#leo galante




I’ve been meaning to post about this for quite a while now because I keep seeing people asking questions and arguing about this. Thought I’d settle this once and for all.

In the original Mafia II, it’s hard to see but looking at cutscenes where there are closeups on Vito’s face, his eyes are blue. It’s a darker shade of blue but it’s still blue and not brown like what many people thought:


If you still have doubts about this, open up Photoshop/GIMP, zoom into his eyes and use a color picker tool on his irises.



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In the game is he from Sicily or what part of Italy? I can’t name many Sicilians with blue eyes which makes him intersting none the less

Vito is from Messina in Sicily. And you’re right - not many Sicilians have blue eyes. Blue eyes (and also blond hair) are commonly associated with north Italians rather than south Italians.

From the game itself, there’s Leo Galante, who has blond hair and blue eyes. I did some research and found out that his mother is likely of north Italian descent. Leo’s probably of French descent too, his mother’s name is Genevieve Ferrari, and Ferrari is a surname common in north Italy.


From the Mafia remake, we have Sam Trapani, who also has blue (blue-grayish?) eyes. I believe he’s Sicilian, his ancestors likely came from Trapani in Sicily.
