#democrats only care about power


Was ‘Seinfeld’ a Prophet?

I am old enough to remember when Pride was a parade. Activists lobbying for marriage equality organized the day-long events in cities around the nation. I attended out of curiosity and a “live and let live” approach to marriage equality as a young adult, and I was sometimes shocked by the flamboyance and blatant sexualized behavior at the events. Gradually the parades turned into festivals that went on for a weekend or a week. You may have thought once the Obergefell decision legalized marriage equality nationwide, the Pride parades would go the way of the civil rights marches of the 1960s. You would be wrong.

Now we have Pride Month. It requires that every corporate logo must change to display a modified rainbow flag that keeps adding colors for new “oppressed” groups. Sports teams, entertainment companies, singers, news outlets, and society in general must celebrate the month by engaging with events, content, and symbolism to applaud a movement increasingly made up of an authoritarian fringe. They function as the clerisy of a secular religion that offers no means for redemption.

The first week of Pride Month made me recall a scene from the show Seinfeld.

Kramer participates in an AIDS walk in one episode but declines to wear a red ribbon.

A mob descends on him to demand compliance with wearing the appropriate symbol.

“This is America! I don’t have to wear anything I don’t want to wear!”

yells Kramer. The crowd physically attacks him.

WATCH Video:

It is only June 8, but you will be made to conform should you dare to commit the heresy of not celebrating Pride Month. It is not enough to mind your own business and adopt the live-and-let-live attitude that allows us to dwell together in a large, diverse nation. It is certainly not okay to question why we need an entire month dedicated to lauding where some Americans like to put their genitals or the increasingly absurd number of pronouns that now includes words like “cake.”

The LGBTQ+ acronym seems to add letters almost weekly to include gender-bending weirdness and sexual proclivities most Americans don’t understand, let alone endorse. And Gaia demands you applaud and celebrate while a 23-year-old named Jaxen describes themselves as a “polyamorous pansexual demiflux person my stagnant gender being male while my fluctuating one is mostly Agender with occasional female. Pronouns are he/him/they/them/ze/zir.”

You got all that, right?

You can’t just nod and smile nervously like Nick Sandmann when a Native American was pounding a drum in his face.

You must affirm Jaxen’s bravery, and acknowledge his struggle.

Silence is violence in the Church of Woke if your beliefs contradict its catechism.

They revel in making you apologize in what can only be likened to a Maoist struggle session performed in public, after which they grant no forgiveness.

It is still possible a mob will chase you out of an alley like Kramer, only now it will be masked far-left activists falling under the loose umbrella of Antifa giving chase. Several people protesting the “Drag Your Kid to Pride” event at the Mr. Misster gay bar in Dallas found this out over the weekend. Drag queens were dancing for children as young as toddlers inside a bar complete with a pink sign behind the stage that read, “It won’t lick itself.” The people protesting the event were the problem.

If the secular religious zealots can’t catch you in person, there are also online mobs. Five Tampa Bay Rays players are finding that out. Mainstream outlets like ESPN and CNN followed the lead of radical left-wing Twitter, calling the players out for not wearing the rainbow (plus other colors that stand for something) team logo during the Rays’ Pride Night celebration. Several cited their Christian beliefs, which earned them more derision. To be on the “right side of history” requires abandoning those archaic beliefs. Even the U.S. embassy in Vatican City flew a gay pride flag. Of course, our diplomats’ courage failed them, and there was no rainbow flag in Riyadh.

Even if you try to do everything right to avoid an assault on your character or company, you risk not going far enough. Despite holding a company-sponsored Pride flag-raising event, offering “Glamazon” employee t-shirts, and posting the obligatory reminder, Amazon fell short. About 30 employees held a “die-in” during the company Pride Month event to protest Amazon’s sale of “transphobic” books. Less than 30 employees accused Amazon of attempting to “rainbow-wash” its image and claimed books that don’t affirm trans identity harm trans individuals. Amazon has 1.1 million employees, according to its 2022 filing. But less than three dozen having a tantrum is news during Pride Month.

Radical activists will spend the rest of June persecuting people, businesses, and other organizations who refuse to comply with their religious observance. In 2016, radio host and author Erick Erickson warned in the title of his book that You Will Be Made to Care. At the time, Mark Levin called activists “compassionate bullies of the Left.”

Now, we live in a nation where a vocal, authoritarian minority insists on far more than your silence as they trample every norm and institution. In less than a decade, the silence they demanded through political correctness has become a demand for applause and conformity with their radical secular rituals. When will America say enough is enough?

California County Sees Average Gas Price Soar Above $7 per Gallon

California is maintaining its status of having the highest gas prices in the nation, with one county in particular seeing prices soar above $7.00 per gallon for regular fuel.

The nationwide average price for gas jumped yet again on Monday, breaking another record of $4.865 per gallon. That reflects a nearly $0.25 cent jump in the last week, a nearly $0.59 rise in the last month, and a $1.81 rise in the last year.

Mid-grade gas has hit a national average of $5.218, and premium is now $5.510. Diesel also hit another record on Monday, reaching $5.645.

No state in the nation is seeing an average price below $4.00, and several states have an average of $5.00 or more. Those states now include Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Hawaii, Alaska, and California, the last of which has the highest gas price average in the nation — $6.341, which is more than $1.47 higher than the average price nationwide. San Francisco County, for instance, is seeing an average of $6.590 per gallon. Mono County is experiencing the highest gas price average in the country, with prices soaring over $7.00, standing at $7.044.

According to AAA, the demand for domestic gas rose last week in the midst of Memorial Day weekend, despite one-third stating that the price of gas affected their Memorial Day plans.

“People are still fueling up, despite these high prices,” AAA spokesperson Andrew Gross said in a statement. “At some point, drivers may change their daily driving habits or lifestyle due to these high prices, but we are not there yet.

West Texas Intermediate crude futures were down .14 percent following this news, reaching $118.73. Brent crude, the global benchmark that U.S. prices tend to trend with, was up .15 percent to $119.87 at the time of this writing.

A recent ABC News/Ipsos poll found that 72 percent disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of gas prices, and 90 percent say gas prices will be either extremely important, very important, or somewhat important when they vote in the midterm election. Among those, 48 percent state it will be “extremely” important.

Scarborough on Gun Legislation: ‘A Lie’ to ‘Say Second Amendment Rights Are Being Trampled On’

MSNBC “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough on Monday pushed back against the notion that gun legislation being proposed in the wake of recent mass shootings was “trampling” on Second Amendment rights.

According to Scarborough, universal background checks and adding regulations do not “infringe on Second Amendment rights.” He argued it was a “lie” to say that Second Amendment rights were “being trampled on.”

“I mean, if you look at a gun the wrong way, people go, ‘Oh, you’re trampling my Second Amendment rights,‘” Scarborough asserted. “There is nothing in any legislation that’s being proposed right now, whether you’re talking about universal background checks, that does anything to infringe on Second Amendment rights. Nothing at all. If you read the Constitution if you read the Second Amendment if you read Heller, the decision that said Second Amendment said what the Second Amendment said, there’s nothing in there.”

“We’re not even talking about military-style weapons, banning them,” he added. “But even if you were to regulate them more, other states are doing it. The court hasn’t overruled those; haven’t said that’s unconstitutional whether you agree or disagree, that’s one thing. But to say that Second Amendment rights are being trampled on, that’s what everybody says. It’s a lie. It’s just a lie.”

Rep. Greg Steube Shows How Democrats Magazine Ban Would Also Outlaw Handguns

Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) showed the House Judiciary Committee Thursday how a ban on high-capacity gun magazine would lead to the outlawing of many popular handguns.

Democrats ADMIT They’ll Do ANYTHING To Take Your Guns

Glenn and Stu debunk the Left’s latest gun lies after two Democratic congressmen admitted that they don’t care what’s standing in their way, whether it’s the Constitution or the Supreme Court: They WILL take AR-15s away from Americans. And President Biden is right there with them, despite what he says about the “respect” he gives to “lawful gun owners.” But Glenn has a feeling they won’t stop at so-called “assault rifles”…

It’s Not MY Second Amendment Right — It’s OURS, and Yes, It’s Worth the Price

There, I said it. I’ll be the big, bad monster “gun nut” the left can hate. Lefties need conservative boogeymen to disdain. I volunteer for the role of “firearm hobgoblin.”

Now for some reality. Everyone believes that kids getting shot is abhorrent. Some of us also think it’s repulsive to dismember a kicking child four days before it’s born or support an attention-starved, 12-year-old boy’s decision to lop off his penis for Facebook “likes,” but that is another conversation.

Nevertheless, the left is willing happy eager to use a school shooting to ask us the following: “Are a bunch of dead kids worth your Second Amendment right???!?!?!”

This question is obviously a vulgar attempt at a “gotcha” moment that liberals use to reinforce their hateful belief that conservatives are fearful, self-absorbed, soulless ghouls suffering from “crotch poverty” who grasp at guns to feel manly.

Also, it’s OUR Second Amendment right. It is a right for all Americans, and more Americans should take it seriously.

The response tweet is from a bot; I checked.

The Second Amendment isn’t about shooting deer; it’s about killing tyrants who have shredded our Constitution and taken control of our government.

The jackpuddings on the left either ignore this fact or are too stupid to think that we may need to stand up and fight for our nation someday, possibly soon.

Or they are in on it.

My favorite lefty lemmings are the bootlickers who say, “You only have a gun; you can’t fight nukes, you stupid Crucifix-clutcher!”

For starters, the U.S. military is highly unlikely to nuke 20,000,000 patriotic Americans who dare stand up for democracy. Nor do I foresee a gun battle in a peach orchard, cornfield, or a suburban neighborhood. I am not predicting Bull Run Part III outside of Washington, D.C. Then again, there was a time when I didn’t think the Democrats would steal a presidential election.

I do see a situation where the Democrats steal a move from Australia and use COVID-19 as an excuse to lock up people they deem “high risk.” Where would I get such a tinfoil hat idea? From the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). They call it “shielding:”

The shielding approach aims to reduce the number of severe COVID-19 cases by limiting contact between individuals at higher risk of developing severe disease (“high-risk”) and the general population (“low-risk”). High-risk individuals would be temporarily relocated to safe or “green zones” established at the household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community level depending on the context and setting.1,2 They would have minimal contact with family members and other low-risk residents.

Screenshot from: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/global-covid-19/shielding-approach-humanitarian.html#r1

Keep in mind that this is all about “protecting” you from a scenario where 98.8% of KNOWN cases of the Bat Stew flu have survived in the U.S. I say “KNOWN” because tens of millions of Americans have tested positive with tests at home and self-medicated. Millions of kids have likely gotten the Hong Kong Fluey and shown no symptoms and hence weren’t even tested. Johns Hopkins University and the CDC will never know how many actual cases we’ve had.

More about the CDC’s “shielding” plan: “In theory, shielding may serve its objective to protect high-risk populations from disease and death. However, implementation of the approach necessitates strict adherenceto protocol.”

Strict adherence you say? COVID camps? To anyone paying attention, that dirty AR-15 and those demonic 30-round mags don’t seem so bad now, do they? I don’t know about you but I’m not going to one of Fauci’s “shielding camps.”

FACT-O-RAMA! The CDC will decide who is/is not “high risk.”

Here is one more from the CDC’s shielding nonsense:


Consideration: Plan for potential disruption of social networks.

Explanation: Community celebrations (religious holidays), bereavement (funerals) and other rites of passage are cornerstones of many societies. Proactive planning ahead of time, including strong community engagement and risk communication is needed to better understand the issues and concerns of restricting individuals from participating in communal practices because they are being shielded. Failure to do so could lead to both interpersonal and communal violence.21,22

The CDC is already anticipating violence when they lock us up. Joe Biden wants your guns. Get it yet?

I STRONGLY recommend you read what the CDC/federal government has planned for “our protection.”

WATCH Video:

Republicans understand the importance of the Constitution, and we are willing to fight to keep it intact. Democrats see it as a roadblock to pinko paradise and have been trying to dismantle it for years.

Biden urged the CDC to enact an “eviction moratorium,” meaning that people didn’t have to pay rent. This was blatantly unconstitutional. He did it anyway. Biden also tried to have your employer fire you if you didn’t get an untested “vaccine.” That’s called authoritarianism, and the Constitution was written to keep it off of American soil.

The Democrats view the Constitution the way some people look at the rules of Monopoly; they go with the basics and try to change the ones they don’t like. You know, like ending the Electoral College and raising the number of Supreme Court judges.

Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) gave away the Democrats’ bolshie playbook at a House Judiciary Committee meeting last Thursday.

“You will not stop us from advancing the Protecting Our Kids Act today,”

he threatened.

“If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it. If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it.

And we will not rest until we have taken weapons of war out of circulation and our communities each and every day.”

Sure, the unknown congressman is screeching to the choir, but he said the secret part out loud. The enemy is at the gate front door.

Albert Einstein is reported to have written his son and said, “There’s something amazing about America’s democracy, it’s got a gyroscope and just when you think it’s going to go off the cliff, it rights itself.”

Einstein never factored in the possibility of stolen elections. Let’s face it: if the Democrats’ ideas are so good, “allegedly” stealing elections wouldn’t be necessary.

Communism, Nazism, authoritarianism — call it what you like. It’s time for conservatives to wake up and realize, “Yes, it CAN happen here.”

And liberals need to understand that the pesky Second Amendment is the last hope we have of stopping them. I really hope the Democrats don’t take it that far, but I don’t trust them. Neither should you.

A Tyrannical President Wants to End the Constitutional Amendment Written to Stop a Tyrannical President

I watched Biden’s 17-minute emotional threat to disassemble the 2nd Amendment, and a slew of headlines popped into my mind. I had to pick one for this article carefully because, frankly, I had a number from which to choose. I also liked:

“Nation’s Longest-Serving Political Leader Blames Politicians for Not Doing Something About ‘Gun Violence’ For Decades”

“Ignore the 100,000 People who Die Yearly From Drug Overdoses Due to Biden’s Open Border, Let’s Focus on a Rare School Shooting to Disarm Tens of Millions of Law-abiding Americans”

“Groggy Biden Stands on a Pile of Dead Kids and Says ‘Americans, I can See your Rights Disappearing From Here'”

Biden’s gun-grabbing speech did exactly what one would expect: it appealed to the emotions of the left while ignoring the logic of conservatives and the profound necessity of our Constitutional rights.

Yes, Joe, we get it. School shootings are horrific. P.S. Mad bomb shouts on the burning candles, nice touch. I’m just glad he didn’t mention “white supremacy” again, but he couldn’t, due to the fact that the Uvalde shooter was Hispanic and the Tulsa shooter was black. #Equity

No one hates to see children murdered more than the people who embrace the lives of children, whether or not they’ve been born yet, as well as family values and the idea of the nuclear family. That would be conservatives.

‘DO something. Just Do Something. For God’s Sake, Do Something’

Biden rattled off a handful of past mass shootings and mentioned that nothing has been done over the years. He neglects to mention these are the same years he has been in Washington, either as a senator, vice-president, or president.

Biden tooted his own horn about the mythical “assault weapon ban” from 1994 to 2004, and how mass shootings dropped in those 10 years but went up when “Republicans allowed it to expire.”

Assault Weapon Ban Fast-facts:

The ban didn’t keep even ONE semi-automatic rifle from being sold. It merely put restrictions on which/how many options could be put on the gun

▪ Despite what Biden said, Republicans didn’t “let” the “ban” expire, the bill was written to expire in ten years.

▪ Biden claims mass shootings dropped because of the ban. Not true. Check this out from fivethirtyeight.com:

During the ban, a semi-automatic rifle like the AR-15 could legally have any one of the following features, as long as it didn’t have two or more of them: a folding stock (making the gun slightly easier to conceal), a pistol grip (making the weapon easier to hold and use), a bayonet mount, a flash suppressor (making it harder to see where shots are coming from), or a grenade launcher.

A 2004 report commissioned by the Department of Justice on the effects of the assault weapons ban concluded that the law was largely ineffective at limiting access to weapons with the power of the AR-15. According to the report, the ban focused on “features that have little to do with the weapons’ operation, and removing those features is sufficient to make the weapons legal.” The report noted that several semi-automatic rifles were functionally equivalent to the AR-15 and untouched by the ban.

This means that Joe Biden stood on the bodies of recently murdered victims and lied to us about the “assault rifle ban” he boasted of helping to write.

FACT-O-RAMA! The number of mass shootings involving a grenade launcher has always been zero, and mass-bayonet attacks have been non-existent since the wrting of the Magna Carta.

Joe went on to bemoan gun locks and mental illness. The shooters in Tulsa, Uvalde, and Buffalo bought their guns just before committing their heinous crimes. Gun locks had nothing to do with anything.

Mental illness is a different animal and certainly worth a discussion, but there is NOTHING that could have stopped the Tulsa, Uvalde, and Buffalo shooters from buying guns. There are tests for mental illness, and laws to keep those who suffer from it from buying guns, but the last time I checked there is no test for evil.

Biden continued by saying that guns are the leading cause of death amongst children. This is not true. As per the New England Journal of Medicine, accidents and injuries are still the leading cause.

What Joe also slyly tried to do was equate gun deaths with “assault rifle” deaths.

The truth is this, more people are killed by knives and also by physical beatings than by ALL styles of rifles combined.

I wrote about that recently:

Here is an FBI chart showing the types of weapons used for murders between 2015-2019.

As you can see, over three times as many people were beaten to death as were killed by all rifle styles combined, and nearly five times as many were killed by knives. So unless your liberal sister-in-law is ready to turn in her cutlery and chop off her hands and those gnarly feet, she can kiss your ass.

What Joe failed to mention was how many kids are shot by stray bullets fired from gangbangers who the Democrats refuse to lock up. Or how many are young gangbangers themselves?

Biden then went on to say the age to purchase a semi-auto rifle should be changed from 18 to 21. This is hard to hear from a man who is down with transgender activism for kids.

Meet the Bolshie family!

14-year-old Britanny “Mom, I’m having an abortion.”


12-year-old Connor “Dad, I’m having my penis removed.”


18-year-old Mike “I"m buying an AR.”


— The Kevin Downey, Jr. Show (@KDJRadioShow) June 3, 2022

It wouldn’t be a Biden speech with about a whisper or two. At one point he squeaked out the following: “Why in God’s name should an ordinary citizen be able to purchase an assault weapon that holds 30-round magazines?

The 2nd Amendment isn’t about shooting deer, Joe.

It’s about defending the Constitution against enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.

It’s for when our elected leaders go rogue. It’s for when an entire political party of the United States goes full commtard and won’t stop shredding the Constitution until it’s dead, floating facedown in the Potomac, enveloped in adipocere. Defending our Constitution is way easier to do with magazines that hold 30 rounds of commie-stoppers.

You can watch the whole hackneyed mouth-trash speech here.

WATCH Video:

House Democrat Wants to Tax Assault Weapons 1,000% and It Could Pass Without GOP Votes

In response to a recent string of mass shootings, one House Democrat is drafting a bill designed to severely restrict access to assault weapons.

Rep. Donald Beyer (D-Va.), who sits on the House Ways and Means Committee, is looking to put a 1,000% excise tax on AR-15-type rifles as a means of making them less affordable to the public.

“What it’s intended to do is provide another creative pathway to actually make some sensible gun control happen,” Beyer told Business Insider. “We think that a 1,000% fee on assault weapons is just the kind of restrictive measure that creates enough fiscal impact to qualify for reconciliation.”

With the affected guns ranging in price from $500 to $2000, the tax could add as much as $20,000 to the final sale price of the weapons. While bullets would not be taxed at the high rate, high-capacity magazines would be.

The details of the legislation are not yet final. Beyer insists that law enforcement agencies and the military would be exempt from the tax, as would existing owners. One can only imagine the surge in sales of the weapons should this legislation make it through. And while the proposal seems absurd on its face, that doesn’t mean it’s doomed to fail; Beyer is looking to use the reconciliation process to bypass a filibuster in the Senate.

Oregan Man Destroys Guns, Claims it’s to Reduce Violence

Like many of you, I have a number of guns sitting in my gun safe. To my knowledge, only one has been used to take human life, and it’s an SKS my father brought back from Vietnam. I have another that might have–a Yugo SKS with a Serbian crest carved into the stock.

None, however, have been fired at an individual since I obtained them. Absolutely none.

The same can be true of most people’s guns.

However, an Oregon man went on TikTok to destroy his own weapons, he says to combat violence.

WATCH Video:

A Hillsboro man is getting national attention on social media after turning his two firearms over to police to be destroyed following the mass shooting at an elementary school in Texas.

“Today I’m turning in my weapons to the Hillsboro Police Department in Oregon, both my AR-15 and my nine millimeter handgun. I no longer want them,” said Ben Beers in his now viral TikTok post.

Next, Beers will cut off his junk in order to combat sexual assault.

After all, that makes just as much sense as getting rid of your guns because of someone else’s actions.

If you’re going to destroy your guns because of what a third party did with a completely different weapon, then clearly your sexual organs are just as responsible for rape as the rapist’s organs are.

Then again, Beers has his perspective a little skewed.

“Which is a good thing,” said Beers. “Hopefully, soon we can all wake up and realize this needs to be done… this is an idea. Guns are not as precious to us and nor are my Second Amendment rights as the lives of my children in school.”

Beers and his wife have two daughters. By the time they’re grown, he said he hopes access to guns in America will look different.

“I can’t even find a PlayStation 5, but I can go get a Glock, you know?” said Beers.

Understand, my daughter is the same age as those killed in Uvalde. I hold her as one of the most important things in my life along with my son and my wife.

But where Beers screws up is in thinking this is a binary thing, that you can’t hold your children precious and support gun rights. Your Second Amendment rights preserve your ability to protect those things you hold dear.

Then again, I don’t think any of that is what matters to Beers.

No, what mattered to him was having the opportunity to virtue signal.

He wanted to get followers and likes on TikTok and used the tragedy and his supposed response to it in order to get them.

He hasn’t made anyone safer.

Hell, following Parkland, a number of people pulled the exact same thing, making a big show of destroying their firearms. Since then, violent crime has skyrocketed.

Now, I’m not saying them destroying their guns caused the spike by any means. However, destroying their guns damn sure didn’t do anything to help, either.

On the same token, Beers hasn’t actually done anything of value, either.

But hey, now he can say he’s big on TikTok. 14-year-old girls everywhere will be totally jealous.

The Morning Briefing: Will Squish Republicans Cave to Democrats on Guns?

Thanks to Oval Office Occupier Joe Biden’s speech last Thursday, America’s argument raged on all through the weekend. Let us be clear about one thing: there is no gun “debate” in this country, it’s a knock-down, drag-out fight.

We’ve had a lot of content written these past few days covering the issue. I wrote a column on Friday that included something that comes up in conversations a lot lately:

As I often tell people, in over half a century of shooting, my guns have never shot anybody.

Why should my Second Amendment rights be run roughshod over?

No one has ever been able to make that case to me.

That may seem a little simplistic but I would like someone to take a crack at answering it.

The coastal Democrats are trying to move quickly on new gun legislation, coming up with outlandish ideas like the one Matt wrote about over the weekend:

In response to a recent string of mass shootings, one House Democrat is drafting a bill designed to severely restrict access to assault weapons.

Rep. Donald Beyer (D-Va.), who sits on the House Ways and Means Committee, is looking to put a 1,000% excise tax on AR-15-type rifles as a means of making them less affordable to the public.

“What it’s intended to do is provide another creative pathway to actually make some sensible gun control happen,” Beyer told Business Insider. “We think that a 1,000% fee on assault weapons is just the kind of restrictive measure that creates enough fiscal impact to qualify for reconciliation.”

Democrats have never encountered a situation that they couldn’t tax to death.

The big worry for pro-Second Amendment types is whether any Republicans might be moved by media pressure to “compromise” on what the Democrats like to laughingly call “common sense” legislation. There were rumors floating around last week that some Republicans were ready to yield on “red flag laws,” which Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) railed against, calling them “unconstitutional.

In his latest column over at Townhall, Schlichter offers up a variety of reasons that the GOP shouldn’t compromise on guns. My big reason has always been this:

the Democrats are never satisfied once Republicans yield to them.

They’ll just want more. Just look at what they’ve done with abortion.

They reject any limitations whatsoever.

Republicans who want to buddy up to the Dems on guns in order to get a pat on the head from The New York Times do so at their own peril, which New York’s Chris Jacobs found out the hard way.

There are no simple paths to an agreement between the left and the right on this issue and Republicans should be wary of any that seem to be.

The Democrats’ end game is to take all of our guns away.

They’ll do it in baby steps and Republicans who are afflicted by Swamp disease will fall for them.

And then one day it will be too late.

California: No. 1 in Gun Control, No. 1 in ‘Active Shooter Incidents’

An FBI report on ‘Active Shooter Incidents’ in 2021 shows that California was the number one state for such incidents, with six incidents total.

California is also number one for gun law strength, the Mike Bloomberg-affiliated Everytown for Gun Safety noted.

According to the FBI, there were 61 “active shooter incidents” across the country in 2021 and 12 of the incidents met the definition of a “mass killing.”

California led the nation with six “active shooter incidents.”

California has…

▪ Universal background checks,

▪ An “assault weapons” ban,

▪ A “high capacity” magazine ban, a 10-day waiting period on gun purchases,

A a red flag law, gun registration requirements,

▪ A “good cause” requirement for concealed carry permit issuance,

▪ A a ban on carrying a gun on a college campus for self-defense, ▪ A ban on K-12 teachers being armed on campus for classroom defense,

▪ A background check requirement for ammunition purchases,

▪ And a limit on the number of guns a law-abiding citizen can purchase in a given month, among other controls.

Additionally, ammunition purchases are only allowed if made through a state-approved vendor.

Canning Bacon Update!

I made a canning bacon video many years ago I have had many requests to make it again ..here you go

They Are PREPARING For Something VERY BIG…

Limits at Walmart and limits at Costco have started to spread all over the country. Soon we will see shortages in all of our favorite foods and items from supply chain disruptions. Prepping for SHTF is more important than ever now. Prep now to stay prepared in a hectic world.

San Antonio Spurs Head Coach Gregg Popovich Gregg Popovich: I Shouldn’t Be Able to Buy an AR-15, Neither Should You

San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich spoke at a ‘Stand with Uvalde’ rally Saturday, referenced AR-15s, and said, “I shouldn’t be able to buy one, you shouldn’t be able to buy one.”

Outkick.com reported Popovich’s participation in the rally.

Popovich’s statements on AR-15s came after he held up Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) as an example of a politician who is supporting gun control in the wake of the Uvalde attack. On May 27, 2022, Breitbart News noted that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell tapped Cornyn to work with Democrats in pursuit of “bipartisan” gun control.”

After mentioning Cornyn, Popovich turned to the topic of the Uvalde attacker and criticized his ability to get a gun.

He said:

“Nobody’s trying to take away anybody’s guns, nobody. But they said that this 18-year-old, he probably had mental challenges, but they gave him a gun.

They gave him an AR-15.

They didn’t give him a hunting rifle, they didn’t give him a handgun, and the things that’s amazing to me about that.”

Popovich then started to ask why an 18-year-old can buy an AR-15 but redirected his point to say,

“Wait a minute, why can anybody buy an AR-15?

I shouldn’t be able to buy one, you shouldn’t be able to buy one.

What the hell do you need an AR-15 for?”

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

- Constitution of United States of America 1789

Bill Maher: School Attacker’s Advantage Is Not Gun Type But Time

On Friday, HBO’s Bill Maher made clear the Uvalde school attacker’s advantage was not the type of gun he used but the amount of time he had to use it.

Maher said,

“I mean, this kid was in the room for 40 minutes before anybody came in. It wouldn’t have mattered what kind of gun he had. Any kind of gun could do any amount of damage in that time.”

On May 27, 2022, a Breitbart News op-ed noted, “We must understand that the attacker’s advantage in a school shooting is not so much the type of firearm he uses but the time he has without armed resistance and the degree of surprise that results from the launch of his attack.”

When there is no armed guard present to stop the attacker and no perimeter fencing, or there is weak perimeter fencing, and there are no armed teachers, the attacker has time on his side when he gets inside the school.

Consider Maher’s words again: “I mean, this kid was in the room for 40 minutes before anybody came in.”

Breitbart News noted that the February 14, 2018, Parkland attacker had time to pause and reload five times during his rampage. The Sandy Hook Elementary School attacker had more than nine minutes without armed resistance.

Joe Biden’s Call to Restrict Young Adults’ Second Amendment Rights Previously Defeated in Federal Court

WASHINGTON, DC – President Joe Biden called for American adults ages 18–20 to be barred from buying modern sporting rifles, but a federal appeals court has ruled that the Second Amendment fully applies at age 18, making it likely that such a restriction would be struck down as unconstitutional.

Biden specifically said he would raise the age on “assault weapons,” but there is no such thing as an “assault weapon.” Biden’s nominee for ATF director couldn’t even define the term when Sen. Tom Cotton challenged him to do so.

So assuming Biden meant assault rifles – more correctly called modern sporting rifles – the key to this constitutional question is found in 18 U.S.C. § 922(b)(1) and ©(1). Those provisions of a federal law say that, although an 18-year-old can buy a long gun (rifle or shotgun) from anyone, an adult must be at least 21 to buy a handgun (pistol or revolver) from a FFL (a federal firearm license holder) – in other words, a gun store. A citizen can buy a handgun from another source starting at age 18, but an American must be 21 to buy a handgun from a federally regulated retail outlet.

That makes no sense to many people. At age 18 you can buy a handgun from a friend, a sister, or even that creepy neighbor down the street but not from a regulated, monitored, professional store that will first conduct a proper background check. But that is the law.

Biden seemed oblivious to all this when he said – falsely – in his divisive primetime speech that an 18-year-old cannot buy a handgun from any source in Texas. Not surprisingly, various lawsuits have been filed in recent years challenging that restriction.

In 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit held that the restriction violates the Constitution’s Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, setting the stage to strike it down in the states of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, and South Carolina as this case continues. After many pages of analysis, the court concluded:

A review of the Constitution’s text, structure, and history reveals that 18-year-olds are covered by the Second Amendment. Like most other constitutional rights, the Second Amendment has no explicit age limit, and the most analogous constitutional rights apply equally to everyone. And when a constitutional right applies differently to minors, the age cutoff has consistently been set at 18, not 21.

Founding-era history confirms that the public understood the Second Amendment to cover 18-year-olds. At the time of ratification, every state and the federal government required 18-year-old men to enroll in the militia. Those in the militia, as Heller reminds us, were a subset of the political community known as “the people” that enjoyed Second Amendment rights. While most of the militia laws the government identifies still allowed 18-year-olds to join the militia, those that required enlistees to be 21 are few in number and distant in time from ratification. So the historical basis for those 18 and older having Second Amendment rights rests on firm ground.

Nor is the Fourth Circuit alone. Seven judges in the Fifth Circuit took the same position, as written by one of the most respected federal appeals judges in the nation, Judge Edith Jones. In 2013, Jones explained to seven dissenting judges why the Second Amendment allows law-abiding adults ages 18–20 to buy handguns:

Congress has seriously interfered with this group’s constitutional rights because of a class-based determination that applies to, at best, a tiny percentage of the lawbreakers among the class. Of course, the lawbreakers obtain handguns, but the law-abiding young adults are prevented from doing so, which adds an unusual and perverse twist to the constitutional analysis. I stress again [the judges’ ruling on the other side, saying that younger adults as a group are] “irresponsible”; the Second Amendment protects “law-abiding responsible adults”; the Second Amendment permits “categorical regulation of gun possession by classes of persons” irrespective of their being within the core zone of rights-holders; and finally, “Congress could have sought to prohibit all persons under 21 from possessing handguns—or all guns, for that matter.”

If any of these phrases were used in connection with a First Amendment free speech claim, they would be odious. Free speech rights are not subject to tests of “responsible adults,” speakers are not age-restricted, and class-based abridgement of speech is unthinkable today. Even if it is granted that safety concerns exist along with the ownership of firearms, they exist also with regards to incendiary speech. Some reasonable regulations are surely permissible, but the panel’s approval of banning young adults from the commercial and federally regulated market for the quintessential self-defense weapon is class-based invidious discrimination against a group of largely law-abiding citizens.

It would be interesting to see if the Biden administration attempts to argue that modern sporting rifles should be treated differently than handguns, given that Biden himself suggested in the past few days that he could ban 9mm handguns – which is a common barrel size for a standard handgun and smaller than many other common sizes like .40-caliber – and that modern sporting rifles have a similar profile in the marketplace. It would seem that age-based restrictions on one would stand or fall with the other in a constitutional challenge.

This does not mean that Biden cannot seek to make the purchase age 21. All it means is that because the Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms at age 18, any change Biden and his Democrat Party would like to enact regarding the purchase age would likely need to be done through a constitutional amendment. The White House has said nothing to suggest Biden is willing to take on that challenge.

The Everything Shortage - Global Food Shortage And The World Economic Forum Davos 2022

A global food shortage is predicted to set in 50 days from now. Meanwhile a new world is being drafted at Davos 2022 by Klaus Schwab and the so-called elites.
