

was tagged (kind of?) by lee @catgirlsam to do this sam stan tag game!

  • sibling status (younger, middle, older, only child) – younger sibling of one older sister who i have a matching tattoo with and would kill for <3
  • how long have you been stanning for – i started the show back when i was eleven (literally the psychic damage) which i remember specifically because i caught the s3 finale when i was channel surfing and like begged my dad to get me the s1-3 boxset for a belated birthday gift. then i proceeded to binge it and wait anxiously for the s4 premiere and watched that live. so i’ve literally been suffering since 2008 :/ 
  • favorite sam era – s1-2 psychic awakening sam just holds such a special place in my heart
  • favorite spn season, but if the only criteria was sam’s hair – once again, s1-2 because i have taste! we love bangs in this household
  • favorite sam-centric episode – all hell breaks loose: part one hits in a way that few things ever have or ever will
  • ships – i love insane codependent brothers
  • favorite song you would/have put in a sam playlist – sea lion by sage francis because i watched this fanvid back in 2013 and i’ve never been the same, like the lyrics bro i’m literally gnawing off my fucking arm
  • if you could steal one thing from sam’s wardrobe – carhartt hoodie :’)
  • complete the sentence: if sam cishet, then why – rebellious daughter syndrome? why “i never really fit in”? why male crossroads demon? why “unclean in the biblical sense”?
  • favorite unhinged sam moment – “I DON’T WANT TEN YEARS, I DON’T WANT ONE YEAR, I DON’T WANT CANDY! I WANT TO TRADE PLACES WITH DEAN!” & “i’m stronger than that now. now i can kill” & “wait your turn”
  • you must have some intense headcanons you need to talk about, tell me one sam headcanon that drives you insane – sam writes dean letters (in high school, at stanford, after he’s back on the road with dean) but never sends them
  • tell me something about the hbo sam that lives in your brain – literally stop it with the hbo spn shit it’s dead you guys it’s six feet under
  • oh no, the writers forgot to give jess a personality! now it’s up to you. tell me, what was jess like – not to be like this, but jess really didn’t need a personality narratively speaking considering her purpose in the show was to parallel mary’s death and jumpstart sam’s need for revenge so like. i don’t know. i do know she pegged though
  • biggest injustice supernatural committed against sam (be as brief or as ranty as you desire) – literally like, ignoring everything post swan song because that’s my brand (so we just won’t speak about the travesty of s9), the forced detox in when the levee breaks makes me grind my fucking teeth
  • and finally, just say something about him that makes you smile – moles <3

i’m tagging: @trapperjohn,@girlbossjared,@milfsamwinchester,@haloforsam,@itstartswithbloodshed,@stanfordera and anyone else who feels like it (only if you want! also feel free to ignore this if you’ve already done it lmao)

i was curious about how many tumblrs i’ve blocked so i expanded my blocked list by clicking the “load more” until there was nothing left and then did ctrl + f “unblock” and guess what. on my main i have 4,394 blogs blocked. you love to see it

happy mother’s day to sam winchester my favorite milf <3

tankhun and arm are literally the only ones with braincells on this fucking show i swear to god. people seriously need to listen to them more i’m not even joking 
