#leppard shitposting


Very stupid headcannon time:

How each of the Leppards would act if they got their periods:

Joe- The most hormonal. Mood swings out the ass. Will scream in anger then cry 2 seconds later. Will not speak to you and then will be crushing you lovingly within minutes. Random bursts of happiness. Cries and doesn’t know why. Constantly horny and doesn’t know why. Period brain. Grumpus. Can’t decide whether he needs intense cuddles or intense sex. Somebody save him. No solace for him, just let him ride it out and go with whatever he does.

Steve- The most sleepy. Dead. Nothing but naps. Can’t move if he tried. Need to check if he’s sitting on something? Forget it. Just bring him his snacks, put another layer on him, and leave him to hibernate in peace. Maybe be his pillow but only if he so requests. He’s probably binge-ing a tv show because he’s glued to the couch. Deep sleep and hormonal dreams that make him even more tired. True neutral.

Phil- The most crampy. Legs don’t work. Insides are knives. Tiddies are full of ouch. Everything hurts. What are muscles? He wishes he had ones capable of functioning. Too weak to get off the couch so he’s sharing it with Steve. Cover him in heating pads and start him on an IV of ibuprofen. Somebody hold him and give him a foot rub because he needs some relief the poor boo.

Sav- The most hungry. Stomach is a black hole. Cravings out the ass. Just when it seems like he doesn’t have any symptoms, everyone’s suddenly asking where the entire jar of nutella and bag of potato crisps went. Went back for fourths at dinner. Pickles and ice cream. Complains about nausea later as if he has no idea why it’s happening to him. Same goes for bloating. Hide all the food and keep him hydrated ffs. Detox him and make him eat his veggies.

Viv- The one with period flu. Everyone thinks he’s actually sick. He’s cold, he’s tired, his temperature’s up, he’s dizzy, headache, he’s queasy, he’s pale. A little bit of everything. He’s not having a good time. He’s managing and is oddly peaceful, but he’s not enjoying it. Get him some vitamin gummies. Sterilize everything because his immune system is down. Keep his spirits up. Be his doctor and pamper him.

Rick- The one who has no symptoms. Zip. Zilch. He doesn’t cramp, doesn’t get hormonal, no fatigue, doesn’t get cravings, doesn’t get nauseous. He’s perfectly fine. Everyone hates him. He doesn’t see what the big deal is. He’s totally normal and can’t grasp the fact that the others get so sick. This means he’s always the caretaker of everyone else, and he’s okay with that. Still likes to rub it in their faces every time, though. Tell him to fuck off.
