#lgbt nsft


I love the idea of teasing through underwear, like having someone make you cum through your underwear soaking them so you have to take them off, or just like teasing, gently stroking them or planting kisses on their crotch, gently rubbing them not enough to get off as the clothes dull down the pleasure making them squirm for longer while their head spins

Everyone always talks about subs in skirts, what about Dom’s in skirts?

Having a dom wearing a short tennis skirt and nothing under it around the house, whenever they get bored or want to use you they’d pull your head under the skirt and force you to eat them out, or they could slide their fingers into your mouth to make them nice and wet before touching themselves while making you watch, they could tease you by straddling your lap and grinding on you through your clothes, the heavy fabric dulling down the feeling for you while they can get off to it.

I would love to cockwarm someone, have them hold me down into them feeling my stomach swell ever so slightly as I sit there full if them, my head swimming as I try and regain my composure trying desperately not to move my hips, while they pull me into a kiss softly with one hand still firmly planted on my hip to ensure I don’t go anywhere

If I’m on my knees being all subby for you and you cup my face with your hands and call me angel I will fully ascend to heaven right then and there

Currently requesting someone to fuck my slutty mouth with their fingers until I’m a droopy mess begging for cock, any takers?

I wanna grind on someone’s bulge rn, feel them get hard through their sweat pants as I press myself against them, maybe slip my hand under their waist band and toy with them, maybe even straddle them and buck my hips a lil

I want to feel you break under me, edge you for hours all the while you begging for more, finally riding you as I start to pick up the pace watching you squirm under me, getting faster and faster as I cup your face, look you dead in the eyes and whisper,

“You can cum for me”

Someone please let just hold me down by my wrists and finger me until I’m a squirming needy mess drooling and overstimulated, unable to form words, just desperate for you to ruin me more.

It is a crime that you haven’t put a collar on me yet, I think I would look so cute all collared up, maybe a leash too, on my knees between your legs making you feel good like an obedient pup.

Kinda really wanna get fucked like my body is just a cocksleeve but have my dom saying all these soft things in my ear so all I can do is whine and beg for more like a good slut, picking me up light I’m weightless and using me like a fleshlight, before throwing me on the bed fucked out of my mind.

In the mood to tie a pretty boy to my bed and fuck them senselessly. Yearning to hear that first gasp as I shove my strap inside them, watching their expression melt away in pleasure. Feeling them clench as I start to slide inside them, watching them squirm as I start hitting their g-spot.

I just need to get railed so hard I can’t think, have them hold my up against the wall and fuck me with absolutely no refused for how hard or deep they fuck me, no holding back, rough, feral and dominant, losing control as they fuck me moaning in my ear “fuck… I need you so bad…” as their intoxicating grunts fill my mind and force out every other thought as they breed me

I wanna fuck a needy dom, have them get more and more desperate to fuck me as I tease them and brat off before they pin me down and ravage me, thrusts getting faster and faster as they fuck me getter ever closer to cumming, holding me closer as they drill into me and losing all control as they finally cum deep inside me

I need someone to use me and fuck out their anger, like after a long stressful day, sink their nails into my back and drag deep claw marks into me, mark me as theirs, don’t hold back fuck me nice and rough, ruin me and let it all out

I need someone to pull my hair when we make out, make me moan into their mouth, make me weak and needy, lift my chin and kiss down my neck, chest and thighs pushing me down onto my back before ruining me with your mouth

I want to have my hands pinned above my head while being pounded into relentlessly until I cum just because I know your stronger than me and I can’t break free, I just want you to make me feel all small and subby and weak

The urge to fuck a pathetic sub who’s been edging for ages until they can’t make any other sounds besides incoherent whimpers and moans, whispering pleas for mercy between whines. Such a good slut for me, go ahead and whimper for me like a good slut, let it all out, feels so good being used doesn’t it darling?

If I ever have a bratty sub, whenever they start to brat off, I’ll just hold them down and ride their face, force them on their knees, put on a cute collar and fuck their face, if they wanna use that tongue so much to be a lil brat they may as well put it to good use

Stg people who say “you taste so good” during/after eating someone out, you deserve the world
