#lenscanon 70-200mm f4 l mine

Sea of Green

Sea of Green by Natasha L.
Via Flickr:
Endless green leaves are such a beautiful sight.

Red Leaves

Red Leaves by Natasha L.
Via Flickr:
Red leaves in the middle of summer are always a fun treat!

Rainbow and Spitfire

Rainbow and Spitfire by Natasha L.
Via Flickr:
Rainbow Dash and Spitfire are always a great combination! Bronycon 2015.

#fursuit    #bronycon    #baltimore    #costume    #fursuits    #pegasister    #convention    #bronies    #cosplay    #pegasis    #maryland    #my little pony    #lenscanon 70-200mm f4 l mine    #united states    
Hallway DJ

Hallway DJ by Natasha L.
Via Flickr:
Bronycon’s impromptu jam area is always a lot of fun, and a great place to check out new musical talent!

#pegasister    #concert    #convention    #bronycon    #lenscanon 70-200mm f4 l mine    #my little pony    #bronies    #pegasis    #maryland    #baltimore    #united states    
Royal Selfie

Royal Selfie by Natasha L.
Via Flickr:
Princess Twilight and crossplay Prince Celestia taking a selfie with someone who seemed to be spending the entirety of Bronycon 2015 taking selfies with literally everyone. Certainly a unique idea, I hope he had fun!

#fursuit    #bronycon    #baltimore    #costume    #fursuits    #pegasister    #convention    #bronies    #cosplay    #pegasis    #maryland    #my little pony    #lenscanon 70-200mm f4 l mine    #united states    
Lightsaber Duel

Lightsaber Duel by Natasha L.
Via Flickr:
Cosplayers having an impromptu lightsaber duel at Bronycon 2015.

#pegasister    #my little pony    #convention    #bronycon    #costume    #cosplay    #lenscanon 70-200mm f4 l mine    #bronies    #pegasis    #maryland    #baltimore    #united states    