#lexies aus sherlock

lexie’s 2021 sherlolly calendar: November - RebeccaLet me tell you that I’ve been DYING to show this

lexie’s 2021 sherlolly calendar: November - Rebecca

Let me tell you that I’ve been DYING to show this one because this is one of the first ones that I drew for this calendar and UGH, I love the idea of this AU SO. MUCH. It’s interesting how the adaptations handle the ending of this book when in reality it ends just as they realize that the house is burning. Anyway, heck yes, give me allllllll of this!  @lono285 once ran with the concept of a Sherlolly/Rebecca AU as well! 

I hope you guys like and I’m plugging away at the 2022 calendar! I hope to be able to have a pre-sale at the end of the month, but I’ll give you guys a real date for it soon!

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sherlolly calendar 2022 May, 1890 The Hound of BaskervilleTheir hearts beat faster, standing togethe

sherlolly calendar 2022 May, 1890 The Hound of Baskerville

Their hearts beat faster, standing together in the fog. 

When I made this, I had the image of Molly being quite frightened by the ordeal of Baskerville and Sherlock not hesitating to bring her comfort. 

I can’t believe that I didn’t mention this before: I did ask early on in the development of this calendar for you all to submit a color and an object and I would find a way to work it into the pages. I had totally forgotten to mention it before, but I will do my best to do so from now on! (if I don’t, please ask me)

This month, it’s the color red and a dog cart. Did I get it right? 

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@simplyshelbs16xoxo requested Sherlolly in the style of Old Hollywood. And since I’ve been watching @simplyshelbs16xoxo requested Sherlolly in the style of Old Hollywood. And since I’ve been watching

@simplyshelbs16xoxo requested Sherlolly in the style of Old Hollywood. And since I’ve been watching all those type of movies for a long while now, I also couldn’t decide if I liked it better in black and white or in full Technicolor. 

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Sherlolly Calendar 2022 - January, 1887Welcome to another year of my Sherlolly calendar! I can’t bel

Sherlolly Calendar 2022-January, 1887

Welcome to another year of my Sherlolly calendar! I can’t believe this will be my 8th one! 

This year, it’s all about the Victorian AU! As those of you who have bought the larger calendar might have noticed, there’s a small story that goes along with the images. In this version of this story, I wanted to have Molly be a rich widow who has a real interest for detective work and she ended up at the crime scene where Sherlock was also investigating and immediately he was impressed by her powers of observation…

Lady detectives (particularly in the US) were around since early Victorian times IRL, but also in fiction and I think they don’t get enough attention! If you still want to buy a calendar, you can do on my Etsy page

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