#lets meet sonic

“Let’s Meet Sonic” is OUT! Wow, what a culmination of a lifelong dream it was to even touch an episo“Let’s Meet Sonic” is OUT! Wow, what a culmination of a lifelong dream it was to even touch an episo

“Let’s Meet Sonic” is OUT! Wow, what a culmination of a lifelong dream it was to even touch an episode of OK KO where he meets one of my all-time favorite characters!

I was promoted to storyboard supervisor around the time the writer/storyboarders were finishing this episode. StevieandRyann’s boards were already amazing, but I was delighted to make small contributions where I could- such as in this early scene of KO in some of Sonic’s iconic poses. What a blast. I love OK KO, and this episode will always be one of my absolute favorites of the series.

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OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes! - Let’s Meet Sonic
