#lgbt nsft


God I wanna ruin a cute puppy, eyes rolling back in their head as they drool sliding off their lips as I fuck their brains out, ask them questions they can’t even answer because their brain is too full of the thought of me that they can’t process anything else


He’s literally so adorable, I just wanna give him hickeys literally everywhere and force him to be quiet. I wanna suck him off and look him in the eyes, forcing his hips down and stopping whenever he breaks any rules. Or better yet, skimming him with my teeth a little as a punishment for not doing what he’s meant to.

Focusing on the super sensitive part of his dick. I literally just wanna force him to stop moving and making any sound while I overstimulate him till it hurts. Idk if he’ll take it seriously and GENUINELY do what I say tho, so I guess I’ll just have to prove that he needs to listen :).


He gave me his hoodie after he fucked me , it smells like him and it’s really waaaarrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMM!!!!!! I MISS HIIIIMMM!!


I haven’t cum in a God awful amount of time, and honestly if he could safely come over to my place rn, he could do whatever tf he wanted to and I’d accept it. Wanna drill into me and slam my head into the pillow? Go right tf ahead. Wanna cum on me multiple times? I’ll lay there and let you do that. Wanna spank and slap me so much my face and ass are red and hurt? Of fucking course here I’ll even line your hand up. Wanna spit on my hand and jack you off? Like you even have to ASK!!!

Want her to whisper in my ear “It’s okay Babygirl, I know it hurts” As shes fucking into me and I’m just whimpering and whining because I’m so overwhelmed by pleasure

I wish I knew more cute, drippy little girls.

It’d be fun to have a playdate!

They would make me smoke, get me high, and then slowly start groping me and touching me. Making me nothing more than a drippy, drooling needy cumdump for them to play with. Then, they would tease me for being so needy, and I would get so desperate to the point that all I could do is whimper and moan while they continue playing with me.

“Awe, what’s wrong, Kitten? Does it feel good when I touch you? Do you want more?
