#let me yak your ear off about shit im never gonna finish



  1. give short descriptions of all your current WIPs.
  2. give short descriptions of all the main characters for [WIP].
  3. what makes you love writing?
  4. what does it take for you to be proud of something you’ve written?
  5. what do you think is the most important part of writing?
  6. are your projects driven more by character or plot?
  7. what books have shaped the way you think about writing the most? why?
  8. which of your own projects have shaped your writing the most? in what way?
  9. what are you best and worst at when writing?
  10. which patterns keep popping up in your projects/characters?
  11. give three songs or images that fit [WIP].
  12. give three songs or images that fit [character].
  13. describe your writing style.
  14. what is your speed when writing?
  15. what do drafting and revision look like for you?
  16. to what extent do you research for your writing?
  17. how do you determine what mood each project has?
  18. how do what you look for in your own writing vs someone else’s coincide? how does your writing influence your reading?
  19. do you plan out your projects? if yes, to what level? how well do you stick to your plans?
  20. where do you begin a WIP? ex: a mood, a scene, a certain character dynamic, etc. does this differ per project?
  21. what are the most important facets of creating a character, to you?
  22. how much of your own self/experiences do you believe pours into your projects? if this differs per project, which projects have the most and least of you?
  23. what do you do to engage with your projects which isn’t actually writing? ex: playlists, pinterest boards, etc. how much do they play a role in the development of your work?