

Let’s go steal a bingo! Posting is now live for the Leverage Summer Flash Bingo. Remember to fill out the Fill Submission Form when you post your fills so you can earn your badges! 

We track #leverage bingo and #leveragesummerflashbingo on Tumblr, and you can post to the Ao3 Collection, Leverage Summer Flash Bingo 2021.

You can also come share your work and brainstorm with us in our Discord!

Cards under the cut.

Join us this summer for the Leverage Flash Bingo! You will have five pre-made cards to choose from,

Join us this summer for the Leverage Flash Bingo! You will have five pre-made cards to choose from, each with its own unique collection of five exciting summer-themed prompts. No need to sign up, just pick a card and start creating! 

Watch this space for the cards as well as updates on a future full bingo round starting November 1st!

You can also join our Discord server to hang out and talk about Leverage!

Sincerely, Mods Wick and Gav

Post link


Leverage Summer Flash Bingo 2021- A Masterpost & a thank you!

Posting a smidge on the late side but I have been super busy.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Flash bingo and I hope to see you back for the first round later this year. This would not have been possible without my amazing co mod @gavilansblog. Thank you so much for everything Gav.

Fill: Moodboard

Card/square: Card 2- Sunflowers

Rated: T

Pairing- possibly pre- Parker/Hardison/Eliot


Gavilan’s Leverage Flash Masterpost

Feels a bit silly to make a masterpost when a) I have only one fill and b) I’m making the badges, but for completion’s sake, here’s mine lol


Card: 02

Title: Under the Stars

Pairing: Parker/Hardison/Eliot

Tags: moodboard, wedding, food mentions

Link: https://gavilansblog.tumblr.com/post/656714164429029376/under-the-stars


This is a round up of all my fics for the flash bingo for @leverage-bingo!

1) Card 2 - Stargazing
    Look to the Stars

2) Card 2 - Vacation
    A Tropical Hideaway
   Tara Cole & Sophie Deaveaux
    Major Character Death discussion

3) Card 2 - Hiking
   A Hike Together
   Sophie Devereaux & Eliot Spencer

4) Card 2 - Sunflowers
    Sophie Devereaux/Nathan Ford
    Major Character Death
    Spoilers for Redemption Episode 1

5) Card 2 - Storms
    Breanna Casey & Alec Hardison
    No show spoilers preshow sibling stuff


Fox’s Leverage Summer Flash Bingo Masterpost

Despite not finding out about it until a week and a half before the deadline I managed to finish two Bingo fills for @leverage-bingo ’s summer flash bingo event!

Fill #1

Card and prompt: #2, sunflowers

Type of fill: fanart

Title: let’s go steal a sunflower

Rating: G

Pairing: gen, ot3

Spoilers: none

Warnings: none



Fill #2

Card and prompt: #2, stargazing

Type of fill: fanart

Title: let’s go steal a wish upon a star

Rating: G

Pairing: none

Spoilers: none

Warnings: none


Looking forward to the main event later this year!!


For the AO3 series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2416822

Strawberry: E’s Family Food Corner (800 words, G). Eliot runs a food blog. https://archiveofourown.org/works/32312320

Fireworks: Two Steps to the Left (500 words, G).  Hardison wants to see the fireworks. His partners don’t like the noise. https://archiveofourown.org/works/32361550

Baseball, Lemonade: Come Down (1000 words, T for violence).  Hardison gets hurt. Eliot asks for help. https://archiveofourown.org/works/32429671

Heatwave: The Way is Chasing Me (1600 words, E for sexual content, referenced non-consensual sexual content).  Eliot goes into heat. Hardison and Parker help.  https://archiveofourown.org/works/32645818

I had a ton of fun writing in my first ever fandom event! Thanks a ton to @leverage-bingo for putting on a really fun time. I wrote stories that I never would have come up with without having these prompts, and this got me through a weird month. I’m looking forward to whatever these amazing people put on next! 


Leverage Bingo: Summer Flash Bingo 2021

So me and @gavilansblog started a @leverage-bingo and we kicked things off this month (which turned out busier than I expected). So I ended up with 2 unfinished ideas and 1 moodboard.

Card # and prompt: card 2 and Sunflowers

Type of fill: Moodboard

Title: Sleeping in the Sunflowers.

Wordcount: N/A

Rating: Teen and up

Pairings: possibly pre- Eliot/Hardison/Parker

Spoiler Warnings: none because I haven’t finished Redemption yet. ;)

Warnings: images of- Eliot Spencer, Alec Hardison, Parker, a wolf and Sunflowers. One of the sunflower pictures is one I took the rest are from various places online.

Summary: Werewolf!Eliot wakes up in a sunflower field.

Link: That is what this post is doing creating a link for my masterpost.


Fill #2 for the Leverage Summer Flash Bingo Event over at @leverage-bingo

Prompt: sunflowers


Fill #1 for the Leverage Summer Flash Bingo Event over at @leverage-bingo

Prompt: Stargazing


Moodboard fill for the @leverage-bingo​ Summer Flash Bingo prompt “star gazing.” Very loosely interpreted, but canon backs me up on that one - the gold stars and fairy lights are just as valid. 

I don’t have a full story for this, but here are some of the headcanons that went into it: Eliot had Opinions about the catering and the cake. He wanted to just do it all himself but Hardison put his foot down and insisted he let someone else be in the kitchen, he had wedding things to be doing. Parker wanted a chocolate cake until she discovered edible gold leaf, then she wanted a solid gold cake. They ended up with half and half, plus a futuristic design that appeals to Hardison’s nerdiness. Eliot didn’t care what it looked like as long as it had good flavors. They walked out of so many cake tasting sessions when Eliot was disappointed in the flavors. Parker also insisted on the chocolate fountain. If Eliot hadn’t handled the food, the entire buffet may have been chocolate. The gold stars were a surprise that Parker snuck in and hung the night before. Hardison almost cried walking down the aisle when he saw them. Thanks to everyone in The Discord Server Job who brainstormed with me! 

Weekly Roundup 1

So I was supposed to post this on Thursday and then Leverage: Redemption happened and I completely forgot. So here is a belated roundup of the fics posted during the first week of the bingo!

- Mod Gav

We’ve had a great first week of the Leverage Summer Flash Bingo! Our wonderful participants created five works. Check them out below!

Title: Burning Love

Author: theleakypen

Square filled: Card 01, No Air Conditioning

Rating: Teen

Major Tags: Post-Canon; Established Relationship; Stakeout; Hot Weather; No air conditioning; Banter; Fluff; Short & Sweet

Pairing(s): Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer; Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer/Parker

Summary:“Seriously, this is ridiculous,” he complained. “It’s a hundred ten degrees out here, a hundred ten! Y'all promised me I wouldn’t have to deal with weather like this anymore.” Hardison and Eliot are stuck casing a mark’s place in a shitty car with no AC. It’s a good thing they like each other.

Word count: 521


Title: Look to the Stars

Author: ziazippy

Square filled: Card 02, Stargazing

Rating: Gen

Major Tags: Fluff

Pairing(s): Hardison/Parker

Summary: Parker has a late-night surprise for Hardison

Word count: 525


Title: E’s Family Food Corner

Author: MewCoyote

Square filled: Card 04, Strawberry

Rating: Gen

Major Tags: Food Blog, Recipes, Slice of Life, Fluff

Pairing(s): None (OT3 implied)

Summary: Eliot runs a food blog.

Word count: 858


Title: Two Steps to the Left

Author: MewCoyote

Square filled: Card 04, Fireworks

Rating: Gen

Major Tags: Fluff

Pairing(s): Hardison/Eliot/Parker

Summary: Hardison wants to see the fireworks. His partners don’t like the noise.

Word count: 513


Title: A Tropical Hideaway

Author: ziazippy

Square filled: Card 02, Vacation

Rating: Gen

Major Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Death (the major character death is before the fic and offscreen but it is the center of the fic)

Pairing(s): Past Nathan Ford/Sophie Devereaux, Sophie Devereaux & Tara Cole

Summary: Tara finds her friend who is hiding after a tragedy.

Word count: 615

