#lee jordan x yn




Warning: mildly suggestive

11 February

My dearest Y/N,

Do my eyes deceive me, or are you the most stunning person I’ve ever seen in my life??

Considering I just had my eyes checked recently, I know it’s not the first one. So the second one must be true. And *ding ding ding* it is.

Not only are you the most attractive person, but your laugh, your personality, your words, everything about you just screams “I’M PERFECT!” Although maybe it’s just me yelling that you’re perfect? It must be because you’re much too humble to boast about that.

I recently had a revelation, would you like to hear it? Of course you do.

At the time that I’m writing this, it’s been exactly… 7 hours and 16 minutes since I saw you, since I touched you, since I had the pleasure of being the one to wish you well before going off to work.

Now I know what you’re thinking… “Lee, that’s a bit dramatic of you to count the minutes, isn’t it?” to which I must reply, “not at all, my dear. You’d count the minutes too if you were missing someone as wonderful as you.” I know there’s only about an hour and a half left until you return from work and we can kick off our love day extravaganza, but I simply cannot wait. I wish you didn’t have to work at all, but ho-hum, here we are. I’ll just have to sit here, wondering if you miss me as much as I miss you.

I mean, I’m writing you a letter, which should be enough of a sign that I miss you a lot. But just knowing that I’m a few days it’ll be the most romantic day of the year, of course I’m going to wish I could have you all to myself. I’ll let you use your imagination for what that would entail .

And I can’t wait for Valentine’s Day for this, so date night starts right now.

Now this letter will be the first thing you read tonight, so I’ll give you a rundown of our evening.

You’ll get home and walk into the living room, where you will find a basket of muffins with this letter inside. So you’ve already gotten that far since you’re reading this.

Next, you’ll probably jump a bit when I surprise you from behind (despite this warning) and escort you, blindfolded, to the dining room table. There, you will be met with the most grandiose meal that I have ever made. We will share a candlelit dinner with your favorite wine. And then we will retire to the living room (and I’ll leave the mess for another time), where we cosy up by the fireplace and shift into the more… exciting phase of the night. Instead of writing it out, you’ll get to experience it all first hand.

And now that you know what is about to happen, I’ll stop here so the night can begin.

With all my love, 

Your Lee
