#ikemen vampire leonardo


Scumbling- Leonardo Da Vinci x Reader (Fluff)

Summary: When you express to Leonardo that you’re not a huge fan of your stretch marks, he shares his perspective on the matter.

“What’s the pout for, belleza?” Leonardo quirked an eyebrow as you examined yourself in the mirror, having recently taken a dip in La Thermae. You sheepishly hugged your towel tighter around yourself, shaking your head.

“Nothing, really. Just thinking.” Your eyes didn’t leave the mirror, like you were making eye contact with a girl who was equally unconvinced by ‘nothing’ as Leonardo was.

“You wanna tell me what you’re thinking now or do I have to get it out of you myself?” He dropped the book he was leafing through and sat forward.

“…Leonardo, I’m going to ask you something, and please be honest with me.” You turned back to face him as his face took on a serious expression.

“I’m listening.” His voice was low and you paused, before slightly lifting the towel to show the stretch marks that adorned your skin on your hips.

“These…I don’t like them at all. They make me feel…ugly. Leonardo, do you thi-” Big strong arms enveloped your frame as he appeared behind you in the mirror.

“Don’t even ask me if I think they’re ugly, cara mia.” Leonardo wrapped an arm around your waist and with his free hand took hold of the towel where your hand was.

“But I just-”

“You like paintings don’t you? And all the pretty techniques involved?” You nodded, now looking at his reflection before you instead of your own.

“Mhm. Have you ever heard of Scumbling? It’s a technique that’s been used for a while now. The strokes are layered in such a way that the colours of the painting look broken or speckled, like these…” His fingers traced lightly over your skin as you dropped your gaze.

“Someone up there spent a lot of time on my beautiful cara mia. Be it Venus or Apollo, someone seems to have perfected their scumbling to make these precious little strokes, hmm?” Not taking his eyes off of you, he cupped his hand over your hip and gave it a loving squeeze.

“I’m and old man, Y/N. I’ve been around for a long long time. I’ve seen more works of art than you can imagine, enough paintings to fill the Louvre a thousand times over. Do you want to know something, micetta?” His chin rested on your shoulder and he nudged your face forwards again.

“Of all of those artworks whipped up by geniuses and the like, I’ve never been more in love with any of them than the one I see in front of me. You see a flaw, I see details. And all of these details make up the only thing that’s ever truly taken my breath away.” Leonardo’s golden eyes were still piercing you with that knowing gaze. Not able to resist the smile that overcame you, you laid your head against his and finally glanced back up.

Your cheeks were warm by now as you let your hand rest on top of his, interlocking your fingers with his own.

“I never looked at it that way. When did you get so wise, huh?” You grinned at him as he gave you a squeeze.

“I’m not all that wise, but I know masterpiece when I see one. But don’t worry, I’m not going to let anyone stick you up on a wall in some stuffy old museum.” Leonardo chuckled.

“Well I appreciate that a lot, and I appreciate what you said. You know, about the…”

“Scumbling? Yeah, just don’t go showing these off to anyone else. If they see how beautiful this painting is they might try to steal it right from under my nose. Everything under this towel is mine alone, cara mia.” Your eyes widened as your cheeks grew hot again, his hand squeezing your hip. Leonardo shot you a wink in the mirror and you nodded quickly, earning you a kiss on the shoulder before he released you.

“Good girl. Now, let’s get something pretty on you and we’ll go get dinner, okay?” Your hand remained on your side for a moment even though his own was gone. Put it down to experience from his 'long long’ life, but Leonardo Da Vinci always found a way to change your perspective, to nurture the seeds of doubt in your mind into beautiful blooms. It might take a little while, but you were on your way to loving your scumbling as much as he did.

Cara Mia

My cara mia hasn’t changed a bit in all this time. On the inside, that is. She doesn’t look the same as she used to, but she still looks like herself, see? Still beautiful. She walks a lot slower now, but I don’t mind at all. She grips my hand with all the might she has left, and I stay by her side. Her mind isn’t quite as sharp as it once was, memories coming to her with difficulty, and it kills me, but I smile like it doesn’t. I know my cara mia doesn’t have much time left but I promised her a lifetime of smiles and what precious life she has will be overflowing with my fulfillment of that promise.

What do I do when she’s gone? When I can’t smell her perfume or hear her voice? When I wake up to her side of the bed and find it empty and cold? Questions I don’t want the answers to, but the answers will catch up to me. We’ve been through a lot together, my beautiful cara mia and I, lotta adventures. Even as the days passed and her hair grew white, wrinkles appearing around those dazzling eyes of hers, she never stopped being herself. Grinning all the time and getting herself into trouble. There isn’t a woman like her on this Earth and there never will be again, eternity will be lonely without her but an old timer like me couldn’t love again. On the day I lay my beautiful lover to rest, I’ll be burying my heart with her. I know she’ll guard it for the rest of time, she’s a good woman like that. Keep my heart warm for me will you, dolcezza?

A little while ago I wrote a few drabbles of my one of my OCs Freda with her boyfriends Theo and Arthur; You can find that post here!  And so I decided to do this for all of my OCs, how exciting (❁´◡`❁) This one is Jane x Leonardo and y’all can find Jane’s character profile at this link~


Please note that drabble 3 contains some suggestive content but nothing explicit, please proceed with caution.

And you can find my OC Masterlist here!

- JJ x


Jane’s bright forest green eyes blinked a few times, taking in the space around for the first time with curiosity, “You library is magnificent, Monsieur,” she spoke softly, taking one small step further into the room. The former Queen smiled ever so slightly, her delicate little hands clutching at the green velvet skirts of her dress in anticipation, jumping a little in place when she saw a broad, olive skinned man curled up underneath the coffee table in the corner, “Monsieur, is that man alright?”

Le Comte chuckled warmly when his golden honey eyes found Jane’s concerned expression, resting his warm hand on her shoulder carefully, “Leonardo enjoys taking his siestas whenever the mood strikes him. He doesn’t seem to care where he falls asleep, ma chere.”

“I gather so,” the lady smiled carefully, her gaze finding Leonardo once again, her pale cheeks flushing pink when the man’s eyes opened and he smirked at her, “Oh! I apologise for staring, Sir.” Jane turned her gaze to the floor to hide her blush and curtsied to him as he began to stand up, “Jane Grey. Queen Jane. ‘Tis a pleasure to meet you … Monsieur Leonardo?”

“Si,”his voice was smooth and confident, alluring in it’s huskiness, “Leonardo Da Vinci, signora,” he took her hand in his own and kissed her knuckles affectionately, once again making the lady blush. Jane gasped softly as she heard his name. an excited twinkle bright in her wide India green eyes which made the Italian man’s thick brown eyebrows raise curiously, “Oh? Ya like that, Your Highness?”

“No non è quello,” she replied almost breathlessly, turning his hand over in her own to shake it excitedly, a grin spreading across her face, “È un piacere conoscerla Signor Da Vinci!“

Leonardo chuckled warmly, shaking Jane’s hand - which was tiny and pale in his own - in return, his eyebrows still raised as he glanced over at le Comte, “She speaks Italian?” He turned his attention back to Jane who had stopped shaking his hand but still held on to him, “Il piacere è tutto mio, cara mia.”


“Leonardo, I need your help!” Jane called from the mansion’s foyer, her arms full and her tiger red eyebrows turned downward with effort.

Leonardo walked briskly from the direction of the kitchen and picked up the pace when he saw Jane, rushing to her side and scooping up the large white and ginger cat from out of her arms, his amber eyes softening when Jane’s expression relaxed, “Cara mia, what is this?”

The lady let out a sigh of relief, now only holding one tiny white Persian kitten, and she smiled a little guiltily, “I saw them on the side of the road and - a-and they looked so helpless, I couldn’t leave them, Leonardo-” She held up the impossibly small kitten against her cheek, flashing her boyfriend her best pleading puppy eyes, “We can handle just two more!”

“You said the same when you brought our pup home, Jane, mi amore,” he smirked at her, his big warm hand already stroking the fat Norwegian forest cat in his arms. He sighed, giving in - though, he knew that Jane could convince him to do anything, he loved her that much - “We can keep them. Lumiere needs more cats to play with.” Leonardo wandered closer to Jane and reached out to the kitten she held, “Ciao, gattino,” he cooed down at the tiny cat, smiling fondly at it, “Have you named your new little friends, cara?”

“Mhm!”Jane nodded happily, gently stroking the back of the white cat’s head with the back of her index finger, “This is Lady Katherine - I think she looks like a little lady and that,” she cocked her head in the direction of the big fluff ball that her boyfriend held, “That gentleman is called Piero.” And with that, Jane and Leonardo now had taken in four strays between them: Lumiere, Lady Katherine and Piero, their band of troublemaking kitties and Edward, their loyal Great Dane who acted like a big grey lapdog.


“Mhm, principessa,” Leonardo hummed lowly, his saffron eyes fluttering shut as he pressed a kiss to Jane’s cheek and they lay in bed naked, cradling each other underneath soft cotton sheets, “I feel like we should stay like this forever.”

Jane smiled tiredly as she snuggled up to her boyfriend’s side, sore beyond compare but unbelievably happy when his arms tightened around her small frame. The lady felt the blush on her cheeks - that had been present throughout their entire evening - deepen as realisation dawned upon her, “G-goodness me … we just - Leonardo, do you realise? We just-”

“Made love?” He chuckled quietly, brushing Jane’s blushing left cheek with the calloused pad of his thumb, his brow quirking with curiosity when his gentle affection didn’t slow the racing of her pulse, “Somethin’ wrong, bellezza mia?”

The shy young lady shook her head smally, averting her big forest green eyes to look at anything else but her beloved’s inquisitive gaze, “But, we’re not married. Surely we shouldn’t have-” Jane was cut off by Leonardo’s mouth on her’s, his lips kissing away her worry slowly and carefully. When they parted, there remained a look of worry painted on her pretty face and that sinking dread in her heart.

“Do you regret it?”

Jane blinked, confused, “Whatever do you mean?”

Leonardo sat himself up and pulled his girlfriend up onto his lap, one of his large hands holding onto her slender waist and his other tenderly cradling her jaw. They held eye contact, the intimacy between gentle green and emboldened amber speaking volumes as their hearts beat as one, “Do you regret sleeping with me, Jane? Would you be happier if we waited until we got married?” Jane didn’t answer, stirring Leonardo to continue, a cheeky grin on his lips, “If so, I’d put a ring on your finger by morning.” 

“No,” the queen thought out loud, placing her hands on Leonardo’s cheeks and craning forward to give him a fleeting, butterfly light kiss. She felt the stormy seas in her heart settle and self-assuredness wash over her like fresh rain in the garden, “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you,” Jane smiled softly at her boyfriend who squeezed her waist with both of his warm, capable hands and smirked at her, “And an experience so heavenly couldn’t be sin, of that I am sure.”


Jane giggled in the summer sun, gently holding onto her shopping basket as she spoke with her friend William Shakespeare. Her white summer dress seemed to gleam under the bright sun but even that looked grey compared to her radiant smile and anyone who saw her would surely say she was sweeter than the season’s finest fruits. Despite her joyful mood, Leonardo, her darling boyfriend, scowled when he spotted her from the other side of the town square conversing with such an unsavoury character as Shakespeare. The artist handed the now-fixed violin back to the little girl he’d been sat with and hurriedly strode towards his beloved Jane. The lady jumped a little when she felt a squeezing hand upon her side, but relaxed at the voice that followed, “Sorry to interrupt, but cara mia and I have plans now. Scusa, Will,” Leonardo almost growled the poet’s name before grasping his lady’s wrist and leading her towards a secluded alleyway.

“Leonardo?”Jane’s thin eyebrows raised in surprise and confusion when the couple stopped, with Leonardo having pinned her against a wall, “Leonardo what has gotten into you?” She put her hands up against his broad chest and pushed him back so she had room to properly observe his face, sighing when she recognised his darkened expression, “You don’t need to be jealous of him, cuore mio.” Jane gently cupped Leonardo’s cheeks with her delicate hands and she smiled sweetly when he nuzzled against her touch before burying his nose against her neck.

Leonardo sighed into her pale skin, leaving a few careful kisses on her neck before he raised his head, his expression a mixture of a wounded lion and a heartbroken schoolboy, “I know, Jane, mi amor.” The taller vampire smiled guiltily, standing back a little and anxiously rubbing the back of his neck, “Scusa. I just …” he looked away, Jane’s rich Spanish green proving too beautiful, too much for his heart to handle, “I want you all to myself. I don’t want that scarafaggio crawling in here.” Leonardo placed his warm left hand over Jane’s heart, smirking smally when her pulse beat faster underneath his touch.

The lady smiled softly, throwing her arms around her boyfriend’s waist and snuggling up against his toned body, “Il mio cuore è tutto tuo.”


Leonardo chuckled warmly as Jane’s hand brushed his own when they both reached for the orange paint, “What are you painting with that shade, la mia tigre?” He squeezed her hand softly before withdrawing to grab a jar of dark green paint instead.

“Hm, you’ll see,” the former queen grinned confidently at her lover, sending Cupid’s arrow straight through his chest and filling his heart with overwhelming warmth and affection. They both turned their attention back to their paintings, comfortable in the warm sunshine that streamed through the windows whilst the radio played quietly somewhere in the background. Leonardo noticed Jane occasionally peeking up from over her canvas and gazing at him before turning back to her painting. Likewise, the pureblood was doing the same thing. Without much warning, Piero, the couple’s fat ginger and white cat jumped from his seat on Leonardo’s lap and onto the floor, knocking over several jars of paint as he padded out of the room. “Oh dear,” Jane sighed, kneeling down to clean up the bright splotches on the floor.

“Let me help, cara mia,” as he reached for a rag to wipe the floor, Jane swiped her index finger across her boyfriend’s cheek, giggling when his eyes widened in shock at the cool feeling of paint on his face. Leonardo glanced at himself briefly in the mirror, frowning slightly when he noticed the bright blue splotch on his olive toned skin, “Hey, not fair.” The artist smirked to himself as he dipped his finger into the puddle of sky on the wooden floor and swiped it onto Jane’s button nose.

The pair of them laughed at each other, continuing to splat paint onto one another until they were breathless, grinning in each other’s arms until Jane spoke quietly, “I finished my painting.”

“Oh yeah?” Leonardo stood up and walked around her easel to view a beautiful portrait of himself with the fluffy Piero in his lap. There was a serene smile on his face which matched the one painted in acrylics which he turned towards his beloved, “ ‘s beautiful. You’re beautiful.” The pureblood reached out towards his own canvas and spun it around to show Jane a portrait of herself in vibrant pigments, “Ah but, this doesn’t compare to the real thing.” He dropped to his knees in front of her and placed a warm kiss to her lips, making the lady gasp softly.

Jane muttered against her boyfriend’s lips, “You’re beautiful too, Leo.” And with that, Leonardo picked Jane up and carried her bridal style to the baths to help wash all the paint off of her porcelain perfect skin.

Good day @kitsune25 hows it going? I only take 3 suitors per request so I haven’t written Shakespear

Good day @kitsune25 hows it going? I only take 3 suitors per request so I haven’t written Shakespeare for this one! You can always check my rules page if you’re ever confused about what requests I’ll take on ^^ This is kinda short since I wasn’t exactly sure what you were asking for but, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless~ 

- JJ x


Arthur Conan Doyle:

Arthur is just grateful for the attention in all honesty; His work is exhausting and mentally draining, often leaving him in desperate need to some tender loving care after a long day at his desk. He might make a suggestive comment or two about his beloved being sat in his lap and how comfortable they may be there sans a few items of clothing but there is nothing but tenderness in his grasp on their waist and the soft look in his eyes as he watches them carefully. Arthur will grin when he sees the little braids in his hair in the mirror and kiss his MC on the cheek, expressing his pride and admiration for their hard work.

Le Comte de Saint German:

Le Comte will take any excuse to take time off from all of his paperwork and when his darling strolls into his office, looking listless and needy, he’ll be putting his pen down without hesitation. He’ll open his arms out towards his MC and let them settle in his comfortable lap, chuckling warmly when their hands tangle in his honey gold hair. He might tease a little, remarking that his MC stirs something within him, something that yearns to make a family together where their children would play with his hair like they did now. And for once, he’s at peace as the time ticks by, looking forward to what the future brings for them both.

Leonardo Da Vinci:

Leonardo himself was much like a big, sleepy cat - warm, lazy and a great lover of affection. So when MC slipped themselves onto his lap casually and began to run their fingers through his silky, rich brown hair, he let his eyes flutter shut and his chest vibrated with a satisfied purr. He leant back on his hands, his palms pawing comfortably at the soft bedding beneath him and letting his head lull back in relaxation. Leonardo may grumble a little at his MC’s work on his hair - the little plaits and the messy twirls - but he doesn’t really mind: His hair is usually messy anyway.

Post link


a/n: Remember when Leonardo’s family was a major obstacle in his route? Me neither! So now they’re a problem. It’s about time we brought it up with Leo. Different from my usual, which is all about the ✨ UwUs ✨ but I thought I’d give it a shot hehe. Inspired by @xxsycamore’s and @chaosangel767’sBe My Valentine, Prompt Feb. 14: “No matter what anyone says, you’re perfect for me.” 

[Characters]:You, Leonardo, Comte

[Word count]: ~1200 words

[Tags]: Hurt/comfort, marriage, family, drama, anxious reader   


The tall windows of the mansion hallway illuminated your anxious figure outside Leonardo’s room. You stood face-to-face with the door that kept you away from your beloved, consciously aware of the passage of time while you remained indecisive.

Earlier today, the topic of marriage was brought up between you, Leonardo, and le Comte. Up until that point, you hadn’t felt the weight of the topic until you stepped away from the conversation. You and Leonardo were a couple for over a year now and even promised to spend your lives together, despite how different your lifespans were. ‘Naturally, The next stepwould be marriage then, is it not?’ you thought.

“Let’s get married,” he said.

The confidence with which he spoke touched your heart and made it swell with joy. But there was a great looming shadow behind this decision. Getting engaged to Leonardo, a pureblood vampire, meant that you would have a big red target on your back aimed by his family.

Keep reading

What a nice story Alby ~ as always

I think he will meet his family and talk it all out once for good and choose to live by his own eventually.


  • A/N: Leonardo’s birthday is coming up on April 15th and I just finished my first readthrough of his route. What better way to celebrate this man than to create something he’s the focus of?
  • I have not read anything outside of his main route and romantic ending. Any similarity to side stories is purely coincidental.
  • Pairing: Just Leonardo and his thoughts.
  • Setting: Shortly after the moment in his route where he has told MC what he is and what happened between them after that. This is pretty angst-driven.
  • Word Count: 568

Smoking is a filthy habit. I really should quit. Then again, what does it matter? It won’t kill me.

Still the cigarillo remains between my lips, unlit. I can’t quite bring myself to light it. Why not? 

I know the answer. Yeah, I do.

I sigh as I remove it, turning it between my fingers. When had I even started smoking? I can’t remember. It was so long ago. Memories from that time are hazy, half-heard melodies playing in a distant room that I can almost make out. But not quite.

Keep reading

I’ll share first and will read it later ❤

Prompt: Leonardo - Knowing someone else can hear  
Warnings: Aphrodisiac, for the sole purpose of the piece said residents office is next to the library NSFW. Leonardo da Vinci is officially renames Leonardo da-la-dickme.

“Leo.. please..” Your hands hastily tugging at his golden clasp of his belt, an urgency in your movements. The immortal laughing slightly at the situation at hand. Your words breaking the kiss that had left you mind-blanked for a good few moments. Everything and anything in your mind focusing on him right.

“Steady now Cara Mia,” He teases, keeping a calm posture on the outside, but on the inside he’s just as a mess as you are - only he’s better at not showing it. The thought of what you were planning on doing, was thrilling to you both and stirring your arousal on further.

“Leonardo..” you whimper softly, your eyes shining up to him as they are riddled with lust, unable to hide anything your feeling as it’s written all over your face. It’s simply all too much right now, the strong urges between your thigh causing you to act on impulse. “I can’t wait..”.

“‘Scusa, you little minx,” Unable to resist, turning you around as he nips playfully at your ear. A gloved palm dipping beneath the front bonnet of your dress to cup and fondle a breast, a nipple being tweaked and twisted in his grip. The other bunched up your skirt in ruffles as he slides a beneath the cotton of your underwear to find your sex slickened and awaiting his touch. The tease of fingers, followed by a moan as he pushed one - quickly followed by another - knuckle deep inside you. Leonardo letting his own sign of approval in a low groan against your ear as he pumps in and out of you. The fear of being interrupted where you were didn’t cross your mind once as the aphrodisiac burned flames of passion inside you. Stirring want and need that made your toes curl, your pussy throb and left more sensitive than normal.

Arthur had found it comical to give you both presents, claiming they were from the other - a valentines special. A box of chocolates for you and a pack of exotic orange cigarillos for Leonardo, knowing both of you would be unable to resist. Only they was laced with a potency of aphrodisiacs which had the main cause as to why you bent against a bookcase with Leonardo fingering you to the point your cries could be heard in the following room - not that either of you cared as coincidently Arthur’s study was said following room. And you both just happened to know he was in there working on his latest chapters. Payback, you both thought but never said aloud. 

“Leonardo.. please..” you begged as he pushed your palms flat against the wooden shelving, the sound of clinking metal made your mouth positively water profoundly. Not even whining when he pulled his fingers to do so.

“Let’s give our old friend a thank you he won’t forget,” Leonardo breathed huskily into your ear, both hands now on your hips as he pulled you back to meet his thrust, sheathing himself to the hilt with one powerful thrust. Both of you moaning out, your head thrown back against his broad shoulder. Keeping control as he pulled you back into his sharp, deep, kneeling buckling thrusts. 

Slapping skin and moans of pure primal desire were heard as clear as day to the flirtatious writer. A smirk on his face as he placed his quill down, along with his glasses, beaten at his own game of tricks.

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Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Characters:Comte/Female Reader (and Leonardo, a delighted participant) 
Rating: Explicit

Warnings: NSFW/18+ content, PWP, vaginal fingering, (mild) bondage, voyeurism, threesome

Prompt: Jealousy
Summary:Perhaps the good Comte is not as patient and forgiving as he might have others believe and Leonardo’s here to provide all the help needed to unravel a ‘perfect’ gentleman. 


The inflexible set to his posture; without motion, without sound — Leonardo notes in amusement — or so he would have herbelieve. That tight-fisted control his silent companion struggles to maintain, that gentleman’s veneer he so insists on sustaining even at the cost of his own lust. 

Leonardo sees how it costs the good ‘Comte’ dearly. 

Wicked tongue darting forth to trace against aching fangs, his eyes meet the man’s from across the room, silent and bound to his place of torturous unrest… before he slides a hand around the shape of her breast, gathering it close to his face.  She trembles within his embrace, the stimulation almost too much as a hand splays across parted lips in anticipation of his. 

Angling a single wide grin her way; misty eyes meeting his from beneath dark lashes, Leonardo almost falters over his own breaths at the way she steals him; disastrous and beautiful. A vehement undoing but not his alone.

Hungry mouth closing around the puckered bead of her breast, her back arches with her cries; a rising symphony. Calling to her, the man who stays not much farther from where she is; bound to her as he is now, physically. Although the cloth, sturdy as it may be, stands no more than flimsy facade in the short, low tear Leonardo hears of it upon their display.

Drowned underneath the quick dark sound that escapes the confines of le ‘Comte’s’ chest, curbed as it may be at Leonardo’s blatant provocation. His eyes meet their bound audience’s and stay. Smile widening in shameless victory to catch the heave of trembling shoulders, the Comte’s quick, short breaths. Eyes; furbished daggers of gold, carrying light only as an unearthly creature might, in his lust for the woman Leonardo holds in his arms. 

A willing, foolish prisoner of his own making. 

That congenial smile, the one he dons on in public, nowhere to be found as Leonardo’s fingers slip in between the space of her legs, inciting the hungry flash of fangs from their willing captive before he buries the edge of one against his tongue in a poor show of restraint. 

And as the tips of Leonardo’s fingers ghost against her swollen clit, her hand finds his, almost as if on instinct. He watches in mild fascination how he dwarfs the fingers that come to hold his, in stark comparison. The blush that steals fervent across her cheeks before she leans forward to press her lips against his and he answers in kind, smiling.  Fingers driving up into her pussy, slick with the arousal that trails copious down to his knuckles and she moans her other lover’s name — the Comte’s real moniker. 

Head falling back to catch the Comte’s eyes; the man’s semblance of pathetic control Leonardo witnesses rippling apart at the want in that watery gaze, beckoning even as she reaches a covetous hand his way. 

Before he catches the digits of that outstretched hand with his own, tugging it, and her attentions, back to himself.

A low curse uttered in an old, foreign tongue; Leonardo recognizes the words as the Comte’s mother language. The decisive tear of fiber followed by the harsh splintering of wood drowned underneath a strained guttural sound. 

The result, entirely expected though it is, still steals a deep rumble of amusement past Leonardo’s lips. Angling a grin at his now, much agreeable companion, he takes in the sight of that vicious gaze, tempestuous as it meets his across her shoulder. 

“…I quite believe you’ve had your fun, Leonardo.” The admonishment in the raw scrape of le Comte de Saint Germain’s voice serves only to tug that grin higher as Leonardo relinquishes control — for the time being — over to the man in front, toyed with and tested beyond even his restraint. 

“Comte—” Surprise flickers through the dense sheen of desire clouding her gaze before it overpowers her once more in the subdued shudders that take her to feel the sharp drag of teeth against her neck. Straining as she settles against him.  

“Look at me, chérie.” The quick sharp pluck of Comte’s brow before it relaxes, betrays the restraint of desire as he withdraws from her neck. Lost the next instant as she moves to press herself against him, open mouth seeking his and he obliges, slave to her tender mercies, just as Leonardo finds himself. 

The desperate press of a pink tongue she swipes against wet lips before the Comte’s hand finds the back of her head and fists; insatiable mouth breathing her sweet little gasp into his own, ravenous and without mercy. 

Leonardo catches the swell of her arousal on a sharp, intoxicating rush of heavy scent; how the Comte excites her as he is now, unrestrained within her arms. 

The man in front, just as adept at catching her excitement, moves to cup a palm against her sex. Swallowing her moans into his mouth just as Leonardo watches the slow, easy slide of his fingers into her. Withdrawing them drenched to trail across her thighs, copious arousal trekking a slick path against her skin. 

She rolls her hips to press herself tighter against the intrusion of Comte’s hand, self-consciousness long shed to the throes of passion. Delicate fingers shaping around the softness of her breasts to hold and knead. Moaning in appreciation when the Comte’s mouth finds itself around the puckered bead of her breast and sucks. The needle edge of a fang scraping against her nipple prompts a frenzied hand flying to grasp at his hair and tug on instinct. 

Gaze beseeching as it finds his narrowed in mild amusement, desire and affection. “…You’re going to drive me crazy, Comte.” 

He shifts then, just enough to let the press of his cock ghost across her thigh, hot and throbbing. “And you already do so to me, ma chérie.”

The pad of his thumb presses at the plush of her lower lip, teasing the edges of it. Golden gaze wrought with furbished desire, treks the parting of her lips, admitting his thumb to tease at her tongue. “You two put on quite the show for me. Watching Leonardo touch you while I could do little but worship the view, torturous as it was…” A sudden intrusion of another long finger into her depths sends her arching forward but Comte’s grip holds, watching in contented fascination as she shivers in his grasp. “I believe I’ve earned the chance to spoil my love in return for leaving me more than a little… envious.”

He moves forward, titillating whispers ghosting delicious across the curve of her ear. “Don’t you agree?” 

His fingers hook up into her, sending her over the edge, swift and vicious enough she screams out loud. Comte sweeps to swallow the rest of her moans into his mouth, fangs grazing the edge of her tongue in a nick, sending a burst of blood and pleasure across her senses. Convulsions he sets skittering down her spine in rapture, body yielding towards the man. The softness of her breasts molding to fit against the shape of le Comte’s firm chest as she presses in to hold, arms cording around him as if for dear life. 

Lapping at the graze of her tongue before he sucks it into his mouth; the tips of his fingers steal under her chin to lift as le Comte savors the moment to hold onto her wrecked visage — the swell of well-kissed lips far more pronounced by the gloss of wetness, framed by cheeks spilled in rouge, the dark wavering of her gaze — disastrously beautiful in its unraveling. He angles his head to the side in satisfaction; gold meeting burnished copper. 

Leonardo observes the entire spectacle with a crooked grin, one the ‘Comte’ returns. “Heh. Knew there was a greedy bastard in there.” 

“Indeed. And I require your assistance now, old friend.” 

“Always so demanding.” Leonardo moves to position himself behind her now sagging form, arms cording around her waist to hold her steady. “Everything alright with you, cara mia?” 

“….N-No. It feels… way too good, I-I think I’m going to lose my mind… mm A—” The Comte’s fingers ghost against the sensitive flesh of her hips, pressing and soothing as if he does not mean to wreck her entirely with his own burgeoning desire soon. 

Leonardo feels the tight press of her ass against his own arousal. Swallowing around the dry ache of his mouth, fangs burning where they slide against a ravenous tongue; it takes all of Leonardo’s mental fortitude to congeal that desire into a slow, steady caress of an eager tongue against the sensitive flesh of her nape and she croons in approval.

Folding her hand against his, the Comte draws it to his mouth, lips closing around one limp digit. Leonardo watches the flush of her cheeks rise higher with each careful flick of that clever tongue of his. Inhaling deep to catch the suffusion of their desire — hers mixing in with the ‘Comte’s’ and his — to leave a mix of intoxicated lust in the air. 

Popping her finger out of his mouth to leave one last stroke of his tongue against the pad of it. “Forgive me, chérie. I don’t think it’s in my capacity to be gentle with you tonight.”

“…I don’t wantyou being gentle, Comte. Please… I need you both so much.” 

Ah,” he smiles, as if it weren’t the answer he knew was coming. “I do not dislike a naughty girl.”

Leonardo’s breath brands across the shell of her ear; a low guttural whisper, hot and caressing. “Especially so when she is ours.”  Roguish smile closing around her earlobe, his teeth sink into the soft flesh of it.

Deft fingers slip to part her folds just as the Comte moves to position himself at her entrance. 

She tucks in a harsh breath at the sight. Leonardo’s low growl at her neck the last thing she hears…

“Hold on tight, cara mia. You’re going to need the support.” 

…before it’s drowned underneath the intensity of her cries with the slow, smooth push of them into her depths.


Thank you for supporting @dirtydoesgood​!

Ikevamp boys in a hotel

Room 1

Theo: Ugh, the bathroom smells really bad. William, was it yo-

Vincent: Oh, I’m sorry, my tummy hurt


William: I don’t know which is funnier, the situation or that he is frozen in place looking for a way to blame me for this

Room 2

Dazai, sitting on the bed: It’s time

Isaac sleepily: What? Don’t tell me we’re late for the tour-

Dazai: It’s time -falls asleep again-

Isaac: Time for what?!

Arthur, throwing a pillow: Newt, will you shut up? Its 3 am


Room 3

Leonardo: Buongiorno, ‘Le Comte’. How did you sleep?

Comte: I woke up many times in the night because someone was snoring too much

Leonardo: I don’t snore

Comte: I was about to cover your face with a pillow

Sebastian: You snore too, Le Comte. I daresay you two had a snoring competition last night…

Little Isaac:-wakes up and check the time- JEAN! JEAAAN!

Little Jean, waking up: Huh? What’s wrong?

Isaac: IT’S 9:30!




Isaac, violently entering the room:PAPA!!

Jean: IT’S 9:30!!

Leonardo, suddenly waking up: Wha- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! YOU SHOULD BE IN SCHOOL

Isaac and Jean: WE KNOW!!

Leonardo, putting on his pants: GET IN A CARRIAGE, I WILL DRIVE YOU

Jean and Isaac: QUICKLY, PAPA!

Comte, putting on a dressing gown: …where are you going?

Leonardo, Isaac and Jean: TO SCHOOL!


Comte: It’s Sunday!!
