

One thought that’s been in my head, or I guess more of a hope, is that I’m really hoping that if we get some troll jim in the movie, people will be respectful.

This isn’t to offend anyone, I’d absolutely love to see troll Jim at some point in this film, that’d be such a nice touch! But I’m really hoping that if even a little troll Jim is in it, that people by the end of the movie will be thankful and satisfied that they got the chance to see those forms of him one last time before Tales of Arcadia ends.

Cause no matter what, this film is gonna be amazing and deserves all the love we’re ready to give it:)



Jim: When it comes to this relationship, there is no “I”, only “we”

Claire: Okay, “we” are bisexual

Jim: Damn right we are

I hope in Trollhunters Rise of the Titans, there’ll be a battle where they’re gonna include all of Jim’s forms. That way, before the whole things done, we can see all of Jim’s troll forms!

To me, it wouldn’t make sense for him to be able to change into those forms and keep him like that at the end, cause it just wouldn’t feel like the end like it’s supposed to. But it would be really cool to include all of Jim’s forms in battle!

Jim after Wizards getting home:

Jim: Oh my god! I can eat human food again!

Jim: *looks to Claire*

Claire: *deeply sighs*

Claire: I’ll go make the guac.

Jim: Thank you☺️

I want there to be a few minute scene in the movie where Claire hangs out with Mary and Darci catching up, and Jim catches up with Toby, Steve, and even Krel (of course Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!! Could join too). I’d love to see Claire hanging out with the girls and Jim finding out about the war with “an alien god”, as Toby put it


So Netflix updated again

So its not just the titans or arcane order who wants to reset the world. Who could it be?

(Properly Jim’s dad)

YES! Someone else seeing that description and thinking it’s Jim’s dad!


Jim can’t come to the phone right now. Why’s that?

Cause he’s dead, this is James now (King James )


Wanted to redraw some scenes because I wasn’t able to before (๑◕︵◕๑)

The colours you used for this is just, ughhh *chef kiss*

I knew I loved you before, but this movie quality is doing nothing but justice for you Jimbo ❤️

I know that the two first pics are blurry, but I needed to post this:

Look at Jim’s eyes in the first two.

He looks shocked.

Idk if that whole New York scene with all the fighting was just all one huge scene, including Jim fighting Bellroc and Claire later doing something with her magic, but it’s scaring me how he looks shocked before this hug. I never saw that til I paused it in a way to check and see if that’s what I was seeing.

Some people were thinking Jim looks like he’s suffering a loss or something like that since he looks so sad, but you’d be thinking Toby would at least look differently in Jim’s direction, be hugging him already, or look sad when that scene would play out. But Toby looks like he was standing by Jim for a while, and his facial expression never changed. And before Claire gets to Jim, you can see she doesn’t look as particularly upset as he is.

But I feel like something huge did happen with Claire and Jim couldn’t help her cause he either couldn’t get to her, or was busy fighting someone else. I don’t think it was the portal or magic Claire was releasing though since, well…in trollhunters season 2 it was a staff creating a portal that almost killed her when she was making it. But this time it’s her own body. There’s no staff this time. She needed a little help standing up last time. I’d think she’d be in a good amount of hurt if she made something that big by herself. And with Claire’s energy in that hug shot, It doesn’t seem to me that the amount of energy she’d need to create such big magic was used if she’s running to him.

But also, back to Jim looking shocked. He must’ve seen, or heard something happen to her, or she did something that could’ve seriously damaged herself. Jim didn’t know if she was ok or not though until he saw her again with his own eyes.

But can you imagine if he thought something so bad happened to her that once he saw her his eyes went wide cause he said in his head “she’s still alive after that?” Or “she’s ok, after that?!” And he got as upset as he looks? Maybe Toby saw her doing what she did but knew she was ok and Claire came through the portal before he could explain much, cause Toby really didn’t look like he thought she was in much danger.

But that’s just my take on it, I’m trying to figure out this screenshot the most from the trailer, cause I don’t remember Jim’s face looking this upset since season 2 episode 11. But I’d love to hear your guys’s theories to, I love seeing theories for the trailer


Can we please talk about this shot?

My boy is WIELDING Excalibur in his new armour. I love him so much.


Hunter!Jim is a manifestation of Jim’s sense of guilt

That’s why Hunter!Jim: 

-Shows up when Jim is panicking about Love-struck!Jim being at the Nuñez barbecue; Jim’s primary feeling in that moment is guilt over Trollhunter stuff spilling over onto something that was supposed to be ‘normal’. 

-Goes on that rant about ‘protecting Arcadia’ and how maybe he should run for political office, which would actually interfere with his capacity to trollhunt if he followed through with it; Jim feels like he’s supposed to be able to handle every pressure put on him and that it’s his job to take care of everything

-Tries to break up with Claire to focus on Trollhunting full-time; Jim feels bad that he can’t do classical boyfriend-girlfriend activities with Claire, because his job gets in the way, and Jim has also had it thrown in his face a few times that his feelings for Claire influenced his decision to rescue Enrique and risk freeing Gunmar. 

-Yells at Jim about possibly letting Gunmar out, and how Jim can’t balance both worlds; things Jim has struggled with for the whole season and the whole series, respectively. 

Hunter!Jim is, literally, Jim beating himself up for not being able to Protect Everyone All The Time or live up to every promise he ever makes to others and himself. 

Wow. These are some pretty good points
