#lgbtq romance


September Word Count Goal: 10,000

Current Word Count: 10,118

So, chapter four is done and my word count goal has been met! Yay!

Anyway, this chapter had a sleepy cuddlefest, so needless to say it’s cute as hell!

This is a little fan art of Cat Sebastian’s Two Rogues Make a Right. There was a lot about this book that got me in the feels, and even though I kept wanting to shake the characters and scream, “You can’t treat TUBERCULOSIS with peppermint oil,” people actually did try to, so points to the author for period accuracy. Also, I just couldn’t believe that Will and Martin could start a pig farm without at least some piglets ending up as pets, so I snuck one in.⁠

I’m so sorry about the recent lack of updates. 2020 has been… well, you all know how 2020 has been. :( I want to do what I can to help bring a bit of joy to people in an isolating time where funds may be tight and spirits a little low, so:

I’m making How Saeter Robbed the Underworldfree until the end of March! How Saeter Robbed the Underworld is a novella-length M/M story and the Rainbow Awards 2019 winner of Best Bisexual Fantasy-Romance. Featuring found family, shape-shifting tricksters & a happy ending. Click here for content warnings, an excerpt, and additional information.

The link above should be showing as free on all major retailers, but it might take some time to trickle down from Amazon.com to other regional Amazon sites. If so, or if you want to download it directly, I’ve also posted it in epub, mobi, and pdf formats over on Itch.io.

Pleasefollow me and my beloved wife on our book twitter, softcryptidbook, and if you’re interested, here are some other ways to support us. Watch out for each other (from a good distance, of course) and stay safe out there!

Hi, I’m Meredith! I write lgbt+ science fiction/fantasy and romance, and as you may have heard,  my publisher has, tragically, closed.  In the time since then, my wife Aveline and I have been hard at work getting everything back up as self-published work, and while it’s not all up yet, it’s getting there!

The following books are back up and available for purchase as ebooks (paperbacks not yet available)!

  • Smoke Signals (Urban fantasy, romance, M/M, dragon, billionaire) - A harried CSR for a games distributor gets put in charge of the video game collection of a grumpy and self-centered billionaire who is a literal dragon. At least the dragon is cute… in an apex predator sort of way. Includes soft cats, cooking shows, and knitting! Fun and upbeat.-Buy here
  • Beauty and Cruelty (Urban fantasy, romance, F/F (side M/M and F/M/F)) - The Evil Fairy joins Sleeping Beauty in her (kind of meta) plan to save their people. Fairy tale endings? In THIS economy? Featuring Woke Beauty, polyamorous swans, & people caught in a capital-S Story. Upbeat & adventurous. (Rainbow Awards 2016 Winner Best Lesbian Debut; 2nd place Best Lesbian Fantasy Romance.) - Buy here
  • Empty Vessels (Paranormal, urban fantasy, romance, M/M, polyamorous, eerie) - A psychic young man knows he has to overcome his anxieties to protect the local monsters from something terrifying lurking in the night. Along the way, he finds romance in unlikely places, between the ghost that keeps him company and the deer-antlered man running the mysterious antique shop. Monster kissing, flirty horned boys, mindscapes, and creepy dolls. Now with new cover by @rubydart​!  -Buy here
  • The Cybernetic Tea Shop (Retrofuture sci-fi, romance, asexual homoromantic F/F) - A mechanic with a bad case of wanderlust meets a homebound robot stuck in the past. In accepting the things they cannot change and finding the courage to change the ones they can, both of them need to understand what it means to ‘move on’.  Tea, AI, and kindness. Soft and warm.-Buy here
  • Only Human (Paranormal, romance, zombies but not gross, necromancy, M/M) - When an excitable human nerd gets hit with a necromantic curse, he finds himself getting close to his doctor’s receptionist, a kindly frankensteinian zombie with body issues. It’ll definitely take some communication to make this unusual relationship work. Coffee shop dates, curses, would-be mystery writers, and fans loving fans! Sweet and steamy.-Buy here
  • How Saeter Robbed the Underworld (Fantasy, mythology, romance, M/M, trickster) - After a hard day, a young man’s fathers tell him a strangely relevant story about messy relationship between two demigods, children of  the gods of Envy and of Love, and how they trick the underworld out of a very special prize. Found family, daring rescues, shape-shifting tricksters, and Norse-inspired mythology.-Buy here

You can learn more about my and Aveline’s writing overatour website  to keep up to date about what’s out and what’s yet to come, or follow our joint writing twitter for news about what we’re working on, links to new releases (or re-releases), and similar things! And hey, feel free to follow our personal twitters too –meredithakatzandavelinereynard!

Thanks to everyone for the support and love during this rough time. Whether you buy our books, leave a rating or review, or just share this post, you’re being a huge help. We’re looking forward to bringing you all new, exciting things soon!
