#lee ik jun


When the guys came to check on Songhwa

She stopped working for only one of them ;)

Songhwa’s reactions to others entering her personal space

One of these is not like the others.

(following@midoring’s idea )

The boys x Song-hwa’s office

“First of all, Chae Song-hwa, the only woman and the emotional pillar of the other four.”

“Small things” that are kind of a big deal to Songhwa #1

  • Punctuality

In fact, she values punctuality so much that she always arrives early for her appointments.

Someone doesn’t really care about such a “small thing” for her. Someone does.

“Small things” that are kind of a big deal to Songhwa #2

  • Herniated disc

Her pain has gotten worse to the point where she needed to increase medication.

Again, someone doesn’t really care about such a “small thing” for her. Someone does.

Songhwa-Jeongwon parallels seen from another character’s POV ②

A surprising side, witnessed by the twin interns

Caring for children that are not their own, witnessed by Ikjun

Coming together, witnessed by Seokhyeong

Songhwa’s day-to-day mugs:

Everyone gets to use Songhwa’s day-to-day mugs.

Songhwa’s beautiful gold foil couplemugs:

Reserved for brewing hand drip coffee

For treating herself

Or treating someone special

Sorry, Junwan.

Read more of Songhwa’s coffee rules@ourpsychicfg
