#leonardo x mc



a/n: Remember when Leonardo’s family was a major obstacle in his route? Me neither! So now they’re a problem. It’s about time we brought it up with Leo. Different from my usual, which is all about the ✨ UwUs ✨ but I thought I’d give it a shot hehe. Inspired by @xxsycamore’s and @chaosangel767’sBe My Valentine, Prompt Feb. 14: “No matter what anyone says, you’re perfect for me.” 

[Characters]:You, Leonardo, Comte

[Word count]: ~1200 words

[Tags]: Hurt/comfort, marriage, family, drama, anxious reader   


The tall windows of the mansion hallway illuminated your anxious figure outside Leonardo’s room. You stood face-to-face with the door that kept you away from your beloved, consciously aware of the passage of time while you remained indecisive.

Earlier today, the topic of marriage was brought up between you, Leonardo, and le Comte. Up until that point, you hadn’t felt the weight of the topic until you stepped away from the conversation. You and Leonardo were a couple for over a year now and even promised to spend your lives together, despite how different your lifespans were. ‘Naturally, The next stepwould be marriage then, is it not?’ you thought.

“Let’s get married,” he said.

The confidence with which he spoke touched your heart and made it swell with joy. But there was a great looming shadow behind this decision. Getting engaged to Leonardo, a pureblood vampire, meant that you would have a big red target on your back aimed by his family.

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What a nice story Alby ~ as always

I think he will meet his family and talk it all out once for good and choose to live by his own eventually.
