#lefts demand for racism


Was ‘Seinfeld’ a Prophet?

I am old enough to remember when Pride was a parade. Activists lobbying for marriage equality organized the day-long events in cities around the nation. I attended out of curiosity and a “live and let live” approach to marriage equality as a young adult, and I was sometimes shocked by the flamboyance and blatant sexualized behavior at the events. Gradually the parades turned into festivals that went on for a weekend or a week. You may have thought once the Obergefell decision legalized marriage equality nationwide, the Pride parades would go the way of the civil rights marches of the 1960s. You would be wrong.

Now we have Pride Month. It requires that every corporate logo must change to display a modified rainbow flag that keeps adding colors for new “oppressed” groups. Sports teams, entertainment companies, singers, news outlets, and society in general must celebrate the month by engaging with events, content, and symbolism to applaud a movement increasingly made up of an authoritarian fringe. They function as the clerisy of a secular religion that offers no means for redemption.

The first week of Pride Month made me recall a scene from the show Seinfeld.

Kramer participates in an AIDS walk in one episode but declines to wear a red ribbon.

A mob descends on him to demand compliance with wearing the appropriate symbol.

“This is America! I don’t have to wear anything I don’t want to wear!”

yells Kramer. The crowd physically attacks him.

WATCH Video:

It is only June 8, but you will be made to conform should you dare to commit the heresy of not celebrating Pride Month. It is not enough to mind your own business and adopt the live-and-let-live attitude that allows us to dwell together in a large, diverse nation. It is certainly not okay to question why we need an entire month dedicated to lauding where some Americans like to put their genitals or the increasingly absurd number of pronouns that now includes words like “cake.”

The LGBTQ+ acronym seems to add letters almost weekly to include gender-bending weirdness and sexual proclivities most Americans don’t understand, let alone endorse. And Gaia demands you applaud and celebrate while a 23-year-old named Jaxen describes themselves as a “polyamorous pansexual demiflux person my stagnant gender being male while my fluctuating one is mostly Agender with occasional female. Pronouns are he/him/they/them/ze/zir.”

You got all that, right?

You can’t just nod and smile nervously like Nick Sandmann when a Native American was pounding a drum in his face.

You must affirm Jaxen’s bravery, and acknowledge his struggle.

Silence is violence in the Church of Woke if your beliefs contradict its catechism.

They revel in making you apologize in what can only be likened to a Maoist struggle session performed in public, after which they grant no forgiveness.

It is still possible a mob will chase you out of an alley like Kramer, only now it will be masked far-left activists falling under the loose umbrella of Antifa giving chase. Several people protesting the “Drag Your Kid to Pride” event at the Mr. Misster gay bar in Dallas found this out over the weekend. Drag queens were dancing for children as young as toddlers inside a bar complete with a pink sign behind the stage that read, “It won’t lick itself.” The people protesting the event were the problem.

If the secular religious zealots can’t catch you in person, there are also online mobs. Five Tampa Bay Rays players are finding that out. Mainstream outlets like ESPN and CNN followed the lead of radical left-wing Twitter, calling the players out for not wearing the rainbow (plus other colors that stand for something) team logo during the Rays’ Pride Night celebration. Several cited their Christian beliefs, which earned them more derision. To be on the “right side of history” requires abandoning those archaic beliefs. Even the U.S. embassy in Vatican City flew a gay pride flag. Of course, our diplomats’ courage failed them, and there was no rainbow flag in Riyadh.

Even if you try to do everything right to avoid an assault on your character or company, you risk not going far enough. Despite holding a company-sponsored Pride flag-raising event, offering “Glamazon” employee t-shirts, and posting the obligatory reminder, Amazon fell short. About 30 employees held a “die-in” during the company Pride Month event to protest Amazon’s sale of “transphobic” books. Less than 30 employees accused Amazon of attempting to “rainbow-wash” its image and claimed books that don’t affirm trans identity harm trans individuals. Amazon has 1.1 million employees, according to its 2022 filing. But less than three dozen having a tantrum is news during Pride Month.

Radical activists will spend the rest of June persecuting people, businesses, and other organizations who refuse to comply with their religious observance. In 2016, radio host and author Erick Erickson warned in the title of his book that You Will Be Made to Care. At the time, Mark Levin called activists “compassionate bullies of the Left.”

Now, we live in a nation where a vocal, authoritarian minority insists on far more than your silence as they trample every norm and institution. In less than a decade, the silence they demanded through political correctness has become a demand for applause and conformity with their radical secular rituals. When will America say enough is enough?

Why We Should Never Apologize For Our RACE

I’m being heavily censored on social media right now so I’d appreciate your follow on the pages below if you’re on any of them! Also, if you enjoy my videos, please share them! Every bit helps spread the message.

Called It: Here’s Why LeBron Didn’t Want to Discuss the Beatdown Murder at His Akron School

LeBron James, who has a history of whining about racism — even possibly fake racism — was unusually quiet after a white teen was beaten to death at his I Promise School in his hometown of Akron, Ohio. Now we may know why he was so tight-lipped about the gruesome killing. The three men arrested for murder are black, and that doesn’t fly with the narrative LeBron James has been pushing for years.

Fast Facts:

Three young men playing basketball at LeBron James’ “I Promise” school sucker-punched Ethan Liming after an altercation involving a SPlatRBall soft gel gun.

When Liming was unconscious and lying on the ground, the three stomped him to death.

LeBron released a half-assed tweet, which someone should have edited first, as it had spelling and grammar errors all over it.

U.S. Marshals have arrested three black men for the vicious murder, Tyler Stafford, 19, Deshawn Stafford, 20, and Donovon Jones, 21.

Our condolences goes out to the family who lost a loved one!! My the heavens above watch over you during this tragedy! Pray for our community! https://t.co/bpq5qsoNfO

— LeBron James (@KingJames) June 3, 2022

Do the killers, who were playing basketball on the courts of LeBron’s I Promise School, look up to LeBron and believe his whiny, racist nonsense?

We’re literally hunted EVERYDAY/EVERYTIME we step foot outside the comfort of our homes! Can’t even go for a damn jog man! Like WTF man are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?!? No man fr ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! I’m sorry Ahmaud(Rest In Paradise) and my prayers and blessings sent to the….. pic.twitter.com/r1PNxs8Vgn

— LeBron James (@KingJames) May 6, 2020

Are white people “hunting” black people in the U.S.? The FBI says no, and the truth is actually quite the opposite.

FACT-O-RAMA! According to the FBI, black people murder more than twice as many white people every year as whites kill black people. In 2019, black people murdered at least 566 white people which is, as LeBron would put it, literally every day, and then some. I say “at least” because these numbers only reflect murders involving one suspect and one victim (and an arrest). Hence, Ethan Liming’s killers will not be included in this report when the 2022 stats are released because there were three killers. Unsolved murders are also not included in the linked chart.

Ethan’s father, Bill Liming, suggested there might be a racial undertone to his son’s murder:

My son Ethan Liming was murdered by three African American males and a female who stood by and did nothing. We live in a sick world. People look at each other based on the color of skin or the fact somebody disagrees with somebody else. And because you disagree with me you must be evil. And we have so dehumanized each other in our society, that’s why my son was murdered. Some people looked at him as somebody whose life didn’t matter. And it just breaks our hearts. And we don’t want this to happen to anybody else’s child.

The police claim they have no reason to believe this murder was race-related, yet we know that some of the friends Ethan was hanging out with were black. Though they allegedly did call 911 and attempt to get him into a car, it was just Ethan versus the three men who have since been arrested. No one else was even injured.

King James has yet to release a statement since the arrests.

Is Chuck Schumer Culpable for the Assassination Attempt Against Justice Kavanaugh?

Wednesday morning, a radical abortion activist was arrested near Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home in Maryland after admitting he wanted to kill him. As PJ Media’s Robert Spencer reported, this wasn’t mere idle talk—the suspect had at least one weapon and burglary tools on his person. The man reportedly willingly told police what his plan was when questioned—almost as though he felt there was nothing wrong with it.

How does a person get to the point where he thinks killing a Supreme Court justice is okay? Well, some are pointing fingers at the Biden White House for its failure to condemn the protests outside the homes of justices after the leak of the draft majority opinion of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. That certainly didn’t help, but the normalization of violence against a Supreme Court justice over the issue of abortion is more directly linked to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. At a 2020 #MyRightMyDecision rally outside the Supreme Court, Schumer verbally issued threats to Trump-appointed Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch over their potential votes in the first abortion case before the new conservative-majority court.

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,”

Schumer said to a chorus of cheers.

“You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

WATCH Video:

It sure sounded like a threat, which means that Chuck Schumer violated the law. According to 18 U.S. Code § 115, whoever threatens a federal official

“with intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with such official, judge, or law enforcement officer while engaged in the performance of official duties, or with intent to retaliate against such official, judge, or law enforcement officer on account of the performance of official duties, shall be punished”

by a fine or imprisonment of as much as ten years.

Schumer’s threat was met with a rare statement from Chief Justice John Roberts, who condemned Schumer’s remarks as dangerous.

Schumer responded to the criticism by blasting Roberts and claiming his words were misinterpreted, and that he really meant that Republicans would pay a political price for putting Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the court.

It’s evident that that is not what Schumer meant, and perhaps it’s time for him to be held accountable for his threat, which may have inspired the pro-abortion activist who was arrested Wednesday.
