

“When you’ve been with someone for so long, you fall into a rhythm, a pattern consisting of familiarity. Familiarity is great. It is the most important part of any relationship. At the same time, there are also some bad things about falling into patterns, some habits that can consume happiness and become destructive and self-sabotaging.

No relationship will be at a consistency of one-hundred percent happiness. And again, that’s okay, it’s fine. But once the contentment slowly slips away and all that remains is the familiarity that doesn’t feel genuine anymore, that’s a horrible sign. Suddenly, your partner isn’t satisfied doing the same things over and over again. Suddenly, the unsatisfactory allows itself into the relationship and complicates love languages and what the relationship lacks. Suddenly, nothing feels right and the unhappiness constantly makes the relationship feel heavier.

But it’s not always going to be hard. There will be good days. The love is felt and the connection stronger than it has been in a long time. But when bad begins to cover the good, it appears that there has been no good to begin with. That’s entirely wrong. Good has always remained, underneath the struggles. Where there’s positivity and hope, that’s the sign to keep fighting, to keep improving, to keep listening and changing.

Nothing is perfect, which is a constant reminder these days. The habits of patterns can be broken and there can be a time to refresh and start over. The unhappiness and unsatisfactory will someday fade and all that will remain is the constant love you have for them and a wonderful future of hardships and challenges yet to come.”

—S.V//Patterns//@sempiternal.poet on Instagram
