#less pictures of stds


- Sex is fun, but not as important as movies/tv make it seem.

- Sex is fun, diseases are not. Use protection.

- Your virginity is not an on/off switch, you lose small bits and pieces of it as you try new things, there’s no need to rush into doing everything just to get rid of your virginity.

- Your virginity can be a cherished thing, or you can chose to ignore it, it’s really your call and no answer is “right.”

- Sex doesn’t need to be a solemn occasion. It’s a fun thing to do with someone you find awesome, feel free to treat it as such.

- It’s okay to not like a sexual act, even if it’s one “everyone does.” If you don’t like it, no one has the right to make you do it.

- Farting during sex is not as horrendous as you initially think, pretend you didn’t notice and your partner will likely do the same.

- You are GUARANTEED to make at least one stupid sound/face during your sex life, but the reality is no one cares if you got a little derpy while having fun.

- PORN IS NOT EDUCATIONAL! Porn is sex that looks good on film, not that goes well in the bedroom. Be exploratory, gentle and request feedback from your partner until you know how rough they personally like it. Do not start out on “jackhammer” mode. 
