#lee haechan scenarios


Kinktober day 12 - overstimulation x Haechan (f!reader)


Haechanwhined, voice high pitched as you thrusted into him, your body leaned over his, with your dominant hand rapidly pumping his practically dripping cock, and your other hand holding yourself up above the boy.

“I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum- mommy-!” He cried, bucking up into you

“Go on, pretty,” you smiled

only a few seconds later, you felt and saw Haechan’s cock twitch, and white ropes were decorating your boyfriend’s torso. You, however, continued your pace, smirk only growing as Haechan realised what you were doing. 

Haechan began fussing, writhing his body around.

“Mommy-” He whined, elongating his word, letting it turn itself into a somewhat pained moan “That really hurts- ah- stop-”

“You don’t really want me to,” You shrugged, voice uneven from the pace you were moving your hips, and Haechan scrunched his nose, trying to form a pout, but instead let out another high-pitched whine.

You smirked, refusing to slow down as your boyfriend’s jaw went increasingly slack the longer you continues, tongue hanging out, eyes rolled back and moans only getting higher and louder. Soon enough, Haechan was bucking up into your hand again, simultaneously trying to move forward with you as you thrusted into him, which, not surprisingly, proved unsuccessful, but it made him look so desperate that you practically began salivating.

“You gonna cum again?” You tried to sound condescending, but it came out as more of a growl

Haechan moaned out an affirmation, trying to nod his head, and you responded by increasing your pace just a little bit more.

Not even a few seconds later, Haechan was cumming, hips bucking sporadically every time a spurt of cum shot out of his red cock, adding to the cum on him so much that it almost began pooling on him.

“So pretty,” You muttered, rubbing Haechan’s torso with your hand, and he whined


y/n’s eyes focused back on her surroundings when she noticed the golden hues painting around her room behind her phone.

her and haechan had stayed in for a lazy day and were just spending some quiet time. when the time had passed she had no idea.

a relaxed smile pulled at her lips as she lazily turned towards her left, wondering what haechan was doing. the boy had been awfully quiet; and although she knew sometimes the obnoxiously loud haechan could also be calm haechan, it was absolutely not in his nature not to cuddle up to her during their usual silent evenings.

her smile widened as her eyes rested on a sleeping angel. he was lying on his side, one hand under his cheek and the other between his knees.

his clear skin being kissed by the setting sun made him shine as bright as the sun he was named after.

knowing how much of a deep sleeper he was she didn’t think twice before turning to her side fully and resting her palm on his jaw. her thumb swiped at his cheek, before it ran lightly along his eyelashes. his bottom lip being the next target as she just admired his beauty.

she took a deep breath as she shuffled a bit closer and raised her self up to softly press her lips to his forehead, peaking through his parted hair.

haechan took a deep breath in as he blindly reached out, with the hand that was trapped between his knees, tapping the sheets in front of his stomach before his hand bumped against her elbow. he shuffled closer, and as he did he pushed her back until her back was flat against the bed again. a soft laugh left her lips.

“what are you doing?” she giggled as he wrapped one leg around her hips and his arm around her stomach. he just groaned before he settled and sighed.

“keep doing what you were doing,” he whispered, voice groggy and y/n laughed before grasping his face in her hands again. she waited a second for his body to relax against hers before-

“AHHHH YOU CRAZY WOMAN LET ME GO!” he wailed as she squeezed his cheeks all of a sudden.

y/n cackled loud as he scrambled away, eyes horrified, before soft laughs escaped him too. the look of pure happiness in her face warming his chest.

as the two looked at each other, in the golden hours of the day, they fell in love with each other a little bit harder.

haechan didn’t think twice to shuffle towards her when she opened her arms. his own wrapping around her as she cuddled her arms around his shoulders.

his nuzzled his head under her chin as she pressed small kisses to his hair.

“i love you,” she sighed and he hummed, the soft squeeze of his arms at her words letting her know he loved her just the same.
