#bisexual romance


I’m so sorry about the recent lack of updates. 2020 has been… well, you all know how 2020 has been. :( I want to do what I can to help bring a bit of joy to people in an isolating time where funds may be tight and spirits a little low, so:

I’m making How Saeter Robbed the Underworldfree until the end of March! How Saeter Robbed the Underworld is a novella-length M/M story and the Rainbow Awards 2019 winner of Best Bisexual Fantasy-Romance. Featuring found family, shape-shifting tricksters & a happy ending. Click here for content warnings, an excerpt, and additional information.

The link above should be showing as free on all major retailers, but it might take some time to trickle down from Amazon.com to other regional Amazon sites. If so, or if you want to download it directly, I’ve also posted it in epub, mobi, and pdf formats over on Itch.io.

Pleasefollow me and my beloved wife on our book twitter, softcryptidbook, and if you’re interested, here are some other ways to support us. Watch out for each other (from a good distance, of course) and stay safe out there!
