#let him rest i’m begging you





I love how Jim is allowed to be a classic “chosen one” hero, while also being given traits which are traditionally… feminine?

He’s emotional, he’s close with his mom, he loves to cook

He cries

All of these things are attributes associated with women and not with heroes journey characters.

And Trollhunters isn’t afraid to showcase these traits as strength, contrasted with traditional hero traits— bravery, selflessness, etc., in the character of Jim. This is such an important exmaple for viewers— especially young boys— to witness.

These tags are everything, @moderatelysociallymaladjusted!

Thank you for the support and further discussion on the post ♥️.

This is a very important post to me.

I couldn’t agree with this more. He’s been through so much, and you barely ever see hero’s dealing with such serious things at Jim’s age and show much emotion like this. With all these decisions and things he needs to do, even for someone at any age is incredibly difficult to do. I don’t even think I could do over half the things Jim does and goes through.

Your right.

It’s so traditionally feminine to show people getting emotional in some things on tv or in films and it pisses me off. It makes me so happy that the creators of trollhunters had Jim show and feel emotions this critical that make sense in every case scenario they’d include this in.
