#jesus fucking christ

elierlick:FAKE TRANS DOCUMENTARY/ORGANIZATION: Here’s the ridiculous story about how extreme the farelierlick:FAKE TRANS DOCUMENTARY/ORGANIZATION: Here’s the ridiculous story about how extreme the farelierlick:FAKE TRANS DOCUMENTARY/ORGANIZATION: Here’s the ridiculous story about how extreme the farelierlick:FAKE TRANS DOCUMENTARY/ORGANIZATION: Here’s the ridiculous story about how extreme the farelierlick:FAKE TRANS DOCUMENTARY/ORGANIZATION: Here’s the ridiculous story about how extreme the farelierlick:FAKE TRANS DOCUMENTARY/ORGANIZATION: Here’s the ridiculous story about how extreme the farelierlick:FAKE TRANS DOCUMENTARY/ORGANIZATION: Here’s the ridiculous story about how extreme the far


FAKE TRANS DOCUMENTARY/ORGANIZATION: Here’s the ridiculous story about how extreme the far-right is willing to go to dehumanize trans people. I was nearly tricked into doing an elaborate anti-trans documentary by Matt Walsh’s film crew this month. It started with an email from the “Gender Unity Project” a couple weeks ago. They claimed they were doing a film on the trans community and gave me names of well-known trans individuals and surgeons they had interviewed. It all seemed normal at first. I even talked to the producer (Makenna Lynn Waters) on the phone beforehand. She sounded like a well-meaning cis film graduate who was just curious about the trans community.

When we chatted, she claimed the documentary was self-funded. I was suspicious because she had finished college recently, but figured she was just rich (who has that kind of money?). Later, she told me the individual they were interviewing in Chicago had suddenly canceled (this happens, but is still sus). Then she offered to fly me to Nashville: where Matt Walsh lives. They finally sent me a release form this morning, which strangely didn’t have the name of the company on it. So, I looked up the Gender Unity Project. It used a registered agent to shield the company owners. It’s dubious but sometimes registered agents simply make it easier to incorporate. Then I looked Makenna Lynn up. Her name didn’t show up anywhere.

After some heavy Google searching, I realized she used her middle name as her last in our emails. I found the IMDB page of her real name (Makenna Waters). It turns out she’s a producer for the Matt Walsh show! That’s not a red flag: that’s a gun to your face. If you’re not familiar, Matt Walsh is a white supremacist who makes a living denying the basic humanity of trans people. She wasn’t just a producer for his show: she worked on over 200 episodes of it! I finally found her Twitter, which features videos of Walsh berating protesters and Ben Shapiro doing his usual BS.

I decided to look closer into the “Gender Unity Project.” After searching its state registration number, I learned it was registered to Justin Folk, a white supremacist documentarian who works for Matt Walsh and Prager U. His initials (jrkfolk) were also listed in the release I thankfully refused to sign. So, if you’re contacted by these slimy assholes, don’t respond. The last thing we need right now is another “gotcha” anti-trans documentary! Stay alert and take any media personalities with a grain of salt.

And they say we’re the ones tricking people?

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Lying Biden: Omni Post

Biden said he’d give $2,000 stimulus checks. Instead he gave only 1400 and means tested it to be given to people making under a certain amount based on pre-Covid income.

Biden said he’d forgive student debt. Instead he backed Betsy Devos and her campaign against loan forgiveness and while he did cancel 3 billion, he allowed the national Student Debt to increase by another ~40 billion.

He said he’d he raise the minimum wage to $15. Instead, he secretly told his colleagues that he was not trying to and scapegoated the parliamentarian, someone who can be ignored and fired.

Biden said he would lower the Medicare for all eligibility and create a public option. Instead he has blocked any attempt on Medicare expansion in spite of raging pandemic.

Biden promised that he would listen to experts to defeat Covid. He meant economic experts apparently as his strategy is nearly identical to Trump in spite of Vaccines.

Speaking of which, Biden said that he would make sure no parents would get in the way of distributing the vaccine worldwide.

Instead he has coddled the patents and prevented exports of the vaccines to developing nations. This allowed Big Pharma to extort developing nations.

But I am not finished lol.

Biden said he’d cure cancer if elected. Not only he didn’t cure cancer, his sanctions have prevented cancer patients from receiving treatment.

Biden promised he’d decriminalize Marijuana and expunge the records of those convicted of the possession of the drug.

He fired his own staffer for past use after tricking them into revealing that info and has sent the ones that Trump pardoned back to Prison.

Biden promised to remove the racist mandatory minimum drug sentencing that he instilled in the first place with assistance from a segregationist.

He is expanding on Trump’s expansion of them.

Biden promise to end Trump’s racist Muslim Ban. He has continued them instead.

But I am still not finished.

I’ve been talking about this for awhile now but liberals have been moving goal posts on this particular issue.

Biden promised to halt deportations. Instead he expanded on them, increased ICE’s funding, and doubled the amount of migrants in concentration camps.

Biden promised to end the practice of putting children in cages.

Biden just renamed them, and opened more for profit detention facilities while tripling the amount of children in cages with the added quality of denying them masks and other basic amenities like food, medicine, and clothes.

Biden promised to end family separation. He didn’t end family separation.

Biden promised to end the construction of the Border Wall. He stalled when he was perfectly capable of doing something about it and continued to seize property from families in order to continue the construction of the border wall.

To be continued

Biden promised to believe in Climate Science and fight the climate crisis. Instead, he increased the oil drilling, defended the pipelines, and placed fossil fuel executives in his administration.

Biden pledged that he’d stop supporting the genocide in Yemen by US ally, Saudi Arabia.

He gave them more weapons and support.

Biden promised that he’d rejoin the Iran Deal and improve relations with Iran.

He refused their offer, and chose to bomb Iranian forces illegally, seize their lands, and kill their citizens with sanctions.

Biden promised to improve US relations with Cuba. I am starting to think that Biden thinks sanctions and blockades are not acts of war and oppression, but how we make allies.

Can’t stop. Won’t stop.

This is the quick version of the Twitter thread I posted earlier

You right. Here is the thread.

A lot of these I posted and spoke about on separate instances. You can check my Joe Biden tag like I posted about the double detainees literally yesterday. One of the journalists I follow retweeted your thread. Sorry if I didn’t give you credit, bro.

[Link to the Thread]

But also,


anime central 2022 just announced they are dropping the promised requirements of vaccinations, masks, and negative tests a few days before the event.

acen is THIS WEEKEND. this is extremely irresponsible and DANGEROUS. anime central takes place largely in hotels which are partnered with the nearby international airport. to say this is going to be a super spreader event is an understatement. you know how big airports often have shuttles to specific hotels? anime central is centered around those specific hotels and the convention center attached to them.

this is disgusting. acen starts on may 20th, which is this weekend. they waited until most people could not get refunds.

by the way, two weeks ago anime central publicly announced that their covid safety policies (requiring masks, vaccines, negative tests) would not change prior to the event. surprise! fuck you


i am unwell

able bodied people will honestly treat everything you do for your own health as a massive inconvenience to them



by the way have any of you seen the new intensely unsettling graphic twitter’s putting in place for when you check quote retweets and there’s nothing there

what is that.

imyourjoyy: RED VELVET ♡ THE REVE FESTIVAL 2022 — [FEEL THE RHYTHM] teaserimyourjoyy: RED VELVET ♡ THE REVE FESTIVAL 2022 — [FEEL THE RHYTHM] teaserimyourjoyy: RED VELVET ♡ THE REVE FESTIVAL 2022 — [FEEL THE RHYTHM] teaserimyourjoyy: RED VELVET ♡ THE REVE FESTIVAL 2022 — [FEEL THE RHYTHM] teaserimyourjoyy: RED VELVET ♡ THE REVE FESTIVAL 2022 — [FEEL THE RHYTHM] teaserimyourjoyy: RED VELVET ♡ THE REVE FESTIVAL 2022 — [FEEL THE RHYTHM] teaserimyourjoyy: RED VELVET ♡ THE REVE FESTIVAL 2022 — [FEEL THE RHYTHM] teaserimyourjoyy: RED VELVET ♡ THE REVE FESTIVAL 2022 — [FEEL THE RHYTHM] teaserimyourjoyy: RED VELVET ♡ THE REVE FESTIVAL 2022 — [FEEL THE RHYTHM] teaserimyourjoyy: RED VELVET ♡ THE REVE FESTIVAL 2022 — [FEEL THE RHYTHM] teaser



Post link

should’ve never watched the entirety of fight fire with fire or whatever it’s called bc honestly!!!!!!!!!!!! what the fuck



stranger things filmed in a WHAT in lithuania?!??!?

this is disgusting



The entire population of Sweden getting collectively called out on twitter is funny as hell so far because every single tweet by a Swedish person is either like “first of all being racist is my cultural heritage…” or it’s “god, finally, I’ve been trying to tell everyone for years that my country is full of assholes”

Oh I guess this didn’t spill over enough to tumblr so this is what happened:

  • There was a twitter thread asking people about their weirdest encounters with someone else’s cultural practices.
  • Someone said that when they were just a child, they visited with a Swedish family who made them stay in another room while they ate meals and didn’t offer them any food or snacks.
  • This picked up lots of responses like “wait, what? That happened to me too but I just thought this one family were freaks???”
  • I don’t need to tell most people why most reactions to this were positively aghast that anyone anywhere expects guests to either bring their own food or just suffer.
  • The thread truly exploded only when some Swedes not only admitted to it but got defensive about it, calling it selfish and childish to expect food as a guest. Yes even from personal friends and yes even as children, because you should apparently actually be grateful enough that you’re even allowed in someone else’s home at all.
  • Other Swedish citizens chimed in to say they feel like they’re in the minority for having any concept of sharing or giving in general and that their other Swedish friends keep track of every cent they owe them for every little thing.
  • Immigrant and racial minority Swedes began to add that the whole “be grateful you’re even allowed here” attitude is how they’re treated everywhere they go just for existing.
  • From there, a whole lot of discussion, again mostly from people living there, about how Sweden has a cutesy, harmless image to most of the world only because its leadership and media work so hard to downplay its true prevalence of active white supremacy and hardcore nationalism.
  • “#swedengate” starts trending.
  • Sweden is being cancelled like it’s a celebrity and every Swede who gets upset about it just immediately demonstrates exactly what was being criticized in the first place:

Actually this part in itself is not funny at all. It’s just funny how many of them had to lock or delete their accounts like they genuinely thought these were normal things to say.

There is no will, no wrath. No god.ID: Uriel, an angel from supernatural as he is seen in show. HeThere is no will, no wrath. No god.ID: Uriel, an angel from supernatural as he is seen in show. He

ID: Uriel, an angel from supernatural as he is seen in show. He has silvery & brown wings extended away from his back. In an outstretched arm he holds a spear. Behind his head is a halo of three different animal heads- a rhino, a crane and a wolf. He is wearing a red robe and silver armor. Smoke and spiraling grace sorround him. Around him are floating eyes, also made of grace. On his face are two extra blind eyes. One of his armbands reads “God’s Light” in enochian.

Post link


Read this response last night while I was drunk and I- sidiwndnwwisikwe.

Conversion cannot change your race, yeah I believe Jewish converts adopt the Jewish ethnicity but uh, yeah that’s it. Yes white supremacist will attack you but that does not mean you aren’t white, The White privilege, the ability to be racist, the white narrative you were raised with and you being seen as white in all spaces isn’t going to go away and still 100% intact.

Yes there is a possibility of SOME conditionality when white supremacists and Nazis are concerned but that’s ALL.

White converts if you believe you automatically become not white when you convert please unfollow me. I don’t know ANY ONE who believes this but just for those who MIGHT please unfollow.


Fun thought:

Me pegging you in front of a mirror while teasing you about how much your fat jiggles with each thrust

three days at boston calling rlly cemented the fact 1.) my bones are weary 2.) i’m not as young a soul as i yearn to be

thanks for the cute trans pride banner youtube. would love to stop seeing ads promoting anti-trans documentaries perpetuating the beliefs that get trans people killed.



Another Random hc

once on a recon mission, Bruce managed to nab some of Damian’s baby pictures from the league.

So, naturally, the rest of the bats have to see this. Of course they look through the pictures on the batcave monitor while Damian is out with friends. At first, it goes great. The pictures are adorable (if a little sad sometimes), and everyone is getting a kick out of it.

The fun ends when Tim notices something.

Up until age four, Damian’s eyes were brown.

Since this is where I vent, apparently, let’s go: I found out yesterday that my now ex, of more than four years together, has been in a relationship with one of his colleagues for the last six months. They were planning to go on vacations with the money I gave him when he couldn’t pay rent on time or buy food. She’s married with 2 kids and wants to divorce for him, the jokes write themselves. But oh, “he loves us both” and “just couldn’t choose”. I’m traumatized to have loved such a pathetic loser.

had to get it off my chest somewhere
