#leaving home


It’s time to try something new…

A pencil sketch of an airplane and a stick figure family with suitcases. Some of the suitcases are colored in purple or blue. The art style suggests the artist is a child, which is correct, the artist is ten and very proud of their work. ALT
Setting Sails - a clever man once said that a ship is always safe in the harbor, but this is not wha

Setting Sails - a clever man once said that a ship is always safe in the harbor, but this is not what it was built for. This is the logo I designed for a TEDx event about a year ago, back when I didn’t realize that I myself would be setting sails so very soon. Leaving home never got any easier for me, but is so exciting, enriching and reminds me of where I really belong. 

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 First step of my emigration journey to the USA : French prairies between Le Mans and Paris !

First step of my emigration journey to the USA : French prairies between Le Mans and Paris !

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Delhi, March-April 2021

What do I write when I write about Delhi? A place I have only learnt to love and miss after having been a year away from it. 6 years ago when my plane landed in this city I wanted to take a U-turn the moment I peeked out the exit doors of the airplane. Years later, I am still a bit forlorn of having only spent a month and going back home now because Covid insists to threaten yet again.

One of the things about this city that tugs my heartstrings are its stories- stories of its people, places, its forts, lanes, its cacophony, the cabs, the wide roads that are never really empty. There is so much in Delhi except boundaries. All lines are blurred, yet all experiences from standing in front of a crowded Parantha shop to gazing at the sunset in the Safjardung Tomb is distinct-Distinct and unique from each other. There is always so much to tell, so much to write, so much to observe and so so so much to feel. Delhi is overwhelming at times, and oddly calming in other times. It took me years until I could romanticise every experience in Delhi like I do with every other favourite place that I have visited. And now that I have learnt to live away from this mess, this potpourri of a city, I am always looking back at it with a kind of fondness that I never imagined I would ever give it.

I am trying to escape the household of a narcissistic, emotionally abusive parent. I’m not a minor, but was attempting to stay home to aid them in their old age. It’s not possible anymore, because I cannot take the abuse and it’s shaving away at my own mental health.

I’m beginning to look at resources and other advice articles, etc. But would appreciate first-hand advice as well.

Can anyone offer me helpful advice? I don’t even drive and I feel like I’ll never be able to actually get out.
