#lerning to ler


This shouldn’t need to be said anymore

“Pondering the cringe”

I’m going to write something a little different this time.

More inspirational for you Lers out there.

As much as I say be better and mean it, that also means you can see when personalities (or any other idiosyncrasies you and someone may have) don’t line up, and you can say no too.

This also goes for the reverse ofc, and when someone is uncomfortable, doesn’t vibe with whatever, just accept it, man. It’s not the end of the world. Everyone’s different! You can be friends!

Or not!

It’s okay either way and you’re all gonna meet someone with your vibe one day. Just don’t be a fuckin creep, and it’ll happen sooner.

Peace and love ya’ll.

It’s a magical wonderland where you’re human to eachother. Yall needa try sometime!

Why even complain? Publicly no less. Cringe dude

We all know your feelings are just hurt, man. It’s alright.

Taken a hiatus bc life sucks and I don’t get it sometimes but I made a few memes ! ;)

I swear sometimes they’re just using this page to hunt for more methods.
