#lesser dionysia


You thought you’d seen the last of me but it’s Lenaia!!!!!!!


I was gone. Life is chaos, the world is on fire, my body said “no.”

I return from my slumber to be very excited about Lenaia–it’s possibly my favorite festival of the year!

Lenaia is a four day festival, starting on the 12th of Gamelion (Janurary 15/January 16 at sunset) and ending on the 15th!

It’s in honor of Dionysos and the maenads, and is likely the origin of the Greater/City Dionysia! It stretches over the full moon/Dikhomenia too, which is wonderful and very Dionysian.

I’ll try to update and talk about it more over the course of the festival! So far, my plans are:

  1. Henna historic maenad tattoos onto myself (I’ll provide details on those when/if I share them!)
  2. A ritual on the 14th of Gamelion (full moon/Dikhomenia) with as many friends as I can find who are comfortable celebrating women-only festivals–I often half-joke that I’m a gyne only for festivals, and that definitely applies to the Dionysian ones!
  3. Redoing my prayer beads/bracelet for Dionysos
  4. Pouring Dionysos a libation (red vinegar)
  5. Be gay, do crimes

Blessed Lenaia to all! Io Dionysos, and khaire!
