#lie tenzen


OC test:Confessional pt1

[Warning: It’s depressing]

In the spirit of Mental Health Awareness Month, everyone shall confess a deeply personal thought to one other person not from their universe. It’ll just be those two people in the room.




Lucas:Uhh hey. Color me shocked. Why me?

Mona:I don’t know. Why not? Honestly not quite sure what to say. I’m pretty numb by most things or have aired out my baggage. I was groomed and sexually abused. Big whoop. That’s no secret.

Lucas:…That must’ve been a lot to deal with.

Mona:Not particularly. The only silver lining of it happening so young is most of what happened was too big to really comprehend entirely. It’s fucking awful for sure but better than…hmm. *sits down* …..Heh.

Lucas:*sits* Found something?

Mona:Not many know this but I’m not an only child. I have a little sister. Has to be twelve by now.

Lucas:Why isn’t she here?

Mona:If she was, Ahlai wouldn’t say anything. She’s broken. Like…shattered. Dear old mom just never let up for anything. By the time she turned seven, Ahlai was already gone. Hardly blinked let alone ate. I only remember that because it’s the reason I gave myself to leave her behind when I finally ran away. I was fourteen.



Mona:I’ve never pretended or acted like I’m a good person, but every time I think about that, I can’t shrug off how fucked up that was of me. Maybe that’s why I like sticking my neck out for street kids?

Lucas:Not sure how far a fourteen year old girl would’ve gotten if you had grabbed her. Sounds like an un-winnable situation. If it makes you feel better, escaping at all is a feat.

Mona:Heh, I knew I was right to pick you.


Sienna:Hey Frosty.

Summer:That’s…surprisingly a new one. Why me?

Sienna:You’re pretty gentle, like a snow rabbit.

Summer:Thank you? Well, I’m no stranger to therapy. I’ll listen to you.

Sienna:I can’t remember my real name, and that gets to me sometimes.

Summer:…..Sienna isn’t your real name?

Sienna:Hehe, no. It’s what Adam gave me, or…the name I gave myself? My memories are pretty hazy around that time and everything before. Not just my name, but family too. I remember the mines, bits and pieces anyways. I also know…I killed my brother. No face, voice, or even how, but I know it was me.

Summer:That’s…a lot to take in. I’m sorry you went through that.

Sienna:Anytime I try remembering, or even think about asking anyone who does know, my head starts feeling like it’ll split open. My heart races and I can’t stop shaking. Wearing jewelry freaks me out too; my body remembers those days vividly. Just not my brain.

Summer:Our minds can block out traumatic experiences as a way of protecting us. I only recently went back to the lake I nearly died. Immediately had a panic attack, my head remembering the moment I fell in. It was terrifying and I had to leave. There are times our body knows what’s best.

Sienna:Isn’t that just a nice way of saying we’re too weak to handle the truth?

Summer:…Sure feels that way sometimes, doesn’t it?


Canary:I take it you’re no stranger to Ruby drama?

Carmine:I could write a book about it. Rant.

Canary:When I needed a hero, a person who truly understood my sorrow, Ruby Rose wasn’t there. Not only that but she took away other people with her! I didn’t have to be a girl with limited memories of her dad and no scythe knowledge. I don’t even blame her for the death. I just….it would’ve felt like he was still there if she stood by me. *rubs eyes*

Carmine:Mo- Ruby is never at her best when she’s highly emotional. Sadly, being a mother, daughter, niece, anything of the sort is ripe with emotion. Ironically, it makes her the best hero for everyone else because she understands the weight of those familial ties.

Canary:I don’t hate her or anything. It just sucks. They say never meet your heroes. But when your hero is family…

Carmine:Disappointment comes with it. Yeah, it’s the worst. It’s ironic. You would think out of anyone it would be her family that sees her through rose tinted glasses.


Nick:Hi Yujin.

Yujin:What are the odds? I was gonna pick you too. Heh, same brain cell. *smiles*

Nick:Ha, guess so. Honestly I don’t have many things I haven’t aired out before. I’ve actually gone to therapy, so that helped. *lays on his back*

Yujin:I’m sensing a “but” is on its way.

Nick:Heh, but, I’ll admit I’m pretty upset with myself. I wish I could be rude. Like unapologetically rude. It’s annoying how many people look up to me or expect things. I’ve been surrounded by hundreds before but felt completely alone.

Yujin:I get that. *sits* I can’t count how many times someone said “Yang’s daughter” and I wanted to scream. Not our parents fault that they’re amazing, but it can blow.

Nick:How do you deal with it?

Yujin:It helps when my parents are there watching me do something. Yeah, I am Yang’s daughter, and she’s currently losing her mind over it. I love that.

Nick:Hmmm never looked at it quite like that. It is always nice seeing mom and dad cheer. Can’t undo blood. Guess it really is about changing perspective.

Yujin:Also I’m pretty sure anyone who actually cares about you would understand if you asked them to leave you alone. Anybody else are the actual rude people.

Nick:What’s your confession?

Yujin:Truthfully? I feel like a brat. Always have. People try consoling me and I’m aware bigger things in the world take priority, but I still get upset. I feel like I’m making things a hassle a times. What’s worse is when I’m ignorant about information so now I don’t know I’m making things rough. I want to be better than that.

Nick:Unfortunately…I’m just as lost as you are on that front.

Yujin:That’s okay. Thanks for listening to me. I appreciate it.


Aero:Of all the people to call…

Jael:You seem like a straightforward individual. Kinda like my sister.

Aero:Oh. *red* Thank you. Also I’m terrible at advice so…sorry in advance.

She leans forward until her forehead of his chest.

Jael:It’s alright. Neither is she. My sister lives a life of secrecy to the point she doesn’t actually exist, fake name and all. Mom is maiden and her family is gone, so she’s off the grid. Then there’s dear old dad, who officially dead more than two decades ago. The only person who really exists is me, and I’m basically on borrowed time.


Jael:*tearing up* If I don’t make something of myself, it’ll be like my family never existed. The name Taurus will remain infamous. *crying* It’s not fair. Not when so much more has happened.

Aero:*pats head* My mom believes things happen for a reason. If I were to guess, I’d say you’re on borrowed time because the world knows it’s still more than enough to leave your mark. So don’t sweat it. You’re ahead of schedule.


Tenzen:Helping people is hard.

Sparrow:Truer words have never been spoken. I take it you help a lot of people?

Tenzen:I try to, but I never really feel too good at it. I always feel like I don’t really understand their pain and it only makes things worse. I’m always outside looking in.

Sparrow:Kid, you have your entire life ahead of you. You’re not supposed to have all the answers and solve everyone’s problems. If it comes from a place of sincerity and love then you’re doing the best you can. I’m sure Yujin thinks you’re doing just fine.

Tenzen:I didn’t say it was-

Sparrow:Didn’t have to.


Jackie:What’s with the face?

Sparrow:I was just here. I must be popular.

Jackie:I can’t burden kids with my hang ups! You’re the obvious choice.

Sparrow:Do you have hang ups? You seem pretty put together.

Jackie:At my point in life, only one thing troubles me, my family. Each one of them as their own personal demons in one way or another. I’m doing my best to help them. Together we’re pretty happy. But…eventually we’ll all be apart. It scares me to think that if I were to get hurt and go away to soon, they wouldn’t handle it well. I made a home filled with love. What happens when I can’t give them it anymore?

Sparrow:…Well, did you forget your mother’s love?

Jackie:….*tearing up*

Sparrow: *smiles* That’s the thing about parents. Kids never forget them, for better or worse. You built a home with what you remembered love felt like.

Jackie:I’ve made so many mistakes. I wasn’t a good person for awhile. That love she gave didn’t stop the anger. My demons, they’ve done things.

Sparrow:So you’re just like my mom then and if your kids take after you, they’ll find their way eventually. Right back to the love.

Jackie:….Can I cry?

Sparrow:Heh, you need permission?

Jackie:No. Just giving you a heads up.

Sniffles turn into whimpering as Jacquelyn starts crying softly. Sparrow was kind enough to offer her a warm hug in her moment of stress. He really was raised well.

OC test:Confessional pt2

Pt 1<-

[Warning: Even more depression]

Eliza:Before you ask, yes I picked you because we look a bit similar.

Mona: Must be nice. A delicate little flower seeing a homeless version. This outta keep you on the straight and narrow. Not that you elites risk such possibilities.

Eliza:You know my mom was a druggy on the streets and I’m considered a bastard, right?

Mona:…I think I missed that important tid bit. So what, here to confess all that angst?

Eliza:Hardly, or at least not what you think. I can’t say I miss a mother I never knew, considering it was her choice. I just wish I had a mother in general. I always see the twin’s mother show up to every contest, performance, etc. I honestly get jealous. I wish my dad would find a nice woman. Figured you could relate considering you hang around two people with great moms.

Mona:Lady? Don’t try to relate. Their parents are the last thing on my mind.


Mona:But I see your point.

Eliza:I had a feeling.


Aero:Let’s get this over with dude.

Sparrow:Ouch. I was acting gonna pick you too.

Aero:Excuse me?

Sparrow:I can tell you have a strong sense of purpose, a way of life that revolves around protecting your own. I wish I had that so young. Feels like a I wasted a bit of my youth. Even now it feels like I’m coasting by.

Aero:That’s not necessarily bad. You give me too much credit. I’m just lashing out; good old defiance. So many people weigh down the ones I cherish. There are proper ways to change things but I don’t to. I’m looking for an excuse to rage. Fighting scum feels nice.

Sparrow:Be a carefree huntsman. They’re not all virtuous ya know?

Aero:I could, but if I get that title, no way Carmine would let me dishonor it. Well…I guess I could stay within the lines a little more.

Sparrow:She has you whipped.

Aero:Shut up!


Valerie:It’s like I mean to push him away. I just feel…irrelevant, scared even. Like everyone will see me as less.

Tenzen:*laying on lap* Hmm that’s complicated. Dynamics change. I can tell Yujin is getting stronger by the day. I’d be a little sad if the day comes she out performs me, but I know I would be relieved too. There’s comfort knowing she won’t need me as much because it means she’ll be fine.

Valerie:I get that. I just…it’s hard to describe. Thinking that I’ve fallen behind makes me…I….I’m sorry. Saying anymore is frustrating. I don’t think I know what I really want or expect.

Tenzen:Take it step by step. One day, you’ll figure it out,

Valerie:You sound like dad.

Tenzen:We’ll I don’t meditate for nothing.




Carmine:*sits* I’m thinking of what I can talk about that won’t be exhausting.

Veronica:Ah. You do that then. I’ll just listen and this will be over with.

Carmine:Exactly why I picked you. I knew you wouldn’t give any pity or offer a bunch of solutions.

Veronica:*ears flop*…..

Carmine:…That was rude, wasn’t it?

Veronica:I’ve heard worse, but yeah. Kinda rude. *sits* For the record, I would help if you asked. Anyways, I’m familiar with your type. Exceptional and ambitious. Let me guess, you’re unsatisfied with your life?

Carmine:I wouldn’t say that. I do appreciate my life. The thing is… sigh did you know I used to do ballet? I really liked it.

Veronica:I can tell by the way you fight. Why’d you stop?

Carmine:I learned I’m a great fighter, then learned the world is burning away because of spiteful woman who couldn’t call a quits. No time for ballet lessons. That’s what I told myself. Sometimes I wonder what if I chosen to hold on to the shoes and give up the sword. My mom wouldn’t have blamed me. Dad would’ve payed for lessons.

Veronica:If no one made you let go, then why do it?

Carmine:Like you said, I’m exceptional. Once you learn you can save hundreds of people, not doing it feels crushing. I would blame myself. I wouldn’t be able to look at an audience without wondering “Is everyone who wanted to be here, here? Was someone looking forward to this in that town attacked a week ago? Did they make it?” I can’t save everyone but not trying to save anyone isn’t an option. It makes me jealous of civilians a little. I guess…I envy the weak. Stupid, right?

Veronica:…I don’t think so. You know how many times I got jealous of faunus with regular hearing and skills? All my ears are good for is hearing all the bad things about me.


Veronica:Eh. I’ve gotten pretty good at tuning things out. Should’ve seen me when I was ten. My ears were always covered. The world was like a boom box on high. Being exceptional isn’t all that fun, but hey, we make it look pretty good. Also, you’re only 17. I’d say you have plenty of time left to dance.

Carmine:*smiles* I hope you right. Maybe I can give everyone here a performance one day.

Veronica:Looking forward to it.



Serenity:Yo. Hehe, I was gonna pick you.

Summer:Great minds think alike I suppose. Umm do you mind going first then? Not really confident I’ll keep myself together after I start talking.

Serenity:Oh? I can choose someone else if you want? Let’s focus on-

Summer:No! I mean, it’s fine. *takes a breath* Please, you first.

Serenity:Well, if you insist. Making friends is rough. People tend to avoid me on account of trouble always following me. It’s reasonable and I in no way blame them. I’m more trouble than I’m worth. Even so, it hurts a little. It’s like dreaming right before you wake up. I go about my life then suddenly remember I’m lonely. It’s why I enjoy Lucas’s company, but don’t tell him that. He might get embarrassed.

Summer:You don’t have anyone?

Serenity:No, not really. Just the people I work with. They care about me but it’s not the same as having a best friend or relative ya know? It just blows. I thought I was at peace with it but then anytime I see a real connection between people I can’t help but get down on myself. Still, I am lucky to life. Job, fans, etc. Could be worse.

Summer:I think anyone would be lucky having you as a friend.

Serenity:Hehehe, thanks; even though I week with me might change your mind. *boops nose* Anyways, the floor is all yours. Take all the time you need.



Summer:You wanna know something my therapist doesn’t? I had a dream…where everyone hated me, and I liked it. I wish it were real.


Summer:*Faux smile* Crazy, I know. But I don’t think it’s the worst thing to happen. Life would be so much easier. Not because I wouldn’t have to try. No, it’s because they’d be happier Nicholas would be happier. Shiva isn’t invincible. At the end of the day this is still a normal body after all. If they hated me, then they wouldn’t hold back. *quivering* It’s awful. The thought of everyone throwing me away, ending me, it doesn’t make me sad. I’d just feel so relieved.

….tears run down her face.

Summer:I’m ready to die. How fucked up is-

Without warning, Serenity pulls her into a tight hug, crying uncontrollably. Whatever strength Summer had was gone in an instant. Tears flooded her eyes and she dropped to her knees. Both her arms wrapped around the girl she barely knew anything about and refused to let her go.


Kovu:How do you deal with it, being the one surrounded by talent?

Sienna:Hard to say really. I suppose…I just got used to my limits. At least you found your semblance.

Kovu:It’s not enough. Not only am I the child of legends, but related to Carmine, a legend in the making. Ever since we were kids I’ve tried keeping up with her but it’s never happened. I’m so…average.

Sienna:What’s wrong with average? There has to be someone to demonstrate resolve. The gifted can’t relate to the masses like we can, or inspire. Besides, if I know anything about family, Carmine has her eyes on you. Even if you don’t realize it.

Kovu:What makes you so sure?

Sienna:Easy. You’re her older cousin. She’s always gonna look your way, for better or worse. So keep showing her your best.


Jacquelyn looked at a silent Veronica, her body leaning against a wall. They have been here for awhile.


Jackie:You have to say something.

Veronica:Don’t you think I know that?

Jackie:Finding the courage?

Veronica:I’m not scared of my feelings, and I don’t need you trying to pry. I want this simple and over with.

Jackie:Mmm no, I don’t think you do. Of all the people to pick, you chose the mom with two daughters instead of the bandit or introvert.

Veronica:If you’re thinking I need motherly comfort then you forget I have two of them.

Jackie:Yeah but if they’re like my versions then they aren’t the sharpest when it comes to other’s feelings.

Veronica:Do not insult my parents.

Jackie:*smiles* Glad to know you’re not having parental troubles with a reaction like that. Or at the very least you love them dearly.

Veronica:….*looks away*

Jackie:Listen, I can’t force you to talk to me. Never planned to. Just know I’m here and-

Veronica:SHUT UP! Please just…stop.

She slides down against the wall, her head falling into her hands.

Veronica:Stop~ I don’t want to do this. I shouldn’t have to. If I say I can handle things then I can.

Jackie:….May I touch you?


Jackie:I want to-

Veronica:I meant why ask permission first?

Jackie:You always do. I just assumed you have your reasons. It’s clear to see you like your space. May I get closer?


Jacquelyn walks over to the girl and sits right beside her. She slowly reached out before seeing Veronica tense up, making Jacquelyn stop.

Veronica:What’s wrong? I thought you were going to touch me?

Jackie:Changed my mind. Listen, I don’t know who hurt you or all your struggles, but I can tell you’ve been too strong for too long. So I don’t see what’s so bad of you took the moment to be anything else.


Veronica:If only that we’re true. If I could be anything here, then I’d be happy, but I can’t. I’m not strong at all. I’m…the weakest of them all.

She hugged herself tightly, gritting her teeth as tears flowed down to floor. Veronica’s entire face felt hot. Her breathe quickened, chest tightening while the room began to blur. Suddenly, Veronica’s face was pressed against Jacquelyn’s chest. The maiden’s hands rubbed Veronica’s head gently while the girl began audibly wailing as if she were a baby. This alone gave Jackie more than what many around Veronica knew. She wasn’t just unhappy. Veronica was truly miserable.


Maybe it was instinctual? Maybe it was luck? No matter it was, Jackie went from helping one child in distress, to another. Who she was unexpected to say the least.

Gripping her head and on her knees, Shiva seethed as violent winds whipped around her. It was only when Jacquelyn walked through them did Shiva look up, eyes shaking.

Jackie:I suppose everyone has their limits. *crouches* Even you.

Shiva:Tell me, do you think it’s possible Summer is the invader and it’s always been me?

Jackie:I don’t know how your world works, but I’m leaning towards no.

Shiva:Figured you’d say that….

Shiva:There’s a pit in my stomach. An unnerving feeling deep inside. I’m not sure what I am, but I know deep down I am going to hate the answer.

Jackie:…You don’t want an answer, do you?

Shiva:My mind, my freedom, my strength, it’s been robbed since my existence. I don’t want their stupid answers. They don’t get to take my identity too. Not without a fight.

Jackie:Sounds like a path of pain. Maybe you should embrace whatever is in store for you.

Shiva:Is that what you told yourself when you laid dying in the snow, crying for your mom and clinging to life?

Jackie:…Hm, fair enough I suppose. Got no room to judge. Fine then. Do what you gotta do. Just don’t complain when others do the same. In the end that’s the only option most creatures have. Win or lose, it won’t change the truth of what you are. You know that right? Whatever that may be.

Shiva:Fine by me. Victors gain the spoils and write the history books. I’ll be whatever I want to be.


Canary:Who are you?

Dustin:*laying down*…..

Dustin:Oh, that’s simple. I’m…the worst son in the world.

Canary:Well then, anything you want to confess?

Dustin:Just the one thing. I used to think anyone could have a little light in them. Nah. I got big plans coming and honestly I’m not sorry about what unfolds.

Canary:And what would that b-

Dustin:Ssssshhh. *smirks* One day, but not today. Until then, tell my sister I said hello.
