#le pom

Now that the Adam vs. ISEB charity stream is in the books, I’m slowly getting back into my old routiNow that the Adam vs. ISEB charity stream is in the books, I’m slowly getting back into my old routiNow that the Adam vs. ISEB charity stream is in the books, I’m slowly getting back into my old routiNow that the Adam vs. ISEB charity stream is in the books, I’m slowly getting back into my old routi

Now that the Adam vs. ISEB charity stream is in the books, I’m slowly getting back into my old routine and picking up things that I had left on the back burner the entire month of February. The big news that I erroneously failed to mention here on Tumblr is that the March design for my Ignis Monthly Merch Club was released on March 7th (postponed a week on account of the stream), and is available on my Etsy store along with February’s charm restock. The good news is that I ordered plenty of inventory this time around, so if you didn’t grab anything last week there’s still lots of everything to be had. ଘ(੭ ᐛ )━☆゚.*・。゚

The other bit of new that I addressed in a recent Ask is that, as of right now, I am scheduled to attend KupoCon Le Pom in Montréal on April 4th. Obviously the situation with the coronavirus is constantly changing so there’s a chance that it will get cancelled altogether, but in the event that it is not cancelled, I will be there in attendance at a table in Artist Alley. I’ll have my complete catalogue of merchandise with me, including just about every acrylic charm I’ve ever had made, plus the usual prints, buttons, stickers, etc. Right now, it’s looking more and more like I’ll only be able to accept cashandPayPal (since my Square reader apparently doesn’t work internationally ;_;), but I’ve been doing some research and hopefully I’ll be able to find a solution to the problem of taking credit cards across the border.

That’s about all for now! This weekend I hope to finish April’s merch design to share with you all, and there just might be a zine announcement in the near future… Stay tuned! :3

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