#lets celebrate






Hello, lovely humans! 

This blog is officially ACTIVE. And I couldn’t be more excited to getting back to writing for pleasure.

As many of you know, a few years ago I took a leap into writing professionally and now I am a full-time interactive fiction narrative designer, writer, and editor. While I adore my job, I also spend most of my time writing things based on storylines designed by others, few things solely of my own invention. And writing begets more writing. The more you do it, the more you want to do it, the more you are stimulated by the act itself. And so, even though my writing schedule is more busy than ever, I need to counter it with writing that is strictly for fun, otherwise I am going to burn out completely.

So thanks for your patience on this journey. I am SO THRILLED to celebrate with you.

To celebrate, we’re going to do some stories based on prompts and add some new fandoms to the mix.


(yes, the good place gifs are back)

The Rules:

  • Must be following me(@ardentmuse)
  • Must submit mean ask with a number of a prompt and a character
  • Mustlike this post
  • Please reblog, but this isn’t required :) 
  • Onlyone submission per person, please!
  • Block “#ardentmuse welcome back” if you don’t want to see these for whatever reason (though some of my best work comes from prompts)

Each ask will become a reader-insert imagine. Aiming for ~1k words for each of these, but we’ll see where the spirits take me.

Note that these will be slower than my previous turn around on these. My goal is one per day, to be cut off in ~3 weeks, so it is likely I won’t get to every prompt. I’ll do my best.

Character list and prompt list below the cut.


Keep reading

Happy New Year 2022!

It’s time to take stock of this year! Usually I’m not as verbose as many might think, unless I can catch up with the sheets with explanations, or with some opinion of my own. But, nevertheless, I have something to mention about this year.

He was… Let’s just say, intense. It was full of various events, both good and not so good, but still I cannot say that this year was somehow bad for me. At least I remember him with much more amenities than the previous one! So, what do we end up with:

1. I moved to a new fandom. At first it was a fleeting hobby, and it was caused rather by the desire to find out what was wrong with this game, that jokes with Dimitrescu filled my news feed everywhere! And then I saw Karl Heisenberg - my new Hasubando. Step aside, Mettaton, you have a serious competitor! I will not grovel about how much I love him, but at least a dozen or two new artworks are dedicated to him. I even joined Resident Evil Ask for his role as soon as she was vacated! I am quite successful in answering her! And recently I announced that I am going to spend the whole January not only in a working atmosphere, but also playing games all over the Resident Evil!

2. Skill in drawing has improved. The stylistics has become very recognizable, it has become just quite interesting, the characters have my unique stylistic features. Plus, by the way, I started sketching very often. I started sketching a lot, I got more sketchbooks. I’m already silent about the fact that this year the most 18+ arts were drawn, the full versions of which you can see in my closure (link on the right, in the corresponding section). But I still have a lot to learn in terms of drawing NSFW art! Therefore, expect new drawings from me, both regular and 18+!

3. My popularity on Ficbook has grown significantly! But this is, rather, just the result of the fact that I got on the HYIP on time, and while it was brewing, I wrote porno fanfic at the fastest pace. By the way, this is probably my very first FINISHED porno fanfic in any fandom. Now I am already very ashamed of this “work”, but if people like this, then, in fact, why not make such content? After all, the customer is always right, right?

4. I started an ASMR channel. This is relatively recent news, and so far there are only 15 subscribers, however, I already look forward to how my channel will grow to at least a thousand people (REAL people, and not cheated, as it was on my previous channel), and I will do what I like it - voicing characters and doing small performances! The main thing is that I do not burn out in this field! Soon, by the way, I will set up my Discord channel for both Russian-speaking and English-speaking people (maybe I’ll add German as well, but that’s a maximum!).

5. My part-time job as a copywriter has grown in conversion by as much as 250%, by the way, I still have a lot of orders in different directions! I have opened a new section - book layout! And yes, soon I will be able to take orders for layout, so to speak, to expand my assortment! Although the money does not flow like a river, I have enough for all sorts of books, goodies and just goodies and going to the cinema with friends!

6. I took part in several zines at once! It was my almost impossible dream, but this year it came true several times! I was able to draw some cool art, provide interesting stories! Soon after NG, you will be able to see the Ladybug print zine where my story is printed! That’s how it is, and I hope that in the future I will be able to take part in zines not only as a writer, but also as an artist, which is also important for me! By the way, I also organize my own zine, based on Heisenberg, and also filled with stories! The link is in the same place, on the right in the links section, go, join our group, and very soon we will finish production!

Actually, this is all that I have achieved this year. The successes, I think, are quite colossal! Of course, I had to sacrifice a lot, for example, my mental health, as well as a game channel and a voice channel, I also had to sacrifice some of my principles… But I’m sure the achievements justify these sacrifices!

I would also like to acknowledge the people who brightened up my year a lot!

Ivan Montvila is my absolutely awesome friend, whom we first met at anime gatherings, and then migrated to the Resident Evil, played, and later began to communicate permanently in Discord, creating some kind of evening tradition! Thank you for the warm and luminous Karl, who, although harmful, is loved!

Tamara Vakhonina - for the most beautiful illustrations for my “Obstinate Toy”, as well as for financial support in rubles! I still treasure your drawings, I even plan to print them on a poster in order to have a physical copy! Although we practically do not communicate with you, but, nevertheless, I still follow your content - you make cool animals!

Ayat Lee - relatively recently appeared in my life, but she became my supporter in the fight against not the most conscientious people from the Resident’s fandom, especially in the segment with Karl. I will not point a finger at these people, they themselves know who I am talking about. Let them think about their own behavior, let them decide for themselves how to continue to live with such a burden of responsibility for their actions. But Ayat helped me understand that everything is fixable, and that everything is, in fact, fixable! As the saying goes, “There is nothing incorrigible but death”!

Mangle Lady - maybe we didn’t talk so often, but I will never forget that case in the summer when you invited me to arrange a photo walk with a fox! Ah, for me it was the most magical moment when I was holding my totem animal in my arms! I happened to see the owl, and shoot, and touch, but with foxes it was stressful… Thanks to you, I have in my private, personal collection a bunch of high-quality and beautiful photographs where I hold this fox in my arms! These photos will be the avatars of my second page for a long time (although, perhaps, it should be deleted already, in fact, which is what I will do)!

Dark Tesla- ah, my beloved, beloved friend! Finally returned from the army, and until then we talked to each other on the phone, often exchanging compliments! We were support for each other, we called on the phone… In general, we kept in touch, as well as friends who truly love each other!

Polya Pavlova is a wonderful headman who helped me realize that everything in our institute is not as terrible and bad as it was in my first university. At least, everything is much simpler at RUDN University, and it’s easier to negotiate with teachers than there, at RSMU. Thanks to her, I became more organized to collect my knowledge in a pile and pass everything with good points!

Anton Sidorchuk - the recent meeting made an indelible impression on me! Thank you for such a warm and luminous meeting, a walk around the entire center of Moscow, as well as for the gifts that I now tenderly carry with me!

Now, promises!

1. I will expand the range of my ASMR videos, there will be a variety of creatures that will sing lullabies to you, as well as whisper in your ear!

2. I will definitely finish the project “Hearing” and make the project “Metal Rose”! Two fan projects on Heisenberg that should definitely reflect my love for him, as well as for pairings - Karl/OC and Wintersberg!

3. Read 5 books by Stephen King! Three are already known - Christina, Gerald game and Misery! We’ll find out the other two in the process! We will find out what books I can buy in the future, whether they will be on Ozon, whether they will be on sale…

4. Selling out all volumes of Scientific Proof of Love! I have to get hold of the entire series, all volumes in print! I want to have this on my shelf!

5. As a consequence, I will start a separate shelf with my books, however, I will have to sacrifice my plush and soft toys, rearrange them, or hide them! Anyway, I’ll have my own mini-library!

6. I will write a series of fanfiction with spin-off plots on my world Arcus! At least two stories have already accumulated - the story of the Rat King duet and the skeletons of Krio and Pyior! Wait for it, I’ll be posting them gradually this year!

7. I will write at least 10 new tracks! I will improve my music writing skills, learn to use more complex samples, and also give my characters some musical motives! I want to be like NyxTheShield (who knows, he will understand)!

Well, for your sake, let’s shudder! I will drink a Martini with Violet Monster and Pepsi, and at the same time I will eat a whole bowl of Olivier and a whole tray of caviar sandwiches!

Happy new year 2022! Do not get sick with coronavirus, get vaccinated, please yourself and your loved ones, and also spend time usefully, with joy and great mood! I love you all, and I hope that we will stay together for a very long time!!!

Happy New 2022 Year! Glückliches Neues 2022 Jahr!あ け ま し て お め で と う 2022!
