#lee jordan


birthday boys || f.w & g.w

pairing: platonic!fred x reader x platonic!george

word count: 966

warnings: underage drinking, partying, fireworks. not proofread sjdbjdbd. pls tell me if I missed anything<3

summary: it’s your bestfriends’ birthday and you thought of giving them the best present you could ever have

a/n: shebhdv hii!! since it’s my favorite twins’ birthday today and also since it’s april fools, I thought of writing something for them. happy birthday fred and george! you guys will forever be in my hearts<3

italics are flashbacks

you woke up at exactly 8:30 am this morning feeling very excited. Today marked your calendar as April 1st, which was none other than your best friends’ birthday. you had planned something a few days ago to surprise the boys. something you knew they’d love.

you, fred, and george had been friends since your first year at hogwarts when george bumped into you on the train.

“georgie come quick! the compartments are nearly full!” you heard a red head say.

“mom, dad, I’ve got to go. i love you guys!” and after one last kiss to their cheek, you left your parents and went into the train. you looked around to find an empty compartment, until you felt your head hit something hard. “ouch!” you heard someone say. you looked up and saw a red haired boy, one who looked similar to the boy you saw earlier.

“I’m sorry” you said. “it’s ok” the boy sent you a small smile and held his hand out for you to get up. “i’m George by the way! George weasley!”

“i’m y/n y/l/n! nice to meet you!” you said in a cheery voice. you saw someone approaching George, someone who looked identical to him. “George, come onnn! I’ve found a place” he said before looking at you. “and who might this be?”

“hi my name’s y/n!” “fred weasley!” he shook your hand before telling George to come with him. George looked at you and asked if you wanted to sit with them, and who were you to decline such an offer. the three of you talked about random stuff. you learned that they were in the same year as you, and that they loved pranking. they told you a lot about their stories from home and you told them about yours. you knew from there that you had made your first friends. Hogwarts would be fun.

And you were right. Fred and George became your best friends. Along with Lee, the four of you were the most iconic group at Hogwarts.

You went to the great hall for breakfast, sitting right in between the twins. “happy birthday!” you said to the both of them with a big smile. they both said thank you and gave you a kiss on the cheek.

While eating your breakfast and chatting a bit, you remembered something you had to do, which may or may not have something to do with the twins birthday present.

“i have to go now, I’ll see you later guys!” you said “whyyyy? it’s only been a few minutes and you haven’t even finished your breakfast yet” fred said with a pout. “I’ve got to go do something freddie”

“which is??” George asked. you quickly thought of an excuse and said “homework.”

“really? it’s a weekend and I don’t even think anyone’s assigned something for us to do” said fred. “how would you know? you always skip classes and when you don’t, you don’t even listen” you said unimpressed. Fred let out another pout and said, “m’kay fine. but be back soon!”

“okay bye guys!”


After setting up your present you went to the gryffindor common room. you saw fred, george, and lee at the couch and went to sit with them.

“Look who finally came,” George said with a smirk. “oh shut it weasley” you replied teasingly. george put his hand on his chest as he pretended to be hurt and said, “really y/n? and on my birthday *sighs* such a bully”. all of you burst out laughing.

you laid your head on george’s shoulder as you thought about how lucky you are to have both these idiots as your friends.


The gryffindor common room was loud. loud music blasting, and everyone either drunk, or dancing. You knew there was a party, of course there was. It was the weasley twins’ birthday for god sake. You just needed to find a way to be able to get the twins outside.

Once you thought of something, you went through the crowd, whispering a string of ‘excuse me’ s and ‘coming through’. you found fred and george dancing, both with drinks in their hands.

“boys I need you outside for a minute” you said. they both nodded and went outside to the courtyard with you. “what’s up?” George started.

“Well I’ve planned this a few days ago, and since it’s your birthday, I wanted to do something special, something the both of you would enjoy.” they both had a look of both confusion and excitement as you lifted a sheet off a fireworks set. “just look up”.

you then set the fireworks off, and it exploded in the sky, revealing a string of different colors. then the ‘grand finale’, as you liked to call it, finally came. it was a firework that said ‘happy birthday fred and george, i love you guys’. you looked at the boys and they both had wide smiles on their faces. they looked at you and each gave you a hug. “thank you so much for this y/n, we loved it. although there is one problem.” Fred said, looking at George who immediately got what Fred was talking about. “yeah? and what might that be?” you nervously said, “you set up fireworks without us, and that is a crime” George continued.

you sighed in relief and said “oh I’m glad you liked it. I did get extra fireworks though, it’s over there” you pointed to the extra fireworks, and they both ran towards it. “have fun with it. happy birthday guys! i love you both so damn much.”

“we love you too y/n” and just like that, you spent the entire night setting off fireworks, which may or may not have landed you in detention.



Warning: mildly suggestive

11 February

My dearest Y/N,

Do my eyes deceive me, or are you the most stunning person I’ve ever seen in my life??

Considering I just had my eyes checked recently, I know it’s not the first one. So the second one must be true. And *ding ding ding* it is.

Not only are you the most attractive person, but your laugh, your personality, your words, everything about you just screams “I’M PERFECT!” Although maybe it’s just me yelling that you’re perfect? It must be because you’re much too humble to boast about that.

I recently had a revelation, would you like to hear it? Of course you do.

At the time that I’m writing this, it’s been exactly… 7 hours and 16 minutes since I saw you, since I touched you, since I had the pleasure of being the one to wish you well before going off to work.

Now I know what you’re thinking… “Lee, that’s a bit dramatic of you to count the minutes, isn’t it?” to which I must reply, “not at all, my dear. You’d count the minutes too if you were missing someone as wonderful as you.” I know there’s only about an hour and a half left until you return from work and we can kick off our love day extravaganza, but I simply cannot wait. I wish you didn’t have to work at all, but ho-hum, here we are. I’ll just have to sit here, wondering if you miss me as much as I miss you.

I mean, I’m writing you a letter, which should be enough of a sign that I miss you a lot. But just knowing that I’m a few days it’ll be the most romantic day of the year, of course I’m going to wish I could have you all to myself. I’ll let you use your imagination for what that would entail .

And I can’t wait for Valentine’s Day for this, so date night starts right now.

Now this letter will be the first thing you read tonight, so I’ll give you a rundown of our evening.

You’ll get home and walk into the living room, where you will find a basket of muffins with this letter inside. So you’ve already gotten that far since you’re reading this.

Next, you’ll probably jump a bit when I surprise you from behind (despite this warning) and escort you, blindfolded, to the dining room table. There, you will be met with the most grandiose meal that I have ever made. We will share a candlelit dinner with your favorite wine. And then we will retire to the living room (and I’ll leave the mess for another time), where we cosy up by the fireplace and shift into the more… exciting phase of the night. Instead of writing it out, you’ll get to experience it all first hand.

And now that you know what is about to happen, I’ll stop here so the night can begin.

With all my love, 

Your Lee

If each of the characters had a YouTube channel, this is what they would be about part 2:

Lavander, Pavarti, and Padma: they would have a group channel for podcast-like weekly talks about school drama. They would also do book reviews (romance novels) and sometimes fortune telling but those got the least views and worst comments

Oliver: obviously quidditch based but also good training and technique advice

Tonks: acts out viewer submitted stories with the help of her morphing abilities. literally gets 100k views easily

Astoria: I feel like she does videos in the “with me” category. Make tea with me, shop with me, study with me. Also ASMR

Lee: commentary channel. He’s really informative but also really enjoyable to listen to

Seamus and Dean: honestly variety channel. storytimes, games, commentary. They do it all tbh
