#weekly roundup

 H/D CAREER FAIR 2021 ROUNDUP: WEEK 3ARTResistance and Princes (Traditional, Teen)ART & FICFreak


Resistance and Princes (Traditional, Teen)

Freaky Fridays (5k, Digital, Teen)

Purrfect Pair (10k, Teen)
Twenty Minutes Till Free Fall (5k, Teen)
this is not my design (8k, General)
What Shall Not Be Unearthed (49k, Explicit)
An Issue of Touch (Digital, Teen)
And Draco Makes Four (10k, Mature)
Take a Chance on Me (36k, Explicit)
The Cat’s Britches (26k, Explicit)
Haunted By Separation (66k, Explicit)
in chronological order

Career Fair Cup team members, please help us record how many entries you have entered as a team at this spreadsheet. You can also join our discord for discussions with other enthusiasts!

Do keep on commenting on our wonderful entries and help spread the word byreblogging our fanwork headers or by reccing the wonderful fanworks!

Post link
 ARTA City of Shattered Souls (Digital Comic, Teen)ART & FICA Summer in Bordeaux (29k, Explicit)

A City of Shattered Souls (Digital Comic, Teen)

A Summer in Bordeaux (29k, Explicit)

Little Red Courgette (4 Hours, Teen)

On Hope & Healing (15k, Explicit)
Nobody’s Business (33k, Explicit)
Draco Malfoy is not a Werewolf (4k, Teen)
Country Roads (8k, Explicit)
At a Place Where Accountants Work (8k, Mature)
Tomorrow (39k, Explicit)
Better than Chocolate (14k, Teen)
the undone and the divine (42k, Mature)
in chronological order

Career Fair Cup team members, please help us record how many entries you have entered as a team at this spreadsheet. You can also join our discord for discussions with other enthusiasts!

Do keep on commenting on our wonderful entries and help spread the word byreblogging our fanwork headers or by reccing the wonderful fanworks!

Post link
 H/D CAREER FAIR 2021 ROUNDUP: WEEK 4ARTScrimshaw (Digital, Mature)PODFIC(not anyone) you’re t


Scrimshaw (Digital, Mature)

(not anyone) you’re the one (1.5 hours, General)

Call Me, Won’t You? (38k, Teen)
This Ain’t the Garden of Eden (131k, Explicit)
Fighting fire with fire (12k, Explicit)
A Game of Two Halves (23k, Mature)
and they called it puppy love (6k, Teen)
The Keepers (4k, Teen)
Saviour of the Seas (45k, Explicit)
in chronological order

Career Fair Cup team members, please help us record how many entries you have entered as a team at this spreadsheet. You can also join our discord for discussions with other enthusiasts!

Do keep on commenting on our wonderful entries and help spread the word byreblogging our fanwork headers or by reccing the wonderful fanworks!

Post link
ARTSeaside Sentiments (Digital Comic, General)Party Invitations and Falling in Love with Your Sworn

Seaside Sentiments (Digital Comic, General)
Party Invitations and Falling in Love with Your Sworn Enemy: A Tactical Guide (Digital Comic, Teen)

Clearing the Atmosphere (11k, Teen)
Near Future (21k, Mature)
you bring me home (35k, Explicit)
Please Contact the COCK Department (4k, Explicit)
The Fakes on the Wall (10k, Teen)
Study in Synchronicity (38k, Mature)
The Wonderous Adventures of Teddy Lewis (9k, Mature)
Unrestrained (10k, General)
Baby’s Eyes, Open Wide (40k, Mature)
Hey Spaceman (13k, Teen)
in chronological order

This is the final weekly roundup of the Fair!

Career Fair Cup team members, please help us record how many entries you have entered as a team at this spreadsheet. You can also join our discord for discussions with other enthusiasts!

Do keep on commenting on our wonderful entries and help spread the word byreblogging our fanwork headers or by reccing the wonderful fanworks!

There will be an anon masterlist and a guessing poll posted soon! We will also post the reveals in about a week’s time!

Post link


What is the Weekly Roundup?|Previous Weekly Roundups

From@lukalou:Talking About Monika 

From@goldenlaurelleaveswrites:100 Follower Celebration Prompt Responses One|Two|Three|Four|Five|Six

From@verfound:Princess Heartmaker Ch 8

From@thesaltyoceanwaves:Pirates Always Crash the Wedding

If I missed something that should be included, reblog, reply, DM, or drop the link in my asks and I’ll make sure it goes on next week’s roundup! If you prefer not to be included in these roundups for any reason please drop me a message, or if you post something that you would like to be sure I include, please drop a link in my asks and I’ll make sure it gets listed (Lukanette endgame only please - see what is the weekly roundupfor more details). If you want to be sure I’ve flagged your work for inclusion you can check the quickroundup tag on my blog to see what I’ve got in the queue for this week.

If you find something you like please like/reblog the original post to let the author know you enjoyed their work!


Weekly Lukanette Link Roundup

What is the Weekly Roundup?|Previous Weekly Roundups

From@inkmousey:Breathe Me In (nsfw)


From@verfound:Princess Heartmaker Ch 7 

If I missed something that should be included, reblog, reply, DM, or drop the link in my asks and I’ll make sure it goes on next week’s roundup! If you prefer not to be included in these roundups for any reason please drop me a message, or if you post something that you would like to be sure I include, please drop a link in my asks and I’ll make sure it gets listed (Lukanette endgame only please - see what is the weekly roundupfor more details). If you want to be sure I’ve flagged your work for inclusion you can check the quickroundup tag on my blog to see what I’ve got in the queue for this week.

If you find something you like please like/reblog the original post to let the author know you enjoyed their work!

Weekly Roundup 1

So I was supposed to post this on Thursday and then Leverage: Redemption happened and I completely forgot. So here is a belated roundup of the fics posted during the first week of the bingo!

- Mod Gav

We’ve had a great first week of the Leverage Summer Flash Bingo! Our wonderful participants created five works. Check them out below!

Title: Burning Love

Author: theleakypen

Square filled: Card 01, No Air Conditioning

Rating: Teen

Major Tags: Post-Canon; Established Relationship; Stakeout; Hot Weather; No air conditioning; Banter; Fluff; Short & Sweet

Pairing(s): Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer; Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer/Parker

Summary:“Seriously, this is ridiculous,” he complained. “It’s a hundred ten degrees out here, a hundred ten! Y'all promised me I wouldn’t have to deal with weather like this anymore.” Hardison and Eliot are stuck casing a mark’s place in a shitty car with no AC. It’s a good thing they like each other.

Word count: 521


Title: Look to the Stars

Author: ziazippy

Square filled: Card 02, Stargazing

Rating: Gen

Major Tags: Fluff

Pairing(s): Hardison/Parker

Summary: Parker has a late-night surprise for Hardison

Word count: 525


Title: E’s Family Food Corner

Author: MewCoyote

Square filled: Card 04, Strawberry

Rating: Gen

Major Tags: Food Blog, Recipes, Slice of Life, Fluff

Pairing(s): None (OT3 implied)

Summary: Eliot runs a food blog.

Word count: 858


Title: Two Steps to the Left

Author: MewCoyote

Square filled: Card 04, Fireworks

Rating: Gen

Major Tags: Fluff

Pairing(s): Hardison/Eliot/Parker

Summary: Hardison wants to see the fireworks. His partners don’t like the noise.

Word count: 513


Title: A Tropical Hideaway

Author: ziazippy

Square filled: Card 02, Vacation

Rating: Gen

Major Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Death (the major character death is before the fic and offscreen but it is the center of the fic)

Pairing(s): Past Nathan Ford/Sophie Devereaux, Sophie Devereaux & Tara Cole

Summary: Tara finds her friend who is hiding after a tragedy.

Word count: 615


Week In Review: May 20th

As always, Morgan was a busy bee ALL WEEK LONG!

I’m sharing #writingtips from the pros on writing the alien, the diff between pitching agents & readers, and more!

Check out my upcoming events (#Balticon2022 next week!) and more in this week’s round up!

In Case You Missed it, here’s the round-up of all of my latest content, plus updates from old guests!Read on if you want to know more. If not? See you next week with more writing tips and writerly musings.

Coming up this week:

On Youtube: Come, hang out, and maybe even get some productivity done yourself. Here on youtube at 4:30pm EDT.

On Twitch: Or join me here on twitch.

Content Around The…

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Week In Review: May 13th

As always, Morgan was a busybee ALL WEEK LONG!

I’m sharing tips from the pros on pacing your novel, dynamic voice acting,& #writingtips from this week’s #authorspotlight guest, Rich Blecher.

Check out my upcoming events (#Balticon2022 in 2 weeks!)&more

In Case You Missed it, here’s the round-up of all of my latest content, plus updates from old guests!Read on if you want to know more. If not? See you next week with more writing tips and writerly musings.

Coming up this week:

On Youtube: Come, hang out, and maybe even get some productivity done yourself. Here on youtube at 4:30pm EDT.

On Twitch: Or join me here on twitch.

Content Around The…

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Week In Review: May 6th

As always, Morgan was a busy bee ALL WEEK LONG!

This weekend, I was @RavenCon 2022. Plus, I’m talking about how gender biases get women mis-shelved into the YA section,& sharing #writingtips from this week’s #authorspotlight guest, Jeffrey Kippel &more.

In Case You Missed it, here’s the round-up of all of my latest content, plus updates from old guests!Read on if you want to know more. If not? See you next week with more writing tips and writerly musings.

Coming up this week:

On Youtube: Camp NaNo might be over, but I’m still hanging out! Come, hang out, and maybe even get some productivity done yourself. Here on youtube at 4:30pm EDT.


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Week In Review: April 29th

As always, Morgan was a busy bee ALL WEEK LONG!

This weeked, I was at RAVENCON. And I’m talking about who gets agency, motivation for doomsday cults, & sharing #writingtips from this week’s #authorspotlight guest, Dante Medema, my upcoming events, &more

In Case You Missed it, here’s the round-up of all of my latest content, plus updates from old guests!Read on if you want to know more. If not? See you next week with more writing tips and writerly musings.

Coming up this week:

On Youtube: Camp NaNo might be over, but I’m still hanging out! Come, hang out, and maybe even get some productivity done yourself. Here on youtube at 4:30pm EDT.


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Week In Review: April 22nd

As always, Morgan was a busy bee ALL WEEK LONG! This week: Why I usually fail #CampNano… & how I fixed it!
CSI: Fantasy Edition
#writingtips from this week’s author spotlight guest, Anat Aliraz
My upcoming events - @RavenCon is next weekend!
And more!

In Case You Missed it, here’s the round-up of all of my latest content, plus updates from old guests!Read on if you want to know more. If not? See you next week with more writing tips and writerly musings.

Coming up this week:

On Youtube: It’s Camp Nano! I’m making progress with the edits to my space fantasy (finally). Come, hang out, and maybe even get some productivity done yourself. Here on…

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Week In Review: June 10th

As always, Morgan was a busy bee ALL WEEK LONG!

I’m sharing notes on Writing Fight Scenes!, #writingtips for Coming of Age stories versus YA, advice from this week’s #authorspotlight guest, Raven Oak, & more!

Plus, check out my upcoming events!

In Case You Missed it, here’s the round-up of all of my latest content, plus updates from old guests!Read on if you want to know more. If not? See you next week with more writing tips and writerly musings.

Coming up this week:

On Youtube: Come, hang out, and maybe even get some productivity done yourself. Here on youtube at 4pm EDT.

On Twitch: Or join me here on twitch.

Content Around The…

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Week In Review: June 3rd

As always, Morgan was a busy bee ALL WEEK LONG!

I’m sharing my #Balticon2022 round up, #writingtips for writing Coming of Age stories versus #YA, and more!

Plus, check out my upcoming events in this week’s round up!

In Case You Missed it, here’s the round-up of all of my latest content, plus updates from old guests!Read on if you want to know more. If not? See you next week with more writing tips and writerly musings.

Coming up this week:

On Youtube: Come, hang out, and maybe even get some productivity done yourself. Here on youtube at 4pm EDT.

On Twitch: Or join me here on twitch.


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Week In Review: May 20th

As always, Morgan was a busy bee ALL WEEK LONG!

I’m sharing tips for packing for #Balticon2022, ways to advance the story WITHOUT traumatizing the character (OR readers), #writingtips from this week’s author spotlight guest: Jeff Young, & more!

In Case You Missed it, here’s the round-up of all of my latest content, plus updates from old guests!Read on if you want to know more. If not? See you next week with more writing tips and writerly musings.

Coming up this week:

On Youtube: Come, hang out, and maybe even get some productivity done yourself. Here on youtube at 4pm EDT.

On Twitch: Or join me here on twitch.


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