#lesser fortune


My series on astrological magic is now complete. There are thirteen posts total, each of them thoroughly discussing different concepts which are important to the effective practice of these arts. They don’t proceed in exactly the order you’ll need the information in, and I apologize for that, but I also don’t think it will be a problem. You should really make sure to carefully read the information in each of these posts before attempting to carry out this kind of work, in order to be sure that you’ve covered your bases and taken the appropriate precautions. Below is a list of all the posts in the series. I hope they are helpful to you. You’re welcome to ask us if you have any questions at all.

The Moon (and Sun)

Saturn and Mars

Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury

The Ascendant

Uses of the Decans

Parts (also known as Lots)

Image Theory I

Image Theory II

Master List of things Ruled by the Planets, Signs, and Fixed Stars

Lunar Nodes, Planetary Days and Hours, Names and Spirits of Times and Bodies

A Very Effective Method of Drawing a Circle

Consecration, Prayers, and Ritual Theory

Conclusion (Aspects, Other Loose Ends, and a Step-By-Step Walkthrough)

Thank you very much for reading. If you found this series interesting, please consider checking out Benefica’s series on the court cards in Tarot, and if you’re interested, check back soon for our upcoming series on the creation and use of talismans (which will be a collaboration between Benefica and myself).


This is the third installment in our series on astrological magic. This post will cover the three planets we haven’t dealt with yet. These are Fortunes (Jupiter and Venus) and Mercury. Remember, any single post in this series won’t be enough information for you to carry out a successful ritual. It’s probably a good idea to look over this entire series fairly thoroughly before you try and apply any of the methods I’m describing. Please be safe. If you have any questions, feel free to send us an ask.

The Fortunes are very important planets to understand in any astrological work, but especially in astrological magic. Jupiter is often called the Greater Fortune, while Venus is the Lesser Fortune. Jupiter’s purposes are usually related to money, material success, or people in positions of power, while Venus is more associated with love, friendship, and similarly intangible (yet still very desirable) things. The following information should help you decide if the Fortunes are in good positions to support your magical work.

Things to look for when deciding if the Fortunes are in good positions:

Regarding the houses and planets:

-It is usually a very good idea to have Jupiter or Venus ruling the ascendant house. Especially if the aforesaid ruler is in the ascendant house or another one of the angles.

-If Saturn or Mars rule the ascendant, it’s good to have Jupiter, Venus, or both rising or at a good aspect with the ascendant.

-If Jupiter or Venus are direct (as opposed to being stationary or in retrograde) and luminous (not moving toward the sun and losing light, similar to a waxing lunar phase), it greatly strengthens a work if either of the Fortunes is conjunct with the Moon, unless you’re trying to free captives or catch fugitives (this is discussed more in the post about the Moon).

-It’s good to have Jupiter or Venus in the 1st or 2nd Houses. If both houses contain a Fortune, this is ideal.

-It’s usually agreeable to have Jupiter or Venus applying to a good aspect with the Moon.

-If Jupiter or Venus is rising while the Moon is waxing, this should get you the fastest results.

For specific purposes:

-In any work concerning faithfulness, one of the Fortunes should be in the same house as the Part of the Petition (the Parts in general will be discussed in a later post). It’s even better to have Jupiter or Venus in the same house as the Part of Fortune. It’s also good to have the Part of Fortune’s ruling planet received by Jupiter or Venus.

-If you’re trying to appeal to people with great power, Jupiter should be received by the Moon.

-For miscellaneous purposes, Jupiter should be received by the planet which rules over the ascendant, or by the Moon. It is also agreeable if Jupiter is with the Part of Fortune, in the ascendant house, or with the Part of the Petition.

-In any work concerning high clergy, judges, or the generosity of wealthy or powerful people, you should let Jupiter be the planet which rules over the ascendant (and therefore, the planet which rules over the entire chart).

-In any work concerning women, joyful people, designers and decorators, visual artists, ornamentation, acting, or embroidery, you should choose a time when Venus rules over the ascendant (and therefore the whole chart).

-In work involving food or any kind of wealth, the Part of the Petition should be conjunct with Jupiter or Venus (or even with one of the Infortunes), or at a good aspect with Jupiter or Venus.

-If the previous condition can’t be met, you can have one of the five lords of the Petition (the ruler of the sign, the ruler of its exaltation, the ruler of the Petition’s triplicity, the ruler of the Petition’s term, and the ruler of the face or decan the Petition is in).

-If the previous two conditions can’t be met, some of the five lords of the Petition should aspect Jupiter and Venus favorably.

-In any work concerning money, Jupiter should strengthen the Sun at a good aspect, with an otherwise favorable chart.

Mercury is a unique planet in any astrological context. It represents the swiftness of intelligence, communication, commerce, everyday thought processes, some properties of war, sciences, fear, hatred, injuries, and negotiations. In magic, it is normally used for work concerning the intellectual abilities, or safety and swiftness of travel. There does not appear to be a lot of information available about the ideal placement of Mercury, but if I find more information, I will certainly make another post to expand on this.

Things you should consider when placing Mercury:

-In any work dealing with numbers, writing, or study, Mercury should receive Mars.

-Mercury should be ruling the ascendant (and therefore the entire chart) in any work involving geometry, merchants, education, writing, or anything similar.

I hope this post has been useful and informative, and that it will be a good resource to help you to decide whether Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are in favorable positions for you to work. All in all, the Fortunes and Mercury are probably the least difficult planets to deal with, so although you should take care to pick the best time you can, keep in mind that these are the planets which will almost never try to do you any harm, even if they might fail to help you if they’re unfavorably placed. Thank you for reading this. I hope you continue to find my posts useful and interesting.

