#let them in




Hey dog owners, be careful what you teach your dogs! You will never know the panic of peacefully listening to rain on a stormy night and being shocked out of it by desperate whining and scratching at your door at 1am. Before you can figure out what’s going on, your door slams open and really startles you, followed by a 30-pound lap dog that flops onto your clean laundry because he’s scared of rain. Moral of the story, dogs don’t need to know how to open doors! 

Let them in…

No! If any dog/human/ghost/demon wants to be in my room it has to open the door like the rest of us



these aren’t my cats

but they could be

they just want love and affection

Racist Americans will complain about immigration… but are signing up by the thousands to sponsor Ukrainian families. 

Biden is holding onto a raggedy Trump era policy that doesn’t even apply anymore. It’s blatant racism from the President of the United States who criticize Trump for the exact same thing during his campaign! 
