#lgbt seniors

The national conversation about trans identity and community tends to focus on the newest crop of trThe national conversation about trans identity and community tends to focus on the newest crop of trThe national conversation about trans identity and community tends to focus on the newest crop of trThe national conversation about trans identity and community tends to focus on the newest crop of trThe national conversation about trans identity and community tends to focus on the newest crop of trThe national conversation about trans identity and community tends to focus on the newest crop of tr

The national conversation about trans identity and community tends to focus on the newest crop of trans youth. But why don’t we hear about older trans and gender-nonconforming individuals who manage to overcome the at times seemingly impossible odds and survive — and thrive — in America?

Photographer Jess Dugan’s latest project To Survive on This Shore aims to bring attention to those voices. For over five years, Dugan and social worker Vanessa Fabbre have traveled across the United States photographing and interviewing older trans and gender-nonconforming individuals to ensure their stories, largely untold, are finally shared.  See more here (x)

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