his clasped hands. He put down the shot glass he was holding and pushed the tray away from himself.

‘’ Is she….Oh. That’s why you….That’s why you left yesterday, isn’t it? Fuck.  ‘’

‘’ Yeah….Pretty much. But I’am not here to mope. I’am here ONLY for the group. I can see that this can become something….something worthwhile….but not as long as we all live under the eye of some madman. ‘’

‘’ You talking about Paradise…or us? ‘’

Jennie put her hand on his shoulder, and looked right into Billy’s bright green eyes as he looked back. They were shining like green stars under the candlelight, as Jennie’s brown eye lit up like an sun from the flame’s reflection. No words were said and she retracted her hand and shook her head. She then leaned in towards him, locking her arms around his neck and only stopping right before their lips wouldv’e met. She thenmoed quickly over to her side of the sofa.

‘’ I….Sorry, I don’t know what the fuck I’m saying. ‘’

‘’ You don’t need to. You have downed to many shots is’all. Your eye is muddy….Your skin is flushed. A lightweight, I presume? ‘’

‘’ Fuck you.  I’m…I’m no fucking lightweight. ‘’

Billy raised up and began to walk over towards the door, and as he opened the door, he gave Jennie one last look.

 ‘’ Hey, Rude boy…..I’m glad you wanted to talk.I dont get ompany that often. ‘’

‘’ Sure. See ya tomorrow. I should get back to the others…Negan must be wondering where the fuck I’am. ‘’

He went out and closed the door. Inside, Jennie laid down on the sofa and smiled. She then looked out of the window, where she could see rainclouds forming under the pale full moon.

‘’ See you there….Billy. ‘’


Aiden woke up to the smell of rainwater. The room he was in had no lights and he couldnt make out where he was, or what type of building it was. He looked up and saw an open window two feet above him. He stood up and tried to climb up, but there was nothing to grab onto. He could see the light of the moon shine faintly through the clouds.

‘’ That wont work, kid. ‘’

The door had opened and Tuco was staring towards him across the room.

Aiden suddenly dashed from the bed and tried to make a run for the door, aiming for the opening on Tuco’s left side knowing that he wouldn’t be able to see him from that angle.

Just as he jumped get away from Tuo, Tuco had catched him in midair, holding him under his arm.

‘’ Kid, I’am an old man, but I’m not dumb. I knew you would aim for my left.  It is only logic. Now calm down and don’t fight. Will you do that? ‘’

‘’ Mhmmhm. ‘’

Tuco let Aiden get back on his feet and Aiden calmed down, as Tuco was still keeping his swords with him, and Aiden didn’t want to be on the other side of them ever again.

Tuco told him to follow and they went out of the room and came into another, with a big round table and an hallway behind it on the left right side.

On the table was a box of something, although Aiden didn’t see what it was. Tuco sat down and whistled for Aiden, who sat down instantly. Tuco’s tone was friendly, but Aiden didn’t trust him. Something about him sent a shiver down Aiden’s spine.

‘’ Kid…pass me the cigar.  ‘’

‘’ Cant you get it yourself? ‘’

Tuo moved his hand across the table, and then showed his empty palm.

‘’ No. I cant see it, unless you just noticed. It’s on my left, but i dont know where, could you please..? ‘’

Aiden pushed the box of cigars across the table towards Tuco, and Tuco took one up, just about to lit it when Aiden interrupted him.

‘’ Who did that to you? ‘’

‘’ The eye? Your daddy. He did it. He is the reason I look like….this. ‘’

Tuco let his index finger trail the scar from the bottom eyelid.

‘’ My dad wouldn’t do that. He’s not a bad guy. ‘’

‘’ Ha-ha. You mean to tell me your father himself doesn’t have an scar just like this? Who do you think gave him that? ‘’

‘’ Y-you? ‘’

‘’ Exacto-mundo. You pick up quick, kid. I guess you didn’t witness what happened back then. The children and the weak stayed behind….whilst us others fought for Paradise. As you can see…We lost. ‘’

‘’ But…YOU will be the key to our victory…You…. ‘’

He inhaled deeply and quickly on the cigar, and in one second, he began to cough violently.

‘’ Heh, *cough-cough* I cant seem to get these things…*cough-cough* right…..Wanna try, kid? ‘’

‘’ Ehh… ‘’

‘’ Lighten up, I was kidding. Kids cant smoke *cough* either way….although as it shows, neither can I…Hehehehe…..Anyhow..as I was saying…You…Hmm? ‘’

Aiden suddenly looked up and his fear came back. Tuco sighed and looked over to see who it was.

It was Cain, who had taken off his jacket, and wrapped up his shoulder, although blood was seeping into the bandages still, making a deepred spot where the bullet had struck.

‘’ Cain, how does your shoulder feel? Can you move it? ‘’

‘’ Ofcourse. Jennie didn’t hit me too bad. A little bit to the right and she’d hit the aorta. Then you can worry, boss.  ‘’

‘’ I wrapped it up good. Sucks about that jacket though. Got anything to spare, boss? Was my last one. ‘’

 ‘’ About that…..Cain….Apparently the boys found someone earlier today. She’s in your room. There was a man with her….but he got fucked up too badly. I guess you could take his clothes. The guys procured his body just in case he got anything on him. ‘’

‘’ Did they hurt the catch? ‘’

‘’ Like I would know. She is there…now go. Entertain yourself. I will stay and talk to the boy. ‘’

Cain waved goodbye to Tuco and walked towards the black door at the end of the cold stonewalled hall. He was whistling cheerfully as he came closer towards it.

He opened the door and went right in, inhaling the thick musky air.

The room had little to no natural light, the moonlight shining through an small window and hitting the end of the room being all that shone inside. There was a creaky old wooden bed in the corner to the left, and an table to the far right On it lay a large array of objects, some of them industrial, some of them meant for torture. Cain walked over to the table and looked at every single object, hatchets, screwdrivers, tasers and all of the others.

‘’ H…Help me… ‘’


Cain looked towards the woman on the other side of the room, her hands tied onto hooks coming out from the wall. She was exhausted and barely awake and she had many cuts and bruises across her body, her clothing torn and her pants bloodied, showing signs of previously being violated. Cain stared at her before suddenly running up and kicking her in the stomach, causing her to puke up a large quantity of blood.

‘’ Fucking idiots. I told them to not damage the catch….Now look at you, lady. You are broken. Fucked up. Spoiled. I cant have no fun with you. What a fucking shame….*sigh* ‘’

‘’ Please let me go…..I…I’ll do anything. Anything. ‘’

He grabbed ahold of her hair and tugged on it until she looked up at him, groaning in pain.

‘’ Aint no thing that can help you, lady. You don’t interest me in that way, and besides….You got a ring in your finger. I aint nobody to break the laws of marriage…I got honor that way. On the other hand….the other laws can go fuck themselves.  ‘’


She couldn’t finish the sentence, and she began to cry, as Cain merely kept staring down at her.

‘’ So what? Do I look like I give one fuck about that? If the others had some fun with you before taking you here…That aint nothing I care about. All I care about…. ‘’

Cain let his machete go across the concrete, making sparks as it went across the wall and an awful noise as he walked towards the woman.

‘’ ..Is to make sure my path goes on for as long as I can. ‘’

‘’ W-why….Why does this happen…..WHY? ‘’

‘’ Now…see here, Lady. The way I see it….This was meant to happen as soon as you were born into this world. Everything you EVER did….going to school…learning ABC….getting high grades….First love…First fuck…job…..marriage….All of that….All of it was meant to send you here. Cause…you see….I believe everything you do lead you on your path towards the end. The end that we all see one day. Death. It is an new age. One that lets you see more clearly where your life will take you. It’s…kinda fucking beautiful. *chuckle* ‘’

He then lifted it up in a high swing and he uttered a few words before delivering the sentence of death:

‘’ Welcome to the new age, you sorry fuck. ‘’


End of chapter 13.

This has been chapter 13, and things are picking up. We see the new villains of the story, Billy and Jennie have a moment, and we see just how despicable these guys are. 

The title and quote is because it fight nicely with the last line.

Chapter 14 will be out soon, and…it’ll be VERY intense.

Chapter 12:  Die Forelle.

Sherry was breathing heavily as she tried tokeep her hands on the gun. It slipped out of her hand and landed with a thud on the floor.

Lucille looked to her left and saw that the bullet had scraped her left shoulder. It wasn’t deep, but it was bleeding greatly.

‘’ Grab her, boys. ‘’

Sherry looked back to see Marcellus and Seth. She turned around to meet them, but Marcellus grabbed her in an arm-lock. She tried to resist, but stopped when she saw Lucille stand up and wrathful golden eyes glared at her.

‘’ You see….Sherry, I’m gonna fucking tell you something, and you and the others are gonna fucking listen. ‘’

Lucille took a deep breath and for the first time in days, she seemed to be pushing her sickness aside.

‘’ I fucking killed one of our own. I get that. You all look at me now like I’m some damned monster with no heart. That might also be correct. I shouldn’t deserve pity because of it…..but that is not the point. ‘’

‘’ The point is….the people that get to come back from the shit they do and keep on swinging…are the people strong enough to fucking handle it. You, Sherry…is not that type of person. You couldn’t kill me…..and you damn well cant kill anyone else. I on the other hand….I have turned myself into a shell. I’am not who I used to be. I used to be LIKE YOU. Like everybody else. But now…I’am a killer. A rude fucker. A cunt to any and all people…but that is all for…YOU. “

 ” You and EVERY-FUCKING-BODY ELSE!!  I have to become the tough leader part because nobody else wants to. Not like I blame them. It hurts…so…so much to become…..THIS. But I was willing to do it…because I got NOTHING to lose anymore…and you…EVERYTHING. Like it or not…I’ve kept you alive so far….Not yourselves. But…please, take up that gun again, put a round between my eyes….but then YOU lead. You think you can do it? Have to to be put in the situation I’AM IN? ‘’

Sherry didn’t respond, just looking down at the ground. Marcellus let go and let her fall down on her knees.

‘’ So if anybody doesn’t like my leadership….you can fucking leave. As soon as you went inside these walls…you all knew what you got into. Sherry…you  are forgiven for what you just did…..and I want everyone to leave…NOW.  ‘’

Seth and Marcellus left down the hall, and Lucille gave Sherry a hand, picking her up.

‘’ I should wrap…that up. ‘’

‘’ Nah. I can do it myself….also…You didn’t miss back there….You just cant fucking kill. Aint nothing weak about that….You..heh…are actually super-fucking strong………anyhow….We’ll talk….later. ‘’

Sherry was confused as she went out the door. She hadn’t seen Lucille…..like that. Humane. She didn’t know what to feel anymore.


Connor lit his cigarette and looked down the highway side. Behind him, the road-ditch led right into the forrest He and couple others, Ray, Smitty and Donovan had followed after the caravan a mere hour afterwards. They had lost track of them 4 hours into the trip.

 ‘’ I don’t like this.  We doesn’t have any idea where they went. ‘’

‘’ The Hilton hotel, right? We should’ve asked around if anybody knew the fucking way before going out here…Anyhow, the guys are out in the forrest taking a piss….should be back shortly. ‘’

Connor was handing Ray a cigarette when he suddenly pulled back his hand and made an hushing motion.

‘’ Ray…Take out your knife. You feel it? ‘’

‘’ Somebody’s making a fire…..and I hear whistling. ‘’

They  began to walk towards where the smell was coming from. It wasn’t far, as the scne was very potent.  It didn’t take them more than 3 minutes to get to the campfire.

The man at the fire had long brown hair coupled with a big bushy beard, that gave him an Jesus-like visage, and wore a dark trenchcoat with clothing fit for travelling. He looked up towards the knife aimed at him. He was cooking up vegetable soup, the scent noticeable for a long way.

‘’ Now who might you be, pal? All alone out here…. ‘’

He downed the bowl of soup he was holding and looked back at Connor.

‘’ Nobody important. ‘’

‘’ Ray….Go get the guys….they must be at the jeep by now….I’ll wait and here and make sure our friend here doesn’t get away. ‘’

Ray ran back and Connor stayed behind staring at the man as he looked back and poured himself another bowl of soup.

When he was ready to start eating, the others arrived. The man put the bowl down and waved to them.

‘’ I guess you are all hungry? ‘’

‘’ Hey…guys, Cant we just ….leave him for dead and take his stuff? ‘’

‘’ Shut the fuck up, Donovan. Although…yeah, That is a great fucking idea. ‘’

They all aimed their knives and axes towards the man, who didn’t seem all that bothered by their threats.

‘’ I will fight for what I got. Ofcourse, let’s just be calm and eat for now…I’am willing to share. ‘’

Connor yelled out and threw his knife down into the ground.


‘’ I wouldn’t do that if I were you. ‘’

 The longhaired man delivered an low kick that hit Donovan in the knee, pushing it backwards, causing him to fall to the ground.

Smitty was then punched right in the face, taking out a tooth in the process. Ray was swinging his knife, but the man grabbed his hand and broke his fingers by pushing down hard on the bones.

Connor meanwhile was just looking on, very irritated. He picked up his knife and sheathed it.

‘’ Guys, stop it. ‘’

‘’ Good that one of you…even if said person is the one that started it all, gets it…No more fighting…. Name’s Paul Monroe. Friends call me Jesus. ‘’

He reached out a hand towards the others and they all reluctantly accepted his help.

‘’ Please…now that we got the hostility out of the way….sit. Anybody interested in some warm soup? I got plenty to go around. ‘’

Donovan reached out to get some, but pulled back his hand when he saw Connor glaring angrily at him.

 ‘’ Where are you headed, Paul? You seem to be walking somewhere, judging by all that equipment you got. ‘’

‘’ Up that road there…the one you came from. Where I come from doesn’t matter but I’m going to the Hilltop. Heard it’s safe there….word goes around, even in this word. Lots of good people. Could be a trap ofcourse, but sometimes you gotta risk it….Which reminds me, what’s your name, people?  ‘’

‘’ I’am Connor. The sorry twit with the ponytail is Donovan. Smitty is the guy with the bad mop do and the busted tooth. Lastly, Ray is the guy with the shades whose hand you broke. That good enough for ya, Jesus? ‘’

‘’ Indeed it is. I don’t meet new people too often anymore. You seem….volatile, but not too bad. It is…an experience meeting you, at the very least. Now…please… ‘’

‘’ ….  ‘’

‘’ Why are you staring at me? ‘’

‘’With all respect…..I don’t like your fucking look, you cunt. ‘’

‘’ And here I thought you had some civility to you. Guess I’AM wrong. You are free to leave. Your attitude is making me lose my appetite. ‘’

‘’ Go fuck yourself. Boys….we are driving back to the big house. This fella aint coming with us. ‘’

‘’ I wouldn’t want to either. Go have yourself a good day now, Connie. ‘’

Connor and the others left Paul behind, and as they then drove away, everybody in the car was looking towards Connor in confusion.

‘’ Connor, why did we leave him? He seemed capable enough. ‘’

‘’ Because A, I didn’t like him…B….well, if that road up there leads to that Hilltop…we’ll go there once Negan and all the others come back. And then we’ll drive right into their place…and on that jolly good day, we take all their fucking shit. ‘’

‘’ What if they are cool? We could work with them. ‘’

‘’ Wut ef thuy urh kuwl, shut the fuck up, Donnie.  ‘’

‘’ What I mean to say is….despite that we may go back with nothing in our hands to show….We aren’t going back COMPLETELY emptyhanded…..because now we know…..thet there is a fucking goldmine out there….one that will change everything for all of us. Lucille is gonna go fucking crazy over this. We are back in action, boy’s. ‘’

Connor laughed in excitement as the Jeep Wrangler tore across the highway into the horizon.


‘’ Wake up, friend. ‘’

Negan woke up to see Gerard looking down over him. 

‘’ It’s a good morning, Negan. You cant waste it sleeping. ‘’

‘’ Yeah….Just…This has been the first deep sleep I’ve had in….weeks. Haven’t slept this well in….a long while. ‘’

‘’ I assure you, you’ll be able to get back to this bed very very soon. I need you for now though. ‘’

Negan sat up and yawned loudly.

‘’ Negan….I want to bend your ear a little. Come with me…it’s time I gave you a tour of Paradise. ‘’

‘’ What about the others? ‘’

‘’ Just you. The others will be led by Jennie..on an different path…You are their leader…..hence, I want to speak to you in private. ‘’

Negan put on his shirt and followed after Gerard. They went down the stairs down to the entrance, where Negan was met with the sun hitting him right in his eyes.

‘’ Is that safe? ‘’

‘’ Yes. We have secured a large portion of the surrounding area. Nothing enters without us knowing hours in advance. This is a place of rebirth….of recreation. This will be the birthplace of a whole new world, my friend. And you and your…Saviors…will be our arrow’s tip. ‘’

‘’ Saviors? Sorry..but we don’t go by a name. ‘’

‘’ Well, it’s  what people have been calling you. The saviors that we seeked out….We found them. THAT is what people are talking about.  ‘’

They walked through the area, and Negan tried to see everything that was going on, but he couldn’t quite catch up. People going about, working, children playing and running by. Everybody seemed happy. Gerard noticed how flabbergasted Negan was becoming at the sight of it all, and pulled him along. They soon came to the end, the road leading into the hotel, but also out in to the streets. Gerard pointed towards the end of the one to their right, saying they’d walk there and back. They began to walk down the street and it was all very quiet until Gerard began to speak.

‘’ Negan…..How did you fare up until now? How has life been? ‘’

‘’ As….bad as it can be, to be honest. People dying…Lucille sick….tension…..nothing good. You? You and your girlfriend? How you’ve been keeping? ‘’

‘’ Oh? ‘’

‘’ Jennie? She….she’s not my girlfriend. She is my bodyguard. ‘’

‘’ B…but I thought… ‘’

‘’ Let’s not talk more about that right now…Negan…It is important to me that we learn to know eachother. Please…tell me where you come from. ‘’

‘’ Uhh….why don’t you go first? ‘’

‘’ I guess it is more polite that the host starts….very well….My name is Gerard La Croix. I’am 35 years of age, and leader of Paradise….but my..old job, was that of an musician. Folk Rock. Was in an band. ‘’

‘’ What’s that? ‘’

‘’ Folk Music and Rock. Trust me, It is better than it sounds.  Anyhow…I come from German soil…but my mother was French, hence the name La Croix. I’am also not naturally this blonde, the hair…well, it was meant as a joke one drunken night, but…my wife liked how I looked…it made her and Aiden laugh, so I kept it. I… ‘’

Negan looked around as they walked down the long street. He hadn’t walked down an empty street like this before. There was no sound other than them talking and the wind. The fact that no danger was seen or heard made him uneasy somewhat. Gerard suddenly stopped when they came along a housewall.

‘’ What on earth….. ‘’

‘’ Gerard, what the hell is this? ‘’

On the wall in white paint, stood the lyrics to an poem written out along it all.


Across a clear brook gentle,

There shot in eager haste

The trout, so tempramental;

Quite arrow-like it raced.

I on the shore was gazing

And watched the brook disclose

The merry fish’s bathing

To me in sweet repose.

An angler’s reel unrolled

From where he stood below.

He watched with blood most cold

The fish swim to and fro.

So long no stone or sod

Stirred up the water pure

The trout from line and rod

Would stay, I thought, secure.

At length the thief lost patience

And made the brook obscure

With crafty agitations,

And ere I could be sure

The rod had started curving;

The squirming fish was hooked.

With pounding blood observing,

At the betrayed, I looked.

You, at the fountain golden,

Of youth, so free from doubt,

Be to the trout beholden;

At danger’s sign, clear out!

 ‘’ The paint smells fresh….like it’s been added just now….see, it’s not even dry yet…But what the fuck is this poem? This isn’t some kid’s graffiti. ‘’

‘’ It’s Die Forelle….It’s an German poem…..I know only of one man who would write this… ‘’

‘’ This can’t fucking be….He is supposed to be dead…. ‘’

‘’ Who? ‘’

‘’ Fuck….fuck…. Negan….Go back to Paradise. Now. ‘’

Aiden’s scream suddenly rang out into the air.

Gerard and Negan looked over his shoulder and saw 5 men with rifles coming down the street. The one in the middle, the leader, was a man the the mere sight caused Gerard to bare teeth towards him. On the side of his right hip, he had two katana-sheath’s. One of which he was keeping under Aiden’s chin. He had dark tanned skin and was over 50 with greyed hair in an ponytail. His clothing consisted of an vest and baggy cargopants with armyboots. His left eye was closed and an thin thunderbolt like scar went across it to the top of his skull.

‘’ Walked right into that one, Gerry-boy. This is soooo unlike you. ‘’

‘’  Tuco…. ‘’

End of chapter 12.



That was chapter 12. 

The poem is not mine, ofcourse. I just liked it alot and thought it made for some good mindplay and it connected nicely with Gerard’s background and Tuco’s introduction.

(and i might’ve watched Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows recently, so shut up. *mumbles*)

Tuco is….well, let’s say Rosita'ish. He has an complexion that makes him look almost black (similarly to her), but he is hispanic. Not African american.


I also name a few “unnamed Saviors” in this one.

To help you know who is who, i give you this list.


Marcellus is this guy: http://walkingdead.w…/wiki/Savior_20

Ray is this guy: http://walkingdead.w…m/wiki/Savior_9

Donovan is this guy: http://walkingdead.w…m/wiki/Savior_6

Smitty is this guy: http://walkingdead.w…m/wiki/Savior_1

Just a bunch of colorings, and even two RK (no, not Robert Kirkman. Rurouni Kenshin. lel bad jokz urJust a bunch of colorings, and even two RK (no, not Robert Kirkman. Rurouni Kenshin. lel bad jokz urJust a bunch of colorings, and even two RK (no, not Robert Kirkman. Rurouni Kenshin. lel bad jokz urJust a bunch of colorings, and even two RK (no, not Robert Kirkman. Rurouni Kenshin. lel bad jokz urJust a bunch of colorings, and even two RK (no, not Robert Kirkman. Rurouni Kenshin. lel bad jokz urJust a bunch of colorings, and even two RK (no, not Robert Kirkman. Rurouni Kenshin. lel bad jokz ur

Just a bunch of colorings, and even two RK (no, not Robert Kirkman. Rurouni Kenshin. lel bad jokz ur funneh)

I loved coloring all of these, and i hope you as my fans love them too.

Post link

Chapter 10: Whatever you may seek….

The caravan had been driving for many hours, not stopping once.  In the one farthest behind, Negan and the others were sitting, waiting for the truck to stop and to see where they would arrive. Suddenly, the eldest amongst them, Max, a man in his 50’s who was quite fit for his age, with balding hair and a stern wrinkled face with an bushy white beard began to speak out, loud enough so everybody could hear.

‘’ I don’t like this. Not one bit. ‘’

‘’ How so, Max? ‘’

‘’ Didn’t you say he had been fucking spying on us? How can we  trust these guys? ‘’

Dwight interrupted him.

‘’ We don’t. We’ll go there…check the situation….and if it ends up we are wrong….then that’s how it is. If our mistrust is right….then we get the fuck out of there. ‘’

‘’ Unnnhg….Guys…stop the tr….unhh….. ‘’

The youngest among them, an blondehaired handsome man in his early twenties by the name of Edward started to groan in agony.

‘’ Edward, what’s wrong? ‘’

‘’ I…I think I ate something bad….My stomach is turnin…Unnhhgh….. ‘’

‘’ Hey, stop the fucking truck! Gerard! Stop the damn truck! ’’

Negan began to yell at the backwindow of the truck cab and in a second’s notice, it opened and Gerard looked in.

‘’ Why would we do that? ‘’

‘’ My friend here doesn’t feel too good. He needs to…I dunno, puke or something. ‘’

‘’ Edward, was it? How sick do you feel? ‘’

‘’ Hnnunhhgh…. ‘’

Gerard looked over towards the driver and nodded.

‘’ Mister Williams, sound the horn. ‘’

‘’ Yes, sir. ‘’

*loud truckhorn sound*

The truck suddenly came to a halt, and Gerard disappeared from the window’s view, only for the tarp to suddenly open up, letting the sunlight pierce through.

He let everybody step out, and he helped Edward get down first, as he didn’t seem in good enough of an condition to jump down by himself without hurting himself.

Negan then patted him on the shoulder.

‘’ Go and puke or something over in the forrest.. We’ll wait….just…don’t take too long. ‘’

 Edward walked away about 20 meters and then turned right into the forrest.

 Gerard walked up to Negan and gave him a pack of cigarettes.

‘’ I see on your face that you haven’t smoked in a while. ‘’

‘’ Huh? ‘’

‘’ You show irritation….And you are restless. Believe me….I’ve lived with my fair share of smokers. You learn to pick up the little things. ‘’

‘’ Thank you. I needed this. ‘’

‘’ We all need something that helps us go on. Be it a smoke, sex, food, or just the company of others. Nobody lives by being alone anymore. I hope that by showing you all Paradise….that you’ll see that, and accept our offer. ‘’

‘’ Paradise? ‘’

‘’ Heh….Just a name. It’s just a few hours….but we still need to hurry.  I hope your friend….comes back soo… ‘’


Gerard sighed and looked over his shoulder, and he gritted his teeth once he noticed it was an full-on herd, with at least a hundred deadies coming towards them down the road.

‘’ Jesus. Alright….Everybody, GET BACK IN THE THE TRUCKS! ‘’

Michelle began to tug at Gerard’s sleeve after his order, trying to stop him.

‘’ Edward hasn’t come back! We cant leave! ‘’

Edward suddenly jumped out from the side of the road 30 feet away.  But he suddenly fell badly and fell with a crash onto the ground. He seemed to have twisted his ankle in the fall, as he tried desperately to stand up. Meanwhile, the deadies were approaching quickly.

‘’ Edward! I’m coming! ‘’

Michelle was about to run towards him when Jennie suddenly blocked her path.

‘’ We leave. We are losing time. ‘’

‘’ Move out of my way, bitch! ‘’

‘’ I’am sorry, madam, but we are not staying. If you wish to be with that man in his last

moments….we will not stop you. He is done fo..*SMACK* ‘’


She punched Jennie across the face, but Jennie did not flinch.

‘’ You fucking skank, how dare you talk about him like he’s already dead?! ‘’

Jennie’s eye then suddenly rolled up and only her white was seen, as her face changed expression to one of redhot anger. Her hand flew up in the air and she wouldv’e hit Michelle,  but before she could attack, Gerard had grabbed her wrist Michelle and Jennie didn’t not try to fight back.

‘’Enough, Jennie. I’ll do it. Hand me my guns. ‘’

Jenny ran back to the truck cab and came back with an briefcase. Gerard put it down and opened it. Inside was a pair of C96 Mauser’s.

He put in the magazine’s and as soon as he stood back up, he began to shoot over towards the approaching zombies. He was taking down several of them with clean shots to their heads, the other bullets hitting close, in the necks and chest.

‘’ I divert them. Negan, do you think you can drag him back? ‘’

‘’ Yeah….o-ofcourse. ‘’

Negan ducked as the bullets went beside him and over him. He ran towards Edward, and he saw one deadie dangerously close to him. He unholstered his gun, but he was too late. Edward’s yells for helps turned into cries of pain.  The deadie was tearing off chunks of his left calf quickly.

Negan shot the deadie and then looked down at Edward, who was crying in worry and pain.

‘’ Don’t worry, I’ll carr..*PKOW* ‘’

Edward was shot right between the eyes by a bullet. Negan turned around to see who did it and saw Gerard holding one of his Muaser’s out, smoke still coming out of it’s barrel. Negan ran back over towards him, greatly infuriated.

‘’ Gerard, what the fuck..!!?  We could’ve amputated…or something…. ‘’

‘’ No. We could not. We are still hours away from the hotel. He would bleed out before even getting there, and I dont have to tell you what happens when somebody dies, right? I did it for your safet..*WRACK* ‘’

Gerard fell to the ground after Michelle had punched him over the nose.   He did not have time to put his hands up, crashing down with an heavy crash onto the pavement. Blood was trickling down from his bottom lip as he stood back up. The glasses had surprisingly enough not taken too much damage. Jennie was ready to draw her gun, but yet again, Gerard told her to stop.

‘’ No…Jennie. Stay back. I see where this one is coming from…No need to get hostile.. Michelle, was It? Edward…was he your husband? ‘’

She was trying her best to not cry, and looked away as he put his hand on her shoulder. His voice was compassionate, and he didn’t seem to be acting. Even his smile was gone.

‘’ I don’t need an answer. Your silence speaks for itself.  I’m sorry for your loss. I wish it could’ve been different….I was just making sure he didn’t suffer. I have had to see somebody close fall victim to that horrid process….and you do not want to see that. Trust me.  Now…Everybody, Get the hell back into the trucks. We will outdrive the walkers. We do not want them swarming us. ‘’

Negan helped Michelle back inside as she began to cry, and in a minute, as soon as Gerard whistled, the caravan began to drive away at full speed, leaving the herd in the dust.


Lucille was still looking out over the forrest line. She thought to herself that it was time to go, but as soon as she turned around, her legs went numb and she lost her footing, falling down onto the floor.

‘’ Fuck this….*cough-cough* Kuh….I…I can do this. ‘’

Her legs were so numb that she couldn’t put any strength back into them, and she began to crawl towards the door.

She suddenly stopped and turned around to lie on her back.

‘’ Dad…..What would you have done right now? Mom? I could use some advice from you too. ‘’

There was nobody besides her in the room, yet she spoke as if they were there with her.


‘’ Y’know…I just remembered….that one trip we took to Chattanooga. 4 years old….aint never even been out of town….and we travel all across the states to go to River City. ‘’

‘’ I liked it a lot. It was a pretty place. Lots of friendly people….and the sun was warm and colorful. But I still shiver when I think about what happened. ‘’

‘’ You and mom lost track of me for a second…and I went to the old Walnut Sreet Bridge. I wanted to explore….what kind of kid wouldn’t, right? Anyhow….I climbed up the railing…took a logn time..but I did it. And then it happened. One little slip, and I fell. ‘’

‘’ I survived the fall…but I couldn’t swim. I tried to reach the surface…but it didn’t fucking do shit. It was…so cold…..so dark. I felt…darkness all around me. I closed my eyes….darkness. I opened my eyes….darkness. But then I breathed again. Some person on the bridge had seen me fall and jumped in after me. ‘’


‘’ I realized you never tried to save me. You were so close by……yet you weren’t there. It wasn’t you, dad. It was…just some guy. Some guy saved me. Why? Why didn’t YOU save me, dad? ‘’

She sat up and looked up at the roof, sighing.

‘’ No answer, huh? You want me to figure it out for myself, huh? That’s why you didn’t try to save me. That’s why you didn’t try to do anything…when I met him. Making mistakes makes a person, isn’t that what you said, dad? ‘’

‘’ Well…Fuck both of you. Fuck everybody who left me the fuck behind. ‘’

She suddenly grabbed ahold of the bed frame, and she began to pull herself up. As she struggled to get up, she began to speak to herself again.

‘’ I’am Lucille. I make my own damned decisions….I don’t fucking need to be saved…I don’t need to *cough* fucking save ANYBODY. Only person that matters is ME. My happiness….MY life. I’ve worked so hard to make all of this mine….To make MY life MINE.  I’AM NOT GONNA FUCKING LIE DOWN AND LET SOME FUCKING FLU TAKE ME OU….*heavy coughing* ‘’

Lucille suddenly coughed up blood in her hands. She looked down and clutched her fists before she fell down on her knees again.

‘’ Damn it all. ‘’



The truck came to a screeching halt, and somebody was banging the side.   Negan woke up instantly, having slept for most of the afternoon since the incident at noon.

‘’ You may come out. We have arrived. ‘’

Negan came out first, and he was speechless when he saw the Hotel. Not a deadie as far as the eye could see. The area that was outside was massive, and protected by big trucks and metal barriers. People walking around smiling and talking, reaching what seemed to be hundreds in number, and the whole air around him felt…fresh…free….safe. He looked over his shoulder to see the others standing in awe behind him.

‘’ H-how….This is… ‘’

Gerard walked infront of them and he clapped his hands, and the men and women in the trucks all went out, easily reaching 40 in number.

‘’ ..Just like how it was before, isn’t it? Hard work…..hope….belief…trust….THAT is what had allowed all of this to happen….and will allow our plan to continue. Now….ladies and gentlemen……Welcome….to the home of all those who seek shelter. This is Paradise. Here….we are free to live as we want to. Is that not right, my friends!!? ‘’

The crowd shouted in unison : ‘’ YES! ‘’

Gerard then pointed towards Negan and the others.

‘’ Excellent. Now listen up people….These are our guests. They will be treated with the respect you show one another. Anything less and you’ll surely regret it. Now…go. Tend your duties, everyone. I hope to see you all in the dining hall later. We will have to prepare a big feast for our new friends. ‘’

Everybody scattered across the area, until only Gerard and Negan’s group was left.


A portly man with a large bushy beard suddenly ran up to Gerard, out of breath and nervous. Gerard looked at him with worry.

‘’ Roscoe….Where is he? Where the fuck is Aiden? ‘’

‘’ I..I lost sight of him. I’m sorry. ‘’

Gerard suddenly broke out of his calm character and yelled out in anger. ‘’ Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! ‘’

‘’ What’s wrong? ‘’

He turned around towards Negan and calmed down.

‘’ Nothing….I’ll handle this. Roscoe, show our guests to their rooms. I’ll have to go find Aiden. Fucking damn it. I can’t trust you to do ONE thing right. ‘’

‘’ Let me help you. I can go looking for Aiden with you. ‘’

‘’ Fine. Roscoe…where did you lost sight of him? ‘’

‘’ Bottom level. I don’t know if he went down or up…I can find him anywhere. ‘’

‘’ Okay then. Roscoe, you’ll check the outside. Negan, come. By god, I hope we find him. ‘’

Gerard ran inside the hotel, and Negan followed suit.

The lights inside the hotel seemed to still work to some degree, although they were very dim.

Gerard ran quick up the stairs, Negan  wondering why he was so stressed as he ran through the halls on every level they came to. He seemed to get more nervous and unfocused after every level, shouting out ‘’ AIDEN!! ‘’

‘’ Geard….who are we looking for? ‘’

‘’ Aiden…He’s…. ‘’

‘’ Daddy! ‘’

Negan turned to see a young boy, only 6-7 years old, stand at the end of the hallway.  His hair was blonde, messy and his eyes a dark blue. His clothes consisted of an baggy blue hoodie and black jeans with white sneakers.

Aiden ran up to Gerard who knelt down to hug him and wrapped his arms tightly around him when they met.

‘’ Aiden! Oh, You know you can’t run away like that. You made me so worried. Why didn’t you stay close to Roscoe? I told you to listen to him. ‘’

‘’ I wanted to play, but he was so busy talking to the others that….Sorry, dad. I was just bored. I was gonna go to my friends…but I got lost. ‘’

‘’ I’m not mad….I’m just worried when I don’t know where you are. I’ll take you to the others….but promise me that you’ll never leave Roscoe’s line of sight again when I’m not here.  ‘’

‘’ Yes, daddy….I wont. Promise. ‘’

‘’  That’s what I like to hear. ‘’


‘’ Daddy….who is that? ‘’

‘’ Oh, Aiden, this is Negan. He and his friends will be staying here for a while. Negan, this is Aiden. My son. ‘’

‘’ Uhmm…Hello. ‘’

‘’ Aiden, Come here. Let’s see if your old man is still as strong he used to be.  ‘’

Gerard stood back up and he now had Aiden sitting on his shoulders.

‘’ Aiden, have you been eating sweets when I was gone? ‘’

‘’ NO! ‘’

*chuckle* ‘’ Oh, son. “

‘’ Well…Negan, You have not eaten yet, right? Come, we’ll all go and get something to ea… ‘’

‘’ Mommy! ‘’

Gerard knelt down and let Aiden go and as soon as he reached the floor, he ran over and hugged Jennie. She hugged him back, and she looked back up at Gerard, smiling.

 ‘’ Jennie….Have everybody  settled in? ‘’

‘’ Yes, Gerard. The guests are in their rooms, and the others are keeping to their duties. ‘’

‘’ Good. Jennie, take Aiden and Negan back to the dining hall….I have something to attend to. Sorry I cant come to eat with you…but I will be with you all later. Jennie, tell the others to begin the feast without me.  ‘’

‘’ Is it him?  Shall I tell him to wait until later?‘’

‘’ No need to worry, Jennie. I got this. I’ll be back before the feast is over. You take Negan and Aiden with you….Sorry that I cant be a better host…but I need to deal with this. ‘’

He waved goodbye to Negan and the others, and turned away towards the stairs. He walked all the way to the top of the hotel.  He went along the hall, until he came to the suite in the middle. He went inside and as soon as he went inside, he went to the window. He could see for miles. He looked down, and saw his people rejoicing and living in happiness. He smiled as he saw the sun shine bright over the horizon.

Gerard looked over towards his bed, and a number of flutes of various models laid around it. He walked over, sat own and picked up his shakuhachi, and the melody that he began to play was that of the Lonely Shepard.

He stopped as he heard knocking on the door. He did not bother to say come in, as the door opened before he could say anything anyhow.

The old man that stepped in had wild unruly grey hair with a big mustache to match. He has emerald green eyes and an wrinkled, toughened face. He wore a loose orange dress-shirt as well as tattered blue jeans tucked into matted black oxfords.

‘’ Davidson….what a surprise to see you here. ‘’

‘’ You told me you had something to say….But I had already went away with the others before you could say it…..So….Please, tell me what you wanted to tell me yesterday. ‘’

‘’ Sorry to interrupt…..but….son… I need to talk to you about bringing….THEM here. ‘’

‘’ Alexander….‘’

End of chapter 10.

This is more of a warmup chapter….next one will have more development from more characters.

Most of the focus is on Gerard. And….I like writing him, and he will have some really good prescence in the future.

Alexander Davidson is also introduced. Yes…THAT Davidson. Also a character I enjoy writing. He will have a large role in the future.

Lucille also gets a moment….by herself.

And the song Gerard plays is this one.


Sorry for being so late with updates. :p

This is Zimovskij’s first illustration for my fanfic (for chapter 1, it’s of the very fi

This is Zimovskij’s first illustration for my fanfic (for chapter 1, it’s of the very first Negan and Lucille scene.). He did a great job, and the designs are all spot on. 


I will try to color this whenever I can.

And look forward to future illustrations. :3

Post link

The sun was beginning to set, and it was peace and quiet in the Sanctuary. Most were keeping to their duties, whilst others were already in bed.  There were two people in particular sitting on a pair of chairs that brought attention to them, mostly by the groaning.

Negan was breathing heavily in discomfort as Carson was wrapping his chest with medical tape.

 ‘’ Negan…..The rib wasn’t snapped off completely. You are gonna have some chest pains for a few days..but you should be alright in no time. ‘’

‘’ Thank you, Carson. Glad somebody other than…her, knew medical stuff around here. Who taught you? ‘’

‘’ My brother. I don’t really know where he is now…but these things sure come in handy every once in a while. ‘’

They were interrupted by Sherry and Dwight’s sudden arrival. She seemed worried and called out to Negan, who looked away as soon as he heard the question.

‘’ Negan….Where is Billy? You said you would bring him back. ‘’

‘’ We’ll know soon enough, Sherry. Please….Leave me be for a bit….I need to thi…. ‘’


‘’ Who’s shooting?! ‘’

‘’ It’s Billy…he finally decided. Jesus..I didn’t think he would actually d… ‘’


‘’ What the hell….Dwight, you are coming with me. That was more than one shot…something’s off. ‘’

Dwight and Negan aimed his crossbow up as soon as they got out, but  he pointed it down as soon as they saw the man coming towards them. It was Billy. His shirt was bloodied, but he had not bitemarks or wounds of his own. His face was like that of a statue, devoid of any expression, yet his eyes were giving off an grim bottomless glare.

‘’ Deadies….they came….to the grave site….I…I couldn’t do it. I fled. I’m not gonna fucking end my days at the edge of a gun. Negan…I….I fucked up. I didn’t mean to… ‘’

He handed the Blackhawk back to Negan. He opened the chamber and noticed there was only 2 shots left, he holstered it and sighed.

‘’ Just….Just get back in. We’ll ta….Hmm? ‘’

Negan suddenly looked out towards the horizon and took up his gun again. The others looked on in confusion.

‘’ Guys….get back inside. All of you. ‘’

‘’ Why? ‘’

‘’ Something’s coming. Can’t you hear it? Sounds like a bunch of trucks. I’m not taking any chances, get back inside. Billy, you keep check on the inside….I’m gonna talk to these guys….or take down as many as I can before getting back in. ‘’

They all ran in just as the caravan came down the horizon. It only took the caravan a minute to get down to the Sanctuary wall.

Negan had expected 2-3 trucks at the most, but what he saw coming up was not that number, it was doubledigits.  He saw 4 Military trucks, 2 Humvee’s with turrets and about 5 pickups with boltedon armor plating covering them. The leading Humvee as well as a large armytruck drove up to Negan through the open path, parking 4 meters away from him.. The passenger door opened on the Humvee, and the man that came out wore a  dark blue coat with a creamcolored furtrimmed collar. Under it, he wore a loose black dress-shirt and skinny black jeans tucked into steeltoed army boots..  His hair was blonde and cut short on the sides, but black and spiky at the top in an odd faux-hawk like cut.. His eyes were completely shielded behind a pair of orange tinted glasses as a long and thin scar crossed over the right eye, and his face was set in a smile, although Negan could not tell if it was false or genuine.

‘’ Who the fuck are you? ‘’

Negan aimed his Blackhawk towards the man’s head, showing no fear in the face of the turret or the manpower infront of him.

The blonde man then walked up to Negan, bowing before speaking. He seemed unusually calm, despite the gun aimed at his head.

‘’ Hello, friend. My name is Gerard La Croix. I came here to speak with Lucille. Is she there? ‘’

Negan cocked the gun and his finger was gently touching the trigger. Gerard however still did not seem threatened.

‘’ I don’t know who you are talking about. Leave. ‘’

‘’ Slim, fit girl? Brown hair…Mohawk….dresses like a British punker….wields a baseball bat? Curses like 5 sailors? You have not seen her? ‘’

‘’ No. ‘’

‘’ Hmm…that’s too bad. Drove all these miles for nothing….but it’s odd…My men told me Negan and Lucille were close friends. But they must have been mistaken then. Unless you are a bad fucking liar, friend. Even without these glasses, I can tell that you are speaking bullshit. My men have even seen you two getting…mighty close and personal. Right up there on that roof. Sadly…you took one of them out. But…I’am a very forgiving person…if I’am given something in return. Let me talk to Luc… ‘’

Negan lowered his gun and grabbed ahold of Gerard’s collar pulling him forward.

‘’Let’s rewind…You mean you have spied on us? ‘’

‘’ No…or…well, even though it sounds rude…yes. Just making sure you guys are good people. You don’t come into somebody’s frontlawn without knowing atleast the person’s name. ‘’

‘’ Why the fuck would I trust somebody who spied on us? I should shoot you right now. ‘’

Negan suddenly looked up and saw about 9 men pointing assault rifles towards him, and the turret on the Hummer was now being controlled by one man.

‘’ Well, you might blow my head off….but what you see on that truck there…alongside the rifles…is a PKM. It will tear a man apart in less then seconds.  So…let’s be civil….and….invite us in. Unless you want to die. ‘’

‘’ They wont shoot me. They’d hit you as well. ‘’

‘’ True, unless you shoot me first. Because my orders are that If I go down….they are free to empty their magazines into whatever…or whoever is standing in their way….but let’s not let it come to that, hmm? ‘’

‘’ Fine….tell your men to point those fucking rifles someplace else. ‘’

‘’ You heard the nice man, stand down, people. Anyhow….now… I’am not here to cause discord between anyone. I’am here to ask you to join me. ‘’

‘’ You’ll have to explain in detail later. I’ll let you in….But your friends are staying out here. I’m not risking my people’s wellbeing by letting those fuckers with their machineguns come in. ‘’

‘’ Fine. But I will need some guarantee of safety other than your word…so…*fwii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* ‘’

A slim women came out on the driver’s side at the sound of his whistle. Her skin was pale and she had long black hair that was incredibly wavy, and her face was adorned with a number of piercings, even more than Lucille. She also had a number of cuts and scars going across it, as well as a eyepatch with three straps over her left eye. Her expression was taciturn and calm. Her outfit consisted of a tightfitting midriff biker jacket with only a skinfitting white v-necked tanktop under it, and tight lightblue jeans with black sneakers.

‘’ I’ll have my Jennie with me. That way, I’ll be sure that I will not be harmed. ‘’

Negan opened the door and let them both in. As soon as Gerard walked in, everybody in the Sanctuary stared at him.  Negan walked up in front of them and waved a signal to everybody to stand down.

‘’ So…Can when can we talk about the offer? ‘’

‘’ Wait until we get to her. She’ll have to decide….or atleast help me make the decision. ‘’

Negan began to walk up the iron stairs, and Gerard and Jennie followed after. Gerard was acting very friendly towards him, but Negan kept brushing him off, not even looking back to speak at him.

‘’ Oh, so Lucille isn’t the leader? ‘’

They continued talking as they walked down the hall to her room.

‘’ It’s…fuck, it’s nothing I’m gonna talk about. But…yes, As of now, the sanctuary answers to my call…since….She is sick right now… you can talk to her….but only for a minute or so. And I will be in there. Not gonna let anybody be in that room alone with her….Wait…there’s the room. I’ll go in firs… ‘’

Gerard was already at the door before he could finish his sentence, and Negan was about to tell him to stop, but too late. He had already walked into the room. He looked to his left and saw the shocked Lucille sitting up in her bed looking towards him.

‘’ Ah, You must be Lucille. Pleased to mee…   ‘’

Lucille took her Mateba Autorevolver from the bedtable next to her and aimed it at Gerard who lifted his hands into the air, but it was clear he was still not threatened by it. She then saw Negan and a women she had never seen before enter after him.

 ‘’ Negan…who the fuck is this? ‘’

‘’ I’am Gerard La Croix.  I’am the leader of the Seekers. ‘’

‘’ The who? Who the fuck *cough* are you guys?‘’

Lucille then aimed her gun towards Jennie, who was holding her hand over her own holster. Gerard noticed it and waved with his hand, and Jennie nodded,  withdrew her hand and backed away.

‘’ Seekers. We seek to recreate society. And the only way to do that is to create a force stronger than that of any undead horde. We seek to recruit you into our group. ‘’

‘’ You talk big….naively big for this type of world. Why should *cough-cough* we trust you? ‘’

‘’ Because unlike some people, I have a plan. I’ll be short and to the point. We are gonna bring every community in the DC area to us….create a gigantic community, which will then spread and spread….until the undead horde is but a memory.. ‘’

‘’ You cant be fucking serious. ‘’

‘’ But I’am. We have already cleared out a large chunk of the area surrounding Hilton Hotel….and we have created an community that is closer to a small town than a safezone. ‘’

‘’ Hilton hotel. That is where me and my friends have set up…our little community. That is why we have not…met before. I’am not from this region. But my group’s network….well, it reaches well into the next state. Outposting is key. If you come with me….I will even tell you about the other community’s I know of. I want to show you. ’’

‘’ What if….*cough* we….don’t want to recreate it? What if we are fine with how things are? ‘’

‘’ Then we will be on our merry way, and we will never meet or speak with eachother again. But I don’t think you are so…..slow-minded, Lucille. You are curious. Curious about what we can give, just like…we are curious about you and your people. ‘’

‘’ We will wait ONE day. Let your…group pack up…and come with us to see what we can give. If you do not come with us…..The offer is….well, off. ‘’

‘’ We are not leaving the sanctuary empty. 6 people. We’ll send out 6 with you. ‘’

‘’ Negan…Dwight….Michelle…Maxwell….Edward….and Billy. We’ll send them. I will stay here…keep track over Sanctuary. When they come back…I’ll know my decision. ‘’

‘’ Well….that’s a shame, since I thought you out of all people would want to see this the most….But…It’ll have to do. Jennie, let’s head out. Lucille, we’ll be waiting in our trucks until the morning. ‘’

When the sun had gone down and night had fallen over all, Billy was sitting on his bed, looking at the medallions in the palm of his hand. He clutched his fist and tried to keep it still, but his fist began to shake as he tried to compose himself.

‘’ Billy….Did you hear? ‘’

Billy sighed and put the medallions down in his pocket as he looked over to Dwight.

‘’ About what? ‘’

‘’ The new guys….Lucille is sending us two out together with Negan and a couple others. Pack up. We need to get ready. ‘’

‘’ What if I don’t care about her orders? She has no fucking right to tell me to do anything anymore…and…YOU….oh, Dwight. You…You should leave me alone. Because if it hadn’t been for you…I could’ve gotten to Lucille….disarmed her…and saved Marguerite.  But you had to play both sides. That’s what you do best, isn’t it? I fucking trusted you to got MY back. Lucille did it….but it’s because of you there was nothing I could do about it. You are just as fucking guilty as she is. Do not fucking give me a order again or I’ll take one of those damn bolts and push one through your fucking skull with my own hands. ‘’

‘’ I…I didn’t mean… ‘’

‘’ I know. Fuck. Just..Just go. Please. I’ll come with you guys….But….Please. Leave me be. We can talk tomorrow. ‘’

Billy walked off as Dwight stood silently by, not sure what how tomorrow would be.

Meanwhile, Negan was knocking on Lucille’s door. She told him it was unlocked and he went in. She was reading a book, the cover so faded the picture could not be told, the pages looked yellowed.

‘’ What book is that? ‘’

‘’ Nothing special. A book my dad used to read to me….I found it in my old backpack….cant believe I still got it.  These Happy Golden Years, it’s called. Just realized how much I’ve missed reading….it’s calming. Feels….fucking weird. ‘’

She suddenly shut the book and laid it down on her bedtable.

‘’ Negan….I need to talk to you. ‘’

‘’ You….You need to be careful over there. That blonde fuck….I couldn’t read him. Maybe he is telling the truth and this could mean something great….but…If not, I want you to be careful. ‘’

‘’ Like I need to be told that. ‘’

‘’ I….I’m sorry. I’m usually not…like this. I’m used to be top dog…but now I can barely think straight without it feeling like knives are cutting into my head. ‘’

‘’ Sure. Lucille…I’m gonna get back to the others. You go get some sleep too, okay? ‘’

‘’ No. You are staying here. ‘’

‘’ Before you talk….I…I just want one more night..ONE more night with you. I…I…*cough*I’m not gonna let you go with any regrets on my mind. Because fuck that shit. ‘’

‘’ Enough. Just…it’s ov… ‘’

‘’ No…I did not mean…like that night….I’m too tired *cough-cough* for that. I..I just need to know that you are by my side…for one more night. That is all I fucking ask for. Nothing. Just that you are by my side is enough….helps me think that not everybody her fucking hates me. Because that’s how I feel EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY. Alone. The….the one time it felt differently….it was that night. I had somebody near me. It felt….really nice. Besides…This bed is better than the stuff the others sleep on. Have a good night’s sleep yourself for once. I know it sounds weird coming from me right now….but…You look like shit….to be honest. ‘’

‘’ Fine. ‘’

They both laid down on her bed, and as Negan laid down, he turned away from her, but he looked back at her once she wrapped her arms around his chest.  Her forehead was pressed against his back, and he could feel how warm she was. He looked away again, but a faint smile was cracking through the frown he had been keeping all day. He did not try to break awayfrom her embrace.

‘’ Lucille….This…this doesn’t mean anything…I still don’t know where I stand in all this… ‘’

’No….It doesn’t mean anything. I’m not ready to even consider it….but…I’m glad that we can be here…and not think about any-fucking-body else…it’s….it’s something I need to learn to do nowadays. I’m glad to know that you do not hate me, Negan. It…It makes me feel like….I dunno, glad. ‘’

‘’ Yeah…sure. Let’s just go to sleep….I need to pack up quickly tomorrow. ‘’

‘’ Yeah….Rest. Good night….Neggie. ‘’

As morning came down and the sun rise high in the sky, the 6 people that had been chosen were coming outside to see Gerard waiting side by side to the armytruck. The tarp was unbuckled and he signaled for them to enter.

‘’ I see 6 of you packed up and ready. Now….Is this final? Because You can always go back if you want to. ‘’

‘’ We have decided. Let’s get on with this. ‘’

They all went up in the truck and Gerard told them one last thing before the tarp was rebuckled and Gerard whistled loudly, and as soon as he did that, the roaring engine’s of the caravan began to awaken.

‘’ Let’s get this show on the road! ‘’

Lucille looked out from her bedroom window as the trucks began to drive away towards the horizon. Her stare was still solemn and unfocused, but there was a faint smile going across her face.

End of chapter 9 – part 2.

This was a long one….and a bunch of stuff is gonna play out in the future. 

Gerard (who'se design will be shown eventually in an drawing by an friend) is gonna be a fun character to write. He is smart, tactical and very calm. As well as very suave.

Chapter 10 will be a long and good one. I have to make it so. It’s the 10th chapter after all.

Also….I have an announcement to make. 

A friend of mine is actually gonna draw for my fanfic…and I didnt even ask him. He asked me if he could do it. Here is a preview of his TWD-style. 

http://zimovskij.dev…Negan-440462119 The most important scenes and whatnot. I'am so happy and….i feel honored. I didnt think people would like my fanfic as much as they do :3 This is making me so happy. 

I love all of you, my friends.

Part 2 of chapter 8 will be out soon.


Lucille opened her eyes. She looked up and saw that she was lying in her bed, and that it was daytime outside. She tried to get up, but she fell back, as her entire body felt numb and exhausted as her chest was aching, and she felt vey fluish. She saw a glass of water next to her bed. She reached for it, but her hand was shaking and so numb that she dropped it onto the floor as soon as she tried to lift it to her lips.

‘’ Lucille? You…you are awake. Good. ‘’

She looked over towards the door and saw Negan standing beside it. But he didn’t look like he had done before. His long hair was cut short and slicked back, and his beard was completely gone.  He looked refined, very unlike his scruffy appearance before.

‘’ What’s with the *cough* new look? ‘’

‘’ I was getting tired of looking like a hobo. Besides, I need to look respectable….but I’ll tell you later why. ‘’

She began rubbing her temples as she groaned in discomfort. She was suffering from an severe migraine, and as soon as she spoke, Negan notice that she seemed to have a slight case of amnesia.

‘’ What happened? Negan….I…I don’t remember. ‘’

‘’ You know damn well what you did. Lucille….You killed her. ‘’

Lucille didn’t respond to the sentence, instead quickly going to another question.

‘’ Negan…..How long was I out? I…I honestly don’t remember what the fuck happened to me back there… ‘’

‘’ 3 days. Billy….Billy has stepped down from his position. He…He’s in no shape to do anything at this point. But that’s not why I’m angry. What you did….it almost killed you….  ‘’

‘’ Huh? ‘’

‘’ Your heart stopped for a minute. The adrenaline….and the exhaustion….you pushed yourself way too damn far. I had to give you CPR…..and for a moment…I thought I’d lose you. Don’t you ever fucking do that to me again.  ‘’

‘’ Anyhow….Whilst you were out, and Billy….well, is mourning…I took control of Sanctuary. And until you’ve gotten better….and Billy’s situation and mindset is….sorted out…I’ll be calling the shots. That is a fact and I wont be taking no fucking bullshit. You took on a heavy flu as well, and if you strain your body too much, I dont even want to think about what it could do to your health. ‘’

‘’ Not gonna complain. I still feel like shit…Would be nice to rest for a bit. ‘’

‘’ Lucille….why did you do it? ‘’

She sighed and looked away towards the window. She tried to avoid eye-contact throughout the conversation.

‘’ I….I snapped. I snapped at the wrong  damn moment and….I don’t *cough-cough* even remember taking the first swing. It was all black. Like I wasn’t there. I….I didn’t mean…. ‘’

Negan had not seen Lucille like this before. Her tone was the same….but yet it sounded like for the first time, she felt…regretful.  

‘’ Lucille…..It’s not Marguerite that bothers me. I barely knew her….but…..she was….You didn’t just take her life back there. You broke shit apart. Billy is…..Billy is completely gone. You did that. YOU. I will not feel sorry for you. I care about you….but…..God. This is….this is something else.  ‘’

‘’ But….I’am glad you are back. But I’m not so sure about the group. Anyhow…I need to go. Need to check on the others. ‘’

Negan headed towards the door, and stopped right as he was getting out, since Lucille told him to wait.

‘’ Negan….Thank you. I…I’m glad you are on my sid… ‘’

‘’ Stop it. Just….stop it. I…I need time to think. I’m not on anybody’s side right now. I…I gotta go. I’ll…I’ll come back later, kay’? ‘’

He shut the door after himself, and she looked out of the window towards the sun.

‘’ Sure. I’ll be waiting. ‘’

Negan was walking down to the bottom level of the mainhall when he saw Connor walking in through the maindoor. He was holding onto something as he limped his way in. Negan waved for him to stop and he ran up to him.

‘’ Connor….How’s Billy? ‘’

‘’ He’s still at her grave out in the glade. He…He wont leave. I have had to go out there to bring food to him….but….he didn’t eat anything….he only told me to burn this. ‘’

Connor showed Negan the bandana he had been holding onto.

‘’ Said he didn’t have any need for it anymore….It was only for her sake that he wore it. Said it would make her feel uncomfortable if people asked why he had the scars…why she was with an criminal. ‘’

‘’ Huh? ‘’

‘’ Oh…you don’t know…huh. Billy….well, when he tortured me…he said he was from some French Mafia. I doubt he’s gonna talk much about it if you ask him….if he even talks at all with you. ‘’

‘’ Stay here. I’ll go get him. He has been out ther far too long. ‘’

‘’ You sure? Billy….I don’t know, when I went there he was just mumbling some song. I guess he didn’t really have in it for me….despite what he did to me. I think he was just….unsure about it all. As Lucille said…Billy probably figured it out instantly. He didn’t want to believe it….so he made me a scapegoat. I…I understand that….I would do the same, as much as I hate to say it. That is why I’m not gonna hold a fucking grudge even if my leg feels worse for wear than before. What I meant to say was….Billy probably figured out about you and Lucille as well. He wont take kindly to the lover of the person who ruined his life to….well, tell him to toughen up. ‘’

‘’ Huh? What do you mean? ‘’

‘’ Don’t fucking act like you don’t fucking know what I’m talking about.. I’m not stupid either. You look at her like she’s made out of fucking pure gold and fireworks. Even now, after what she did. I’m not gonna judge, because that aint my fucking business….but…Don’t try to hide it, because you are a terrible fucking liar. Whatever happens…me and the others will be here. Now go. ‘’

Negan walked out and sneaked through the passageway to the Sanctuary that was surrounded by deadies. Once he was through, he ran into the forrest. He ran by the bushes and the trees for a good few minutes until he reached the glen. He saw Billy on his knees, mumbling the tune to a song that Negan could not quite hear, but he picked up one word. Quete.

‘’ Billy….You’ve been out her all day. You…you need some rest. ‘’

‘’ Go away, Negan. ‘’

‘’ Listen….I…I know I’am the second-to-last person you want to see right now….but….the others are worried about you. ‘’

‘’ I do not care. Leave me the fuck be. ‘’

‘’ Billy, listen to me…come back, you shouldn’t be out here…..think if a deadie com… ‘’

‘’ You do know that she doesn’t love you? Lucille, I mean. ‘’

‘’ The fuck you say? ‘’

‘’ Lucille. She doesn’t love you. She sees you as a way to get a quick fuck. Nothing more. She does not care for you. And the fact that…Heh…eheheehhehe…..That you do not fucking see it….It’s naive. Disgustingly naive. I will not listen to naiveté. So unless you realize that….I wont listen to a fucking thing you have to say, Negan. ‘’

‘’ You do not know shit, Billy. I was just trying to help. Because I know what’s best for you, and it’s not to fucking cry your heart out infront of a grave. ‘’

‘’ YOU know what’s best for me? *laughter* You fucking cunt. YOU….YOU! BOTH OF YOU, NOTHING BUT FUCKING CUNTS!  ‘’

Billy suddenly took out his knife and lunged towards Negan from his kneeling position, tackling him down to the ground.  He tried to stab him, but Negan managed to grab one of Billy’s fingers and a loud *crunch* was heard as Billy lost hold of the knife and yelled out in fury.

Billy popped his finger back in place with little to no expression or even a groan, as if he didn’t feel the pain.

 He then began to try and strike Negan with his fists in a style that Negan thought seemed like boxing.  He managed to evade a few of his blows, but just as he was ready to strike Billy himself, Billy had kicked him across the temple knocking him down to the ground in a crash. He realised the punches were there to make some distance between them, and he hadn’t have any time to read the leg coming towards him. Billy was nothing like the other members. Negan realized he truly was a killing machine. Skilled….tough as steel…..and deadly.

‘’ Kuh….That was no fucking boxing…..Who the hell are yo…*cough*… ‘’

He was standing up again, but in just a second after regaining his footing, Billy delivered a spinning roundhousekick to the upper part of Negan’s chest, snapping a rib and making Negan collapse once more.


Billy was completely changed, smiling devilishly whilst instigating Negan. There was nothing but hate and….glee in his eyes.

Negan got up and began to throw punches at Billy, who evaded the punches schematically as if He already knew where they would hit. He could read all of Negan’s movements, and once Negan had to step back to regain some breath, Billy had already struck him between the eyes with his fist.

As Negan collapsed, Billy sat down on his stomach, and began to deliver punch after punch after punch. He seemed to have no end to his anger, and he began to yell out in anger about Marguerite.


 ‘’ Si….Si….Si pur….kuh… ’’

Billy broke down,  his smile fading away and his voice cracking. He fell off Negan and cried into the ground.  Negan was getting up in the meantime.

Negan wiped away the blood that was running down his nose, and cracked his knuckles. His face was bloodied and one of his eyes was closed as the blood was running down so much that he couldn’t see.

’’ I wont speak for Lucille….but I will for myself. ‘’

‘’ I’am not on anybody’s side. Not on yours…and as of now…certainly not her’s. But….As you are in such a sorry fucking state….i’m gonna do what you obviously can never do. ‘’

‘’ What? ‘’

‘’ I’m gonna do what Marguerite told YOU to do. I’m gonna keep the people here safe. You can sit here on your damn knees and feel sorry for yourself, crying until you decide to fucking take a gun and end it all. But I’m not gonna let that happen. I’m gonna go back now….and start helping the group. ‘’

‘’But…first…Here. I’m gonna let you think on it. I’ll know what your choice is when I hear it. ‘’

Negan threw his Ruger Blackhawk over towards Billy, and turned back around and walked off as Billy glanced at the gun lying in the leaves.

As he got back to the Sanctuary and just before Negan opened the door, he looked out over the forrest line. Despite everything that had happened….there was an calmness over it all. No clouds in the sky….no herd….just the breeze hiting the top of the trees and the sun shining bright. It felt like a sick joke, and Negan did not even have it in him to smile at the warm weather.

 A mile or so away, The trampling of footsteps and the roaring of engine’s was coming closer over the horizon, heading straight towards the Sanctuary.

End of chapter 8 -  part 1.

Well, this has been chapter 8- part 1 of “Aftermath”. I hope you liked it.

Lucille is ill, Negan is the…substitute leader of sanctuary, and Billy is so broken over this that there is no way to tell where he’ll go. Things are going down at Sanctuary.

Next chapter, we’ll see more of Dwight and the others…as well as a completely new character. 

Stay tuned, folks.

Oh, and just to clarify, Billy’s fighting style is based around that of Savate.


A panel I had to try out….use a specific colorset….it looks nice. I’ll make more

A panel I had to try out….use a specific colorset….it looks nice. I’ll make more panels soon enough.

Post link
Just a….little coloring test. I wanted to experiment with…very few…colorful col

Just a….little coloring test.

I wanted to experiment with…very few…colorful colors that would make up..pretty much the entire coloring.

I’ll admit…I got a wee bit inspired by Wolf Among Us when doing this.

I hope you’ll like it….and….well, i’ll try to continue testing out these kinds of….one-track colorings. Makes for nice effects.

Post link

‘’ What are you saying? ‘’

Lucille onehandedly swung the bat around as Marguetie tried to move away from her.

 ‘’ That you stole the food…and that you killed Benjamin. ‘’

 '’ Absurd. ‘’

 Lucille slammed the bat into one of the lockerdoors, and Marguerite crawled backwards in fear.

‘’ Don’t fucking act like I’m fucking blind, bitch. I know that YOU did it…and I got proof. ‘’

‘’ Where? You better fucking have proof before you accuse someone of this kind of shit.. ‘’

Lucille reached for her pocket and took out an envelope.

‘’ I found this on my desk 2 hours ago. Benji wrote it…before he was killed. In it…he tells exactly everything he found…and I decided to follow up on it. Everything in this letter…led me straight to your doorstep. Benji might be dead…but he sure didn’t go down without taking you with him. ‘’

‘’ How…how did you…How did he find ou….Kuh….Fuck. ‘’

Lucille chuckled as Marguerite messed up.

‘’ Now…You might be Billy’s flame….but let me tell you….That I WILL kill you if I have to. I will do it in an heartbeat. But…if you come clean…maybe I wont break your one good fucking leg. Now….Tell me. ‘’

Marguerite suddenly smirked and began to laugh to herself.

‘’ Stupid. ‘’

‘’ What? ‘’

‘’ I said…stupid. You thihk you got some sort of fucking hold on me? Well…If…If you say anything…I’m gonna let everyone know about your past. Yeah….I know all about what happened…. ‘’

‘’ How? ‘’

‘’ I listened when Negan and you were talking. That night after the carcrash. ‘’

‘’ So…unless you want everyone to know about your dark past….the past that you have been so clear that you don’t want nobody to know about…..I suggest you…just let this go….I…It needs to be forgotten.  ‘’

Lucille seemed annoyed for a second before she suddenly returned the smile, making Marguerite weary and nervous.

‘’ Marguerite….If….If letting everyone know about my past…means that I’ll get to punish you for what you did….then….i’d do that before you could blink. Marguerite….nothing you can do can affect me. I do not give enough fucks for anything to affect me. Now….let’s think of something to do, shall we? ‘’


Negan and everybody in the bedhall jumped up when they heard the horn of the Bust-a-move truck blaring out. It kept on going for a few second before going dead. Negan was the first to get up and he pulled out his gun.  

He walked out, and began to go to the mainhall, not sure what he would find. Behind him followed every single member of the group, all ready for conflict.

What he saw when he reached the catwalk and could see out over the mainhall was nto what he expected. Nobody expected it.

He saw Lucille standing near the melter and Marguerite on her knees before her.  Once they all got down, Negan was the first one to speak out.


Lucille held her bat, barring it over her shoulders and cracking her neck side to side whilst whistling playfully.

‘’ Goo-oooood morniiiiiing, my friends. I’am sorry to wake you all at this late hour…but…..well….I have something to say. First…is that…..I have not been honest with you guys. ‘’

She stopped smiling and she spoke in an cold tone as she spoke out about her past.

‘’ I killed somebody BEFORE the outbreak. My boyfriend….Because…because that fucker raped me. That night….I strangled him to death…..with barbed wire. The fucker’s eyes were bloodshot and fucking bulging out by the end of it. Not a pretty fucking picture…even in the world we live in….It was a….nice….but….painful feeling. A feeling of…loss…and anger….and HATE. The pain…the pain being so much more significant than the good. So….I did not want to be reminded….so…I never told anyone. I hope now that you all know…that you will not start to fear me. I’am here to help you. Not to bring us all down into destruction…If we all do our part…we are fucking golden. ‘’

The group all began to whisper and talk around, as to Lucille then yelled out ‘’ SHUT UP! ‘’

‘’ And….the second thing is….we have found out little…killer. But…first…Marguerite….Anything you want to say? ‘’


Billy pushed his way through the row of people standing around Lucille. She yelled out to them all:


5 men charged towards Billy but Billy’s strength, speed and skill let him take down 3 of them with heavy punches and knee kicks before he was suddenly hit in the back of his head with something heavy.  He fell onto his knees and looked over his shoulder seeing Dwight aiming his crossbow towards his head.

‘’ You fucker. ‘’

Billy looked infront of him and saw that Marguerite was but a few centimeters away from him.

‘’ Billy…..You know it’s her. You probably figured out way before anyone….But I found proof. SHE did it. You have been trying to tell yourself otherwise….but it’s over. Is that not what you say? The wicked shall be punished for their deeds? Marguerite killed two people. One in person…one by her actions. Bonds…do not change that. ‘’

‘’ B-but…..Lucille…wa…wai….what proof? Marguerite can’t walk…let alone carry things with her crutches. She cant have done it. ‘’

Lucille walked over to the duffle bag and opened it. She began pulling all the things out to show to Billy.

‘’ Proof, huh? Boots…Size 43. And…lookie here….if it isn’t a fucking…. ‘’

Lucille held the prosthetic leg high up so everybody could see.

‘’ ….Prosthetic. Face the fucking facts, Billy. Your wife did it. The fact that she is one…No….the only one in this place……to be able to handle cyanide professionally..with her medical background…is proof enough, really.  ‘’

‘’ But…No…it cant…. ‘’

Marguerite shushed him and began to speak out.

‘’ Billy….It’s…it’s okay. I….I’m fine. I…I did something….awful.  I….I know this is what has to be done. ‘’

‘’ But…Lucille…I need to say…why I did it. I want you to…reconsider….Banish me….do whatever…but…please….do not kill me. ‘’

‘’ And why the fuck not? ‘’

‘’ I’m…..I’m…pregnant. ‘’

Everyone was speechless and wide-eyed in shock, including Lucille, if only for a short moment.

Billy opened his eyes wide to the revelation, and he seemed…confused…happy….but most of all saddend. Marguerite reached out to touch his cheek, but she retracted it just millimeters away. She knew he was having trouble grasping everything he had just heard, so she let him have a moment to think.

 ‘’ That, Lucille…..that is why I took the food. THAT is why I killed Benjamin….And it’s why Ricardo died. ‘’

‘’ I realized the food was…not enough. The baby…and…me…needs nutrition…more than the regular…amount we usually eat….so…I took more food. I..I never meant to go as far as I did…but…I was scared. Scared of what….would happen if this were to be known. ‘’

‘’ W-why….Why didn’t you tell me? ‘’

‘’I….I don’t know. I…I was scared….Even when I shouldn’t be. ‘’

Lucille grabbed ahold of Marguerite’s hair and made Marguerite look directly into her sharp golden eyes. Her glare could cut steel, yet Marguerite seemed unthreatend….she seemed at terms with it all.

‘’ You went behind our backs. You didn’t even bother to tell Billy….your husband, about it all. Had you told us…We would have helped you out….given you more food. You didn’t trust us to be understanding about it all. Now it’s too fucking late. ‘’

‘’ I realized that…much too late. But atleast this all lead to honesty coming down upon our group. We have all been like snakes towards eachother….scheming….keeping to ourselves. I hope that this…will help do something to our group. We need to trust eachother….As I did not. That is what led to….these horrible things. I cant never take it back. Ever. ‘’

‘’ I’m gonna let everyone here…vote. You will get punishment, Marguerite…. Be sure of that. ‘’

Lucille pointed her bat towards everyone as she walked around in an circle before lifting it up into the air. She was rhyming “Eeny meeny miiny moe” as she went along.


 ‘’ Who here votes for death?!! ‘’

Nobody spoke out or held up their hands.

‘’ All-fucking-righty then…..Who here votes for another solution? ‘’

Nobody replied this time either. Lucille was getting noticeably more irritated whilst Marguerite was speaking to Billy.

‘’ I….I’ll leave with you. If that is what has to happen….I’ll do it. ‘’

‘’ No. These people need you. You will not leave. I….I know it’s a touch call…and I’am hurting as much as you are….but it’s what has to happen. I love you for being the protector that has helped bring happiness…..friendship….and safety to our group. Without you….we wouldn’t have gotten the wall up. Wthout you and your skill and intellect….most of us would’ve been dead by now. You need to stay…so that people can have hope. ‘’

‘’ Billy…You are strong. You will make it through this. ….I pay for my sins. But…Know this… Lucille….that our child does not have…anything to do with this. ‘’

Lucille was not answering, still walking around waiting for somebody to vote.

‘’ Is there anyone that’s gonna vote? For fuck’s sake, people. ‘’

‘’ It’s okay, Lucille…I will leave. You needn’t burden yourself with being some kind of executioner. Calm down for heaven’s sake. ‘’

Lucille with her bat held high above her head lunged towards Marguerite in that split of a second, and neither Billy or Marguerite had time to react.


‘’ Don’t you fucking tell me how to feel.  ‘’

Billy opened his eyes to see Marguerite fall down facefirst into the ground. The bat had left a deep dent in the back of her skull, and blood was pouring out, coloring her white hair bright red. Her fingers twitched and tried to move forward, but Lucille suddenly struck down again with a powerful swing. She did it again and then a third time…and then… again, and again. She kept on swinging down on Marguerite, blood and flesh spraying in all directions, a lot of it hitting both Lucille’s and Billy’s faces. Lucille was hitting so much that she seemed to be completely out of it. The cries of fright did not make her stop.

Lucille stopped when Negan grabbed ahold of the bat in mid-air. She let go of the bat and stumbled backwards a few steps. She was wheezing for air.

‘’ Lucille…What…what did you just….what did you just do? ‘’

She did not respond, only looking down at her bloodsoaked hands. She looked like she had exhausted herself to the breaking point, her skin red and sweat pouring down her face.

Billy was looking down towards Marguerite’s bashed-in skull. He seemed to be completely out of his body, not responding to anything, until he suddenly reached over and took her necklace. He grabbed it tightly and he began to cry into his hands. He unleashed all of his emotion, screaming it out so loudly it could be heard well outside of Sanctuary’s walls. His pained screams and the fact that one of the most hardend members of the group had broken down completely….it made everyone looking on…scared. Worried.

Billy then tried to pick Marguerite up…but he couldn’t do it. He broke down every time he tried

‘’ Billy…don’t…just…don’t. ‘’

‘’ No, Dwight….We…we cant just have her…lying there. I…I have to do this….I have to bury her. ‘’

‘’ I’ll help you. ‘’

Connor was limping and still suffering heavy from his beatdown, but he didn’t look at Billy with any anger…only pity and understanding.

‘’ C…Connor. ‘’

‘’ Enough talk…and look away. Dwight….get a fucking blanket or something. We…We don’t need to see….this. ‘’

Dwight ran off and came back with an blanket in moments. Connor carefully wrapped Marguerite in it but he kept looking away from her head. When he was done, he had trouble standing up as he couldn’t put any power into his bad leg. Billy then suddenly helped him up, his eyes closed and his expression much more calm, but his cheeks red from the tears.  A few others who saw that Connor was too weak to help by himself then carried the body away and they all walked out of the sanctuary.

As she looked on, still trying to catch her breath, Lucille suddenly grabbed ahold of her chest in pain.

‘’ I…Fu…Fuck….. ‘’

 She suddenly fell to the floor, hitting the floor hard with her head first. Negan looked on in shock and yelled out for her to wake up as she closed her eyes.

‘’ L-Lucille? Wake up!! LUCILLE!!? ‘’

End of chapter 7.

This was an …long and intense chapter to work on. 

The murderer is revealed…and a bunch of stuff happens as you just read. This will all have an great effect on future chapters.

Chapter 8 will be very very contentfilled. I hope you’ll all look forward to it, fans. :D

Just two more darker-shadow training colorings. I will continue to work on my training and make moreJust two more darker-shadow training colorings. I will continue to work on my training and make more

Just two more darker-shadow training colorings. I will continue to work on my training and make more of these kinds of colorings.

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Just some Dwight colorings to pass the time. One is me trying out darker shadowing (That I think cam

Just some Dwight colorings to pass the time. One is me trying out darker shadowing (That I think came out really good), one is an sig.


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A design drawing for Billy in chapter 7. It took me a while to get the scars (and the hair) right&he

A design drawing for Billy in chapter 7.

It took me a while to get the scars (and the hair) right…but I think I did alright.

I made this so the description of his face in chapter 7 makes…a bit more sense.

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Just a few colorings I did. Not much to say other than that. :3Just a few colorings I did. Not much to say other than that. :3Just a few colorings I did. Not much to say other than that. :3

Just a few colorings I did. Not much to say other than that. :3

Post link
Some colorings from the latest issue. Man, it was such a good issue….like….gah. I cantSome colorings from the latest issue. Man, it was such a good issue….like….gah. I cantSome colorings from the latest issue. Man, it was such a good issue….like….gah. I cantSome colorings from the latest issue. Man, it was such a good issue….like….gah. I cant

Some colorings from the latest issue.

Man, it was such a good issue….like….gah. I cant put into words how much I loved it.

I will try to do the super-cute Jesus scene soon. :3

Post link

Chapter 7: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Part 1 of 2.

‘’ Adieu l'Émile je t'aimais bien

Adieu l'Émile je t'aimais bien tu sais

On a chanté les mêmes vins

On a chanté les mêmes filles

On a chanté les mêmes chagrins

Adieu l'Émile je vais mourir

C'est dur de mourir au printemps tu sais

Mais je pars aux fleurs la paix dans l'âme

Car vu que tu es bon comme du pain blanc

Je sais que tu prendras soin de ma femme ’’

 Connor opened his eyes, the song of ’’Le moribond’’ ringing through his ears. He was tied to a chair, his legs and arms not capable of moving. His head was throbbing in ain, and all he could remember before passing out was a hard hit to the back of his head.

‘’ Sure took you long enough to wake up. ‘’




Connor looked down to see Billy having bent Connor’s ringfinger all the way back as if it was a twig. He yelled out in pain, the music covering most of it up however.


‘’ You still got 9 more fingers. And if breaking them doesn’t work…then I’ll move on over to…. ‘’

He had his right thumb a few millimeters away from Connor’s right eye. One move and he would be blind.

‘’ L-lay the fuck off. ‘’

‘’Oh? Then how about you fucking talk? Talk, and I wont crush your eye. Did you know that the eye is very sensitive to contact? Ofcourse you do. You are not stupid. A speck of dust….is excruciating. A finger touching…let alone squeezing down on it…..is like seeing the first level of hell. If you do not fucking talk, then I’ll be taking away your senses. One by fucking one. First your sense of touch…Crushing your fingers takes care of that….then smell. Then hearing….then taste….and last your sight…..I hope you actually don’t spit it out right away….Would ruin all the fun of going down the list of things to do. ‘’

‘’ I….I’m not afraid.. ‘’

‘’ Then why the stutter? What do you have to lose, man? You have no family….You have no…respect….not really. You…You got nothing. Why don’t just come clean?  ‘’

‘’ W-what even fucking happen…. ‘’

‘’ You don’t remember poisoning Benji? My British idiot of a friend…You are gonna have to do better than that. I’am no idiot. ‘’

‘’ I didnt fucking do that. ‘’

‘’ Very believable, friend. Am I supposed to believe that you didn’t.. ‘’


Billy delivered an boneshattering right hook to the defenseless Connor, who’se head flew back,  and as it came back, he coughed up a large amount of blood, as well as two teeth. Billy was built like a tank, not only in stature, but in strength as well. Connor knew that he himself was a good fighter…but he knew that even unbound…That Billy could kill him whenever he wanted.  He was terrified of him, but he could never show so.

‘’…speak very loudly about your desire to make the…what was it….oh yes… ‘’Fat bastard pay’’? ‘’

‘’ I….I didn’t fucking kill him. I’am just…a fucking loudmouth. I couldn’t…couldn’t fucking kill one of our own….even if I think he was a prick. I was mouthing off….I wanted to let people know how pissed off I was. ‘’

Billy began to keep punching him right after he finished his sentence. Once Connor’s face was caked with blood, he looked back up at Billy and his eyes began to show great fright and confusion. Billy pointed at Connor’s boots.

‘’ Those boots. Size 43. Dwight told me that there was a pair of significant footprints in the dust where the food is kept. You wear boots….right size….Tell me, what have you got to prove me wrong? ‘’

‘’ I…..I…. ‘’

‘’ Oh god. You are so fucking pathetic…..Come here. ‘’

Billy untied Connor, who was too weak to make any sort of escape, and then grabbed Connor by the neck and pulled him over to the open window. Connor began to frantically fight back once he realized where he was. Billy clutched his throat and held his lower arm over it as well. Connor felt completelty overwhelmed by Billy’s great strength.

‘’ Connor…..Gravity isn’t a girl with patience. She doesn’t like to be teased. She likes it ballsdeep…suddenly. Quickly. Rough. No warning as to WHEN it will happen.  She is probably getting angry at both of us right now for not giving her what she wants…So….Let’s not keep her waiting. ‘’



Connor managed in a split second grab onto Billy’s bandana. With one powerful flick of the hand, he ripped it apart. Billy lost grip of his throat and he walked back into the shadows. Connor slumped down towards the wall, trying to catch some air.

‘’  No…No….No…..No….No….No. ‘’

Connor smiled and chuckled weakly through bloodied teeth and under his two black eyes.

‘’ *gasp* S-show…show your fucking face, you sadistic coward. Let me see your ugly fucking mug. ‘’

‘’….Very well. I will give you one last sight to behold before I throw you out the window. ‘’


The Tatra was driving quickly along the road to Sanctuary. Negan and Lucille had been driving for hours, but they had finally found their way back. They did not know in what state it was in…but they were both extremely happy to see home again.

Lucille looked over at Negan for a second. She suddenly felt her heart race a beat and she quickly looked away, hiding her face in her palm. She felt odd. She hadn’t felt that feeling in several years.

‘’ Neggie…I… ‘’

Negan suddenly yelled out to Lucille to stop the car, who slammed the brakes just infront of Sanctuary’s gates. But…something was wrong.

‘’ What….What the fuck is this? ‘’

They saw an wall of deadies surrounding Sanctuary….but they were not swarming it. They had been stuck into the ground through iron poles and chains. Cement barriers and cars had been placed to make a…relatively safe path to the maingate. Lucille felt worried for a second, thinking somebody has taken Sanctuary for their own. She then heard music coming from an window up above. She recognized the singer. Jacques Brel.

‘’ What the fuck is going on… ‘’



His left cheek was covered in a webbing of scars. A deeper scar went from the left corner of his mouth, forming a Glasgow smile. There were two more scars that seemed thay had sunk deep into the skin, resembling gunshot-wounds more than burnscars.

‘’ You might’ve heard of the Corsican Mafia? I’ll explain…..in short. I was part of it back when I lived in France…….more secluded branch-family. I was one of their enforcers….until that day.  ‘’

‘’ A narcotics-deal gone wrong. I and 6 other guys….was just sent to….take back the package…Dispose of any witnesses…..but it was a fucking ambush. Fucking rival family….They were there first….We were outnumbered….So foolish. ‘’

‘’ Gunshots. Everywhere. I saw my friends shot to pieces…..And I myself was struck three times. One bullet tore through right beside my ear….very closely. It pretty much burst my eardrum like a balloon. Since then, my hearing on that side is….30 % at best.  The overall pain was…..unlike anything that I’m inflicting on you now. Have you ever had a piece of your jaw just….turn into bonefragments, digging deep into your mouth? You cant….speak…nor…eat for a long time. Even the slightest musculatory movements feels like somebody…pushing a… ‘’

Billy unsheathed his knife and held it over Connor’s bad leg. He then suddenly without warning pushed right down where the wound had recently healed. Blood began to gush out and Connor tried to scream in pain as Billy held his hand over his mouth, deafening all attempts at shouting, as Billy pushed the knife deeper and deeper, until the tip had come out the other side.

‘’…Knife through flesh. You might wonder why this is not putting a smile on my face? It’s because whilst the scars have healed…..the muscles have not. It still hurts…..alot.  ‘’

He pulled it out and gave out a very faint chuckle before he suddenly began to cover up his scars under left hand. He stood up and began to pace back and forward.

‘’ The only reason I lived was …..it was….. ‘’

‘’ Because of….HER. She was working at the hospital I was sent to. So…so pure. So kind. She did not care about my past…She did not hate me for what I had done…A kind and forgiving soul….She made me want….no….She MADE me change my ways…Si….Si pur. Si pur…..Si pur…. ‘’

(so pure)

He kept saying those two words with heartfelt affection, almost like an mantra, before his eyes locked onto Connor, and he came back to his senses.

‘’But then along came this world….and scum like you. You are forcing me to go back to being the man I hated. I will not risk her safety….I will not risk to let the life we are building get ruined because some fuck is losing his humanity…..But….in order to do so….I will have to do what I’m about to do.

“Je suis désolé”. ‘’

(Please forgive me)

He once more grabbed ahold of his throat and began to try and push him out of the window.  Connor was too weak and he had just about given up when…


A gunshot struck the wall near Billy. He pulled back Connor and then looked out of the window seeing Lucille down below aiming the gun up towards him.

‘’ Lucille….. ‘’


Billy looked down at her and sighed, and then suddenly turned away and disappeared from her sight. She ran for the main door, and kicked it open.

Everyone in the sanctuary was looking at Lucille with shock in their eyes when she stormed in and she walked in to see Billy walk slowly down the metal stairs from the second level. She walked up to him, ready to punch him, but stopped just as he turned to face her.

‘’ Billy….WHAT THE FUCK were you doin….What the fuck happened to you? ‘’

‘’ Connor ripped off the bandana. No big issue. I can get another….What did you want? ‘’

‘’ I want you to….lay off on Connor. I don’t know if he…if he is the killer….Infact…Man, I need a minute to take it all in…but…either way….lay off.  You are not in command, Billy. I’AM. I decide what we do. You do not make decisions…like that fucking wall thingy….without telling ME first. ‘’

His voice had become very monotone all of a sudden, and he seemed regretful.

‘’ Ofcourse….madam. Your order is my command….I will send for….somebody to patch up Connor. Sorry….for any trouble. ‘’

Billy waved goodbye to the others and walked back up the catwalk and away into one of the corridors. Lucille walked away as well, and Negan began to look around for Dwight, carrying a dufflebag with something big backed inside it. Once he saw him, he shouted out to him to come over.

‘’ Dwight, come here! I got something for you. Found it laying around in the truck we brought back….It’s my….apology for losing your gun all those weeks ago. ‘’

Negan handed him the bag, and Dwight opened it up and his expression turned to one of great surprise.

‘’ A…A crossbow? ‘’

‘’ It’s not a gun….but It’ll do the trick. Even the greatest of men will fall before an arrow through the head. ‘’

‘’ Thank you, Negan. It’s gonna take some time…but I reckon I could get used to this. ‘’

They waved goodbye to eachother for the day. Negan was about to go up to his room to rest when he saw Lucille leaning up against a metal beam. She seemed calm and unaffected, but the way her hands and fingers moved…it was clear that she was bothered by the situation.

‘’ Lucille…Where are you going? ‘’

‘’ I…I need some rest. I’ll…..I’ll fix all this tomorrow.  Havent slept for a whole day. I’ll…I’ll see you tomorrow, kay’?  Now go…leave me alone. ‘’


Afternoon passed, and by nightfall, only a very few people were still awake. Amongst them Dwight and Negan, who were outdoors smoking cigarettes.

‘’ Negan…What happened out there? What took you guys so long? ‘’

‘’ Heh….Cant tell. We survived. Not much to it, really. I…I did not expect to come home to…this….but….we’ll solve this. We’ll make a good life for ourselves here…..Just…trust Lucille’s lead, and we’ll make it through this mess. ‘’

‘’ Dwight…how’s Sherry? ‘’

‘’ Why you ask? ‘’

‘’ Just…curious. I haven’t talked to her much. She seems…friendly. ‘’

‘’ Yeah…*inhales smoke*…*breathes out* she is. Friendliest woman you’ll ever meet. But…I’m gonna say this…You and me….we are friends…but don’t try to approach her in a way that you are gonna regret. Because she is ALL I got. If she gets hurts….I’m gonna kill whoever did so. Even if that person were to be….Lucille….or YOU. ‘’

Negan clenched his fist at the mention of her name. Dwight didn’t seem to notice, and patted him on the shoulder.

‘’ I…ofcourse…would never let that sort of event happen in the first place. Best way to not start more shit is to NOT start shit in the first place….y’feel me? ‘’

‘’ ..Yeah….I do. But we are already kneedeep in it. And…who knows what the fucking fuck will happen tomorrow?


Marguerite was hopping down the corridor on her crutches. She stopped once she got to the locker room. She pushed the door open withan shoulder push and went on in.

She suddenly gasped and opened her eyes wide. She hopped away to an open locker and knelt down to search through the lower section. She seemed stressed and nervous as her breathing became quicker.

‘’ Where….where are the…. ‘’

‘’ Looking for….THESE? ‘’

Lucille stood in the doorway, the faintly lit lamp making her seem like a silhouette, with only her wide smile and white teeth showing through.

‘’ L-Lucille….why are you here? ‘’

Lucille then threw over a duffle bag to Marguerite. When it landed on the floor, it made a distinct metallic noise.  And the sole of a boot was sticking through the opening. On the sole, it’s size said ‘’43’’.

‘’ I found some shit in your locker. I have manners…so I waited for you to get here. Been waiting around the corner for….well…about 20 minutes. ‘’

She smiled and began to slowly walk towards Marguerite, her bat being dragged along the stonefloor.

‘’ I got you now, bitch. ‘’

End of part 1. 

Part 1 of chapter 7 was fun to write. It let’s me give some backstory to Billy and also some insight into a few other characters.

I like Connor….and I just notice i’ve been making him a punching bag for my fanfic. Not…completely intentional. Heh. :3

But…yeah, we find out who is the killer….and….Part 2 will be very intense and….a bunch of stuff will happen. We will get an explanation as to how it all went down, so it will make sense.


Oh and…..The…sort of official translation for the song playing on the cd-player (Le Moribond in English is known Seasons In the Suns)  is here. (have a link for the song as well)


(Rough translation: Goodbye Émile I liked you a lot

Goodbye Émile I liked you a lot you know

We sang the same wines

We sang the same girls

We sang the same grief(s)

Goodbye Émile I’m going to die

It’s hard dieing in the spring, you know

But I leave (at/to) the flowers peace in my soul

Cause look/we saw that you are good like white bread

I know you will take care of my girl/wife)

 Look forward to part 2, people. It’ll be a good one.

Just a preview panel for 122 i decided to color. Will redo it once I get ahold of bigger scans. Went

Just a preview panel for 122 i decided to color. Will redo it once I get ahold of bigger scans.

Went for….the orignial colors this time (apart from Carson…since i dont have a clue as to what his orignial colors were.)

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A sig (that I’ll have to resize) that…well, I thought I could share. I think this one c

A sig (that I’ll have to resize) that…well, I thought I could share.

I think this one came out great. Credit me if you want to use it.

Post link

Chapter 6: Hunger. Part 4 of 4.

Negan woke up, his back aching from lying on the asphalt the entire night, and his chest stinging from what looked like scratches from fingernails. The sun’s bright rays hit him in the eyes, blinding him.

He had no idea for how long he had been out. He only remembered what had occurred during the night. He cracked a wide smile, and for the first time in a long time, it was FOR himself.

He looked up and saw that Lucille was looking out over the horizon. She was wearing her jacket and the boots, but apart from her black panties, she wore nothing below the belt. She turned around to see Negan, but he looked away instantly, as Lucille looked at him in confusion.

‘’ Uhm…*clears throat*….you..you might wanna do something about that. ‘’

She looked down towards her tanktop that had been ripped open at the middle, revealing her bare breasts. She rolled her eyes and buttoned her jacket and lent Negan a hand, picking him up fron the ground.

‘’ It’s just a fucking tanktop. Besides, I seem to recall you seeing me in my fucking birthday suit last night, so why does the sight of….these now suddenly throw you off? You are not making sense, Neggie.  ‘’

‘’ They don’t. But I think people will twist their necks if you come back to the Sanctuary halfnaked. ‘’

‘’ Pheesh, Talk for yourself. You haven’t worn a fucking shirt for two days now. And….seeing how you fucking fell asleep right after finishing, I was decent enough to help put your pants back on. You slept like a fucking log, so I would never had gotten you to wake up and do it the yourself. You are very fucking welcome. ‘’

‘’ Thanks. ‘’

‘’ Oh, by the way, I got something for you. ‘’

Lucille walked over to the car and got her pants out from the driver’s seat and put them back on. She then handed a black t-shirt to Negan.

‘’ Where did you get this? ‘’

‘’ Diner.  One of the deadies inside was wearing it….and it looked good enough, so I took him out quietly, with the knife. Dont worry, it’s clean….more or less. ‘’

Lucille whistled flirtingly as she watched him put it on.

‘’ Lucille….do you think we can get back today? ‘’

 ‘’ We would’ve been back by now anyhow…But the herd led us astray, since they fucking blocked off the usual route. I’m guessing it’ll take one more day to get back. ‘’

‘’ Neggie….what happened tonight….Do not take it the wrong way…but…It’s nothing more than….i dunno what to say, nothing. We are never gonna become a thing. I just…i’ve had enough for relationships to last me one fucking lifetime. No matter if the guy in question is not a complete asshole. That said….I….I DID enjoy last night. It…it kinda reminded me of the good old days. Thank you. Thank you for not….pushing me aside.  ‘’


‘’ I wouldn’t do that. Ever. And…I understand. Really, I do….And…and I respect that that’s your choice. I’m…I’m just glad we are on equal terms now. For real. Nothing else matters. ‘’

‘’ Ohooo, So I take it I convinced you then, huh? Truth be told, I…I kinda forgot about that midway through. Was enjoying myself way too fucking much to hear if you said anything.  ‘’

‘’ Yeah, you were right. I’m not gonna become a yes-sayer….but I’am gonna do all that I can to make the sanctuary a place worth protecting. Lucille..I.. ‘’


‘’ Neggie, get down! ‘’

The bullets tore through the tires and the body of the car, and Lucille and Negan only narrowly avoided getting hit by them. They ran inside the diner and hid behind the counter.

‘’ I have a plan. Get on top of the roof. Hide. Take this gun, I found it on one of the deadies in here. When I give the signal, you fucking shoot. ‘’

‘’ Sure. What signal? ‘’

‘’ You’ll know. ‘’

Three men stepped out of the high grass. One of them holding onto a assault rifle, smoke still coming out of it’s pipe. They were all white young men, wearing completely black clothes.

‘’ Jimmy, the fuck was that about? ‘’

‘’ I was merely shooting those walkers over there. Jesus fuck,Dan. We’ll be back on the truck before any herd or whatever can come near. Mikey, I want you to go and make sure they are de….  ‘’

‘’ Oh hi, boys. ‘’

Lucille was walking out of the Diner’s main door with her hands held up.  Jimmy quickly pointed the rifle up and aimed it towards her.

‘’ Stand the fuck back, or the next round is between your fucking eyes. ‘’

‘’ I wouldn’t do that. As you can see, I have no means of hurting you. ‘’

‘’ Stand where you are. If you take so much as a step we will shoot you full of bullets. Is that fucking clear? ‘’

‘’ Sure. ‘’

‘’ Now take off your clothes. ‘’’

‘’ Whatever you say, if it keeps me alive…Just let me untie my boots first. Cant fucking get tight jeans off with boots on. ‘’

She knelt down and began to untie her shoelaces.

‘’ You sure seem willing. Most women scream for help or puts up a struggle….Not that it matters once we are through with them. We are very discreet, y’know. ‘’

‘’  I’am not most women….and….when it comes down to it, I’m not the one with a bullet between the eyes. So why the fuck would I be worried? ‘’

‘’ Wha… ‘’ gunshot*

The back of Jimmy’s skull exploded into an red paste of flesh and blood.

In the confusion after Negan’s shot, she drew her gun that she had had stuck in her belt and aimed it towards the other two.

She shot once with great accuracy towards the assault rifle on the ground, damaging it’s pipe and warning the two survivors to not try anything.

 ‘’Alright, boys….take off your clothes. Let’s see how you’ll like it. ‘’

They stood frozen before her gun, and Lucille sighed in annoyance.

‘’ Come on, I aint got all fucking day here. Take your damn pants off. ‘’

‘’ W-we were only joking, miss. ‘’

‘’ Oh? I DIDN’T. Blow off eachother. ‘’

‘’ W-what? ‘’

‘’ You fucking heard me. Get down on your knees, boys. ‘’

‘’ You think you can talk down to us, you fucking whor…. *(BLAM)* Ugghhya!! ‘’

He fell down to the ground as the bullet tore right his right knee.  The other man named Dan knelt down instantly after he crashed down on the ground.

‘’ I’m gonna fucking tell you guys something. We all sitting down? You gonna listen to auntie Lucille like a couple of good boys?  ‘’

‘’Good. Now…. I had a boyfriend before all this. Cute….fun….fucked-up in his own loveable way, and I fucking loved that man. But he betrayed me. He…he raped me. ‘’

Lucille was aiming her gun towards them as she walked back and forth.

‘’ All of my  trust….all of my love….gone. Replaced with….fear and hatred. ‘’

 ‘’ I dont sleep much anymore.  Because when I do…my dreams are always of that fucking night. Me screaming and telling him to stop….but no….it always ends the same. Every time it’s the same words…the same place…the same fucking agony. No no no no no no no, stop it. PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE! No, I wont.  Sleazy whore’s get what’s coming to them. No…Please, don’t do this. I love you….Please…don’t. SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU FILTHY CUNT!   Why? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY FUCKING WHY DID YOU FORCE ME TO DO THIS, LUCILLE??! I WILL KILL YOU, LUCILLE! YOU CAN NEVER RUN AWAY! YOU ARE TRASH. SLEAZY FUCKING WORTHLESS FUCKING TRASH!! ‘’

Her voice was shifting between imitating a man and her own as she yelled out in redhot fury and what at certain points sounded like honest grieving, unlike anything Negan has her do seen before. Negan wasn’t sure if she was acting. He wanted to help, but he knew that Lucille had the upperhand anyhow, so he let go of the trigger for the time being. He thought to himself that either way, they needed to wrap this situation up quickly, before any deadies could arrive at the site.

Lucille suddenly stopped yelling and sighed, her entire demeanor now one that was cold and very distant, much unlike the fury she had just been radiating.

 ‘’ I’am a killer. Let there be no doubt of that, boys…and….truth be told, I don’t have that big of a problem with it…which probably makes me a fucking scumbag myself. I couldn’t give a fuck, really. But yet…I think some things in this world are…fucking out of line. Rape is on the top of that fucking list. That is why you are in this fucking situation. ‘’

‘’ So….when I see scum like you lot…..I kinda want to fucking kill you. ‘’

‘’ F..Fuck you.  You fucking whore, you blew out my knee…..FUCKING SHIT! Oh, I will fucking break you, bitch, Be fucking sure of it. ‘’

She suddenly opened her jacket and pressed her naked breasts together and began to speak in an very teasing tone.

‘’ There….better? Come on, I’m right here. Isn’t this what you wanted to see just a few moments ago? Did you not just want to break me? Come on, I WANT it…. ‘’

He looked away in frustration, and Lucille walked up to him and put the gun right against his face.

‘’ Oh, so you don’t like it when they are fucking willing? You want them screaming and terrified? Is that what it is? Speak the fuck up, man. ‘’

‘’ Go to hell, bitch. ‘’

‘’ You first. ‘’


The bullet went through his right eye, and took out a large chunk of his skull coming out.

‘’ How many? ‘’

She aimed towards Dan’s head, who was looking down at the ground, and he was shaking nervously.

‘’ How many women have you and your friends raped? How many did you guys violate….disrespect…kill, just for your pleasure?  ‘’

‘’ I..I dunno. I…I didn’t want to do it. T-they forced me to. They wouldn’t help me survive otherwise. ‘’

‘’ You had a choice, and you took the path you took. But the girls, the ones you and your friends raped and killed? They didn’t have a choice. THEY were forced. You are just a fucking sniveling cunt of a man. ‘’

‘’ I..I didn’t mean to. ‘’

‘’ It doesn’t matter. Now…I’m gonna count down from 10…and if you haven’t told me exactly how many…I’ll shoot you in the head.  ‘’

‘’ You serio…. ‘’

‘’10…9…..8….7….6….5… ‘’

‘’ It was….It was… ‘’

‘’4….3….2.. ‘’

‘’ 15! It was fifteen. Just…pl-please…d-dont shoot. I’ll leave. I..I promise. ‘’

She lowered the gun, and Dan sighed in relief, but in a split second, Lucille raised it again, pulled the trigger and emptied the magazine into his head. His skull was pretty much torn apart into bits of flesh and bone by the end of it.

‘’ That was fifteen too many, you cocksucker. ‘’

‘’ Lucille, you okay?  ‘’

Negan jumped down from the lower part of the roof and ran up to her.

‘’ Y-yeah..I..I just….Fuck. I lost my cool there for a moment….And….Oh fucking hell, Neggie, look. The car. ‘’

She walked up to it and moved her hand over the bulletholes.

‘’ Shit. The tires are busted. This isn’t going anywhere. Fucking idiots to ruin such a beautiful thing. ‘’

She looked sad for second, before she began to look around. She walked out in the middle of the road leading into the diner’s parking lot  and she signaled Negan to come to her.

‘’ Luckily these fuckers….….had….THAT. ‘’

She pointed towards an army truck parked a bit down the road. By the looks of it, it was an Tatra T813. Lucille looked back down at the men she’d killed and saw that nobody wore any army clothes or looked anything like commando’s, leading her to the conclusion that it was stolen.

They took their supplies and their weapons, and they walked towards the truck, leaving the diner and the corpses behind.

‘’ Look in the back. Check under that damn tarp. ‘’

Negan climbed up on the back and looked in. He yelled out in joy seconds afterwards.

‘’ Lucille, look at this….We just found EXACTLY what we need. ‘’

Lucille grinned wide when she saw what was in the truck, her eyes glistening with newfound excitement.



Dwight woke up, his eyes heavy and his mind heavy from worrying most of the night about the others. He looked to his side and saw that Sherry was still sound asleep.  He reached over and kissed her forehead before putting on his clothes. The other memebers of the group were all busy working or keeping out of trouble, but Dwight could not see Connor anywhere.

He walked up to the second level and met Carson on the catwalk. Carson was much like Benjamin, nto a fighter, but he was a great thinker, and he was almost always helping Lucille and Billy out whenever they needed help.

‘’ Hi, Dwight. Anything you want? ‘’

‘’ No. Just checking in. I haven’t talked to many of the guys after…Benji came back alone. I’m just checking in on how you are taking it. ‘’

‘’ As well as can be expected, I suppose. I will miss them….but….I’m nto worried. Billy is capable.  A good leader. Losing Lucille…Negan…It doesn’t mean we are out. But it weakens us. Greatly. ‘’

‘’ By the way, Carson….have you seen Benji? I’d like to check up on him. ‘’

‘’ He said he was gonna find out who stole food from us. He’s been running around all morning like a madman, looking for god knows what. I don’t know exactly WHERE he is right now, but he’s probably in one of the corridors. ‘’

‘’ Or he could be covering up his own fucking tracks. The fat guy is not a suspect? ‘’

Connor’s breathing was still weak, and he was wheezing out every word, but his eyes showed that he was still as angered as he was yesterday. Carson decided to walk away, not wanting to deal with it.

 ‘’ Connor….leave the man alone. What you did was out of fucking line, despite the circumstances. ‘’

‘’ Shut up, Dwight. He left them behind. If anyone deserved to die, it’s him. I wont act like I’m not fucking angry over it. Matter of fact….you shouldn’t fucking either. ‘’

‘’ Connor…don’t do anything you are gonna fucking regret. Lay off. I’m your friend. I don’t fucking want you to get hurt over this kind of bullshit. ‘’

‘’ You cant boss me around, Dwight. Remember who you are fucking talking too. ‘’

‘’ Connor…Plea… ‘’

He put his hand on Connor’s shoulder, but got an elbow to the chest.. He grabbed ahold of the catwalk railing just before he could fall.

Connor then flipped him off and turned around.

‘’ Go suck up to Billy or something. I’m fucking tired of seeing your face. Leave me alone. ‘’

Dwight looked on with saddend eyes as Connor walked away, but he soon turned around and headed down the corridor towards the medic bay. He noticed that a door down the corridor was open and he glanced by the doorframe. Benjamin was kneeling down and inspecting the food that they kept in the storage room.

‘’ Hey, Dwight. What do you want? ‘’

‘’ Just checking in on you…..and bringing you back. Marguerite told you yesterday you should rest. ‘’

‘’ In a moment. Dwight, do you see anything…peculiar? ‘’

He looked towards the pile of food, but saw nothing strange.

‘’ No. ‘’

‘’ Fruits. They are missing. As well as most vegetables. ‘’

‘’ Yet all of the meat has been untouched.  What does that make you think, Dwight? ‘’

‘’ Then I guess whoever stole the food is a vegetarian. ‘’

‘’ Maybe…or maybe there is more to it. Also….look. See those shoeprints in the dust? They are of a very specific shoesize….43, I reckon.  ‘’

‘’ Only a select few have the keys into this place, me included. And….I don’t remember anyone having size 43. So I’m guessing it’s not one of the higher ups. It cant be Marguerite….she only has one boot and size 41 if I recall. Billy has larger feet….Connor is size 43, but…I dunno, I don’t think he did it. ‘’

‘’ Negan? ‘’

‘’ Why would he do that? Besides, he is not the type of guy to steal from others. ‘’

Dwight sighed and began to walk out towards the corridor, but Benjamin whistled out to him.

‘’ Dwight…before you go…I need to ask you something. ‘’

‘’ Like what? ‘’

‘’ Dwight….What’s your shoesize? Your feet aren’t too long, are they? ‘’

‘’ What the fuck are you trying to say, Benji? My shoe size is 45. ‘’

‘’ Nothing. Just crossing off people. ‘’

He walked up to Benji and whispered in his ear.

‘’(I will give you a friendly advice. Do…NOT go around asking people this. You are already painting yourself as a fucking target for whoever stole the food. Keep this to yourself…or atleast to when…when Lucille gets back.)‘’

‘’ But Dwight, I KNOW I’m on to something, just let me….unngh….. ‘’

Benjamin began to stumble, and Dwight helped him regain balance before he could fall.

 ‘’ Benji, you need to sleep. You are straining yourself. You can tell me whatever you want once you’ve gotten some rest. ‘’

‘’ B…but….i need to tell yo… ‘’

‘’ Benji, Rest. Now. ‘’

Dwight patted him on his back before he walked away to the medic bay. Dwight then

The hours passed and everyone had gone to rest as the night covered the Sanctuary. Everyone ecept Dwight, who was unable to sleep and looked out one of the windows. He couldn’t hear or see anything coming down the horizon. Nothing but darkness. He was so shut off in his thoughts that he didn’t notice Billy walking up to him. When he put his hand on Dwight’s shoulder, he jumped.

‘’ Jesus christ, man. You almost gave me a damn heartattack there. ‘’

‘’ Dwight…..have you seen Benji? He is not with the others. ‘’

‘’ I sent him to rest in the medic bay. He should still be there, I reckon. ‘’

‘’ Let’s bring him back to the resting area. We cant leave him alone in the medic bay,,in case something were to happen. Better that he is where more people are. ‘’

They both as silently as they could went up to the medic bay. But just before Dwight opened the door, they stopped. Something was going on in the room.

‘’ What’s that sound? ‘’


‘’ Deadie. I know that sound. ‘’

‘’ Billy..…You don’t mean…? ‘’

‘’ Only one way to find out. ‘’

  Dwight opened the door, and in one split moment, he was frozen in shock. Benjamin stood before him….but it was not the Benjamin he had talked to that morning. His skin was pale, and his eyes were white and sunken in  and as soon as their eyes met, Benjamin came towards Dwight. Dwight had no time to react, and was tackled to the ground by the now turned Benjamin. He fell down upon him, and Dwight couldn’t push off his weight. He was terrified, as he knew he was only seconds away from certain death.

Billy grabbed ahold of Benji’s shoulders and threw him off Dwight. He crashed down onto the ground and Billy unsheathed his trenchknife from his holster.

‘’ I’am sorry, friend. Forgive me for what I’am about to do. Repose en paix.  ‘’

Billy’s trench knife striked right between Benji’s eyes,  and he fell to the floor instantly, and his body did not even twitch.

Billy walked over to him and inspected his body. Dwight however was still in shock.

‘’ He…he’s dead. ‘’

‘’ I told him to rest….Hid headinjury mustv’e….oh fucking shit… ‘’

‘’ No. This was not an headinjury. He was murdered. ‘’

Dwight was speechless for a moment, but soon came to his senses enough to respond.

‘’ But there are no injuries on him. ‘’

‘’ Cyanide. His mouth smells of bitter almond. This room is now a riskzone. You and I should not be in here…The fumes are toxic to inhale in large quantities.. Dwight….Tomorrow….We will talk to the murderer in private. Make him spill it all out. I have my ways to make people….cooperate. ‘’

‘’ What do you mean? ‘’

‘’ I  meant….That I know who fucking did this. And that tomorrow…That person will die. Punishment must be delivered upon the wicked. Killing a comrade is the most wicked thing anyone can do. ‘’

Powerful winds slammed against the building, and it sounded as if the Sanctuary itself was screaming in grief and agony as the winds shook the foundation.

End of chapter 6.

This was a lot of fun to write, if a bit exhausting.

The current arc ands here. The next one will deal with the murder mystery and it’s conclusion and ofcourse Lucille and Negan, and everyone else. 

Chapter 7 is already in the works, so look forward for the next one, fans.
