#fic meme



Reblog if it’s okay for your followers to leave you an ask telling you what the one thing is they remember you for as a writer.  Is it a scene or a detail or a specific line? Is it something like style or characterization?  Is it that one weird kink they never thought they’d be into, but oh my god wow self-discovery time?


There are a lot of fic questions that float around online, but rarely do they ever ask specific questions about the fics themselves. Ask any writer one or more of these ten questions to learn more about the fic and show support.

1. Of the fics you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?

2. Which scene was your favorite to write in [title of fic]?

3. Which part of [title] was hardest to write?

4. If you could change anything in [title], what would it be?

5. Did you make an outline for [title]? Did you stick to it?

6. Which scenes did you cut, and which were added in [title]?

7. Who was your favorite character to write in [title]?

8. Which came first, the title or the fic?

9. Which idea came to you first in [title]?

10. What are some facts readers may not know about [title]?

Naruto: NaruSaku Holiday Exchange by KaletaKaleta’s NaruSaku art is so adorable!  Also, I’d really l

Naruto: NaruSaku Holiday ExchangebyKaleta

Kaleta’s NaruSaku art is so adorable!  Also, I’d really like to see someone write a NaruSaku fic that is concurrent with the actual pairings at the end of the manga…. i.e. Affair!NaruSaku.  I think a lot of interesting scenarios could happen that would result in this.  Anyone up for a little (or a long) drabble challenge?

Make it happen! <3

Post link

So @mitch-pell asked people to share at least 5 songs they’ve either created a work from, plan to create a work from, or hope to create a work from. Consider yourself tagged if you’d like to play!

Well, first of all, I have written a ton of stories that have been inspired by some piece of music or other - sometimes the inspiration has come from a line or a couple of words, at other times a song has helped me find the mood I was looking for, or given me the inspiration for a title. So here’s but a sample, because otherwise we’d be here forever… 

The Andorian Incident

This is one of my very first fics, in the Star Trek:Voyager fandom, and my first attempt to write capital-P Plot - specifically, a B-grade, Western-infused adventure frolic. I’d become intrigued by Joan Baez’ cover of Dylan’s ballad, “Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts” and its odd assortment of characters. And so I went about constructing a plot that didn’t follow that of the song, but drew on elements of it (”Lily was a princess…”; “Then everyone commenced to do what they were doin’ before he turned their heads;” “Rosemary… was lookin’ to do just one good deed before she died”, that sort of thing). I listened to the song for the several weeks it took me to construct and write the thing; it still conjures up the story when it pops up on my playlist.

Locust Wind

This was going to be the sequel to one of my most popular fics, “Second Mouse”, an Avengers/007 crossover. I’d envisioned it as a totally hoaky caper thing (working title: “The Curse of the Elephant Star”), but this was just post-Captain America: Winter Soldier and I just couldn’t find the frivolous mood I needed. I was driving home from work when U-2′s “Rattle and Hum” came up on my iPod, with that line: “On the Locust Wind comes a rattle and hum…” And boom, everything changed. By the time I got home, I knew I had my title, a link to the emergence of Hydra from TWS like locusts about to devour the world, and most importantly, an underlying mood - of dread, and impending doom. I tossed what I’d already written (except for a couple of paragraphs I managed to repurpose, and started to write…

Rain on the Scarecrow

In some fannish exchange or other @bettybackintheday had suggested that John Mellencamp wrote “Clint-ish” music, and I agreed. Then we started to get the first teasers for Age of Ultron, and that mysterious farm was at the centre of everyone’s speculation. So based on the pretty dark and elegiac mood of “Rain on the Scarecrow”, I concocted my own ideas of what it might mean. Of course none of that came to pass - but I still maintain we’d have been better off if Marvel had used my version…  :P

Diamonds and Rust

Another Joan Baez song, and something i KNEW would be a title for a fic some day! I love that image, but also how can you listen to these lines and NOT think of comics!Clint Barton and comics!Kate Bishop:

As I remember your eyes
Were bluer than robin’s eggs
“My poetry was lousy, ” you said
Where are you calling from?
A booth in the Midwest…

We both know what memories can bring
They bring diamonds and rust

Well you burst on the scene
Already a legend
The unwashed phenomenon
The original vagabond

Yes the girl on the half-shell
Could keep you unharmed


Now I see you standing
With brown leaves falling around
And snow in your hair…

So, yeah. Had to be done (as a tag to the Fraction series.)

The Western Shore

Well, how could I listen to Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” screeching through Thor: Ragnarok, see that ship of Asgardians looking for a new home, and *not* think of what would happen to them if they were to land in the US under Trump’s immigration policies? Exactly. This is that story.

So that’s a short sampling of my musical inspirations. Feel free to shoot me an ask if you want to know more!


Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in


  1. give short descriptions of all your current WIPs.
  2. give short descriptions of all the main characters for [WIP].
  3. what makes you love writing?
  4. what does it take for you to be proud of something you’ve written?
  5. what do you think is the most important part of writing?
  6. are your projects driven more by character or plot?
  7. what books have shaped the way you think about writing the most? why?
  8. which of your own projects have shaped your writing the most? in what way?
  9. what are you best and worst at when writing?
  10. which patterns keep popping up in your projects/characters?
  11. give three songs or images that fit [WIP].
  12. give three songs or images that fit [character].
  13. describe your writing style.
  14. what is your speed when writing?
  15. what do drafting and revision look like for you?
  16. to what extent do you research for your writing?
  17. how do you determine what mood each project has?
  18. how do what you look for in your own writing vs someone else’s coincide? how does your writing influence your reading?
  19. do you plan out your projects? if yes, to what level? how well do you stick to your plans?
  20. where do you begin a WIP? ex: a mood, a scene, a certain character dynamic, etc. does this differ per project?
  21. what are the most important facets of creating a character, to you?
  22. how much of your own self/experiences do you believe pours into your projects? if this differs per project, which projects have the most and least of you?
  23. what do you do to engage with your projects which isn’t actually writing? ex: playlists, pinterest boards, etc. how much do they play a role in the development of your work?

Last ten first lines

The fabulous @caladeniabluesharedher last ten first lines and tagged me to do the same. I love this game, so big thanks to @caladeniablue for the tag!

Confederation of broken time

(from the not-quite-prose Agnes Jurati/Borg Queen fic Check, Check, Check)

Walking the actual decks of Voyager has surpassed Reg’s wildest dreams.

(from the untagged Reg Barclay & Kathryn Janeway fic Dedication)

Fifteen officers and governmental officials shift in their seats around the circular table, likely wondering what the Federation President’s pronouncement will be on the plan they’ve just presented. 

(from the Laira Rillak/Charles Vance fic My Wandering Mind Finds Comfort with You)

The doctors at Starfleet Medical say you don’t need to regenerate anymore, don’t need a biosuit anymore, don’t need maintenance exams anymore, don’t need… anything. You’re as human as you’ll ever be, and you’re not sure if their pronouncement is a blessing or a curse.

(from the untagged Seven of Nine fic Alight)

Comm beeps pull Kirsten from sleep, the screen on her nightstand computer flashing urgent, incoming priority one communication from Starfleet Command.

(from the Kirsten Clancy/Katrina Cornwell fic Through Time and Space and Frozen Stars, Always, Always Hold My Hand)

The xB was hurt and damaged beyond repair, Emil said. Hugh was a lost cause.

(from the Elnor/Hugh | Third of Five fic Choose to Love — and let’s all remember what “lost cause” would mean to Elnor)

At first, he thought something was wrong, the way her eyelashes would flutter like starlings surprised someone found their nest, the way the long muscles of her neck would shift and settle, the way she would say, “I’m sorry, would you mind repeating that?” no matter what they had been talking about.

(from the Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway fic Everyday Echoes of Wonder)

Whispers flow through the closed kitchen door into the dining room where Kathryn’s Starfleet computer sits on the same mahogany table that’s been there ever since she can remember. 

(from the untagged Kathryn Janeway & Phoebe Janeway & Gretchen Janeway fic The Marvelous Lightening)

The Mediterranean Sea smacks Marbella sand, a residue of foam and darkened grains until the next wave smacks the sand again. 

(from the Keeley Jones/Roy Kent fic I Hear You in the Ocean Waves)

It’s not just a party. 

It’s a seniorsparty. 

Tom doesn’t remember how he managed to sweet-talk his way in. What matters is the walls of the off-campus apartment seem to thrum with the beat of pulsing rock music, couples and groups are definitely enjoying themselves in the semi-darkness, and classes don’t start for two days so he’s not yet a cadet. He’ll get his hair cut to regulation tomorrow. Or maybe early the next day. 

(from the untagged Tom Paris & Kirsten Clancy fic The Point)

Note: I’m very grateful for the @voyagerwritinggame prompts, which are the reason for four of these fics.

Any questions about these first lines (or anything else)? Please send me an ask.

Also, if you’re reading this and would like to share you own last ten first lines, I hereby tag you!

WIP Game

Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. You can make your own post or reblog this one! 

@wrennette tagged me and hmm…. i actually had to go digging for WIPs. So this was an experience.

  1. neighborhood poet
  2. cheap bottles of wine
  3. cody gonna scruff him a general
  4. baby shadow master
  5. try 42
  6. vanishing hitchhiker
  7. collared
  8. space tinder
  9. 05 - betrayal
  10. 08 - “Coughing Up A Lung”
  11. ace of cups

Uhmmmmm……. If you wanna play: @dharmaavocado@feybarn@inqorporeal@cuzosu-blog@fadinglight123@ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing@sanerontheinside annnnd i’m not tagging any more people lol screw that
