#rebecca au

lexie’s 2021 sherlolly calendar: November - RebeccaLet me tell you that I’ve been DYING to show this

lexie’s 2021 sherlolly calendar: November - Rebecca

Let me tell you that I’ve been DYING to show this one because this is one of the first ones that I drew for this calendar and UGH, I love the idea of this AU SO. MUCH. It’s interesting how the adaptations handle the ending of this book when in reality it ends just as they realize that the house is burning. Anyway, heck yes, give me allllllll of this!  @lono285 once ran with the concept of a Sherlolly/Rebecca AU as well! 

I hope you guys like and I’m plugging away at the 2022 calendar! I hope to be able to have a pre-sale at the end of the month, but I’ll give you guys a real date for it soon!

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