#sienna frost


OC test:Confessional pt1

[Warning: It’s depressing]

In the spirit of Mental Health Awareness Month, everyone shall confess a deeply personal thought to one other person not from their universe. It’ll just be those two people in the room.




Lucas:Uhh hey. Color me shocked. Why me?

Mona:I don’t know. Why not? Honestly not quite sure what to say. I’m pretty numb by most things or have aired out my baggage. I was groomed and sexually abused. Big whoop. That’s no secret.

Lucas:…That must’ve been a lot to deal with.

Mona:Not particularly. The only silver lining of it happening so young is most of what happened was too big to really comprehend entirely. It’s fucking awful for sure but better than…hmm. *sits down* …..Heh.

Lucas:*sits* Found something?

Mona:Not many know this but I’m not an only child. I have a little sister. Has to be twelve by now.

Lucas:Why isn’t she here?

Mona:If she was, Ahlai wouldn’t say anything. She’s broken. Like…shattered. Dear old mom just never let up for anything. By the time she turned seven, Ahlai was already gone. Hardly blinked let alone ate. I only remember that because it’s the reason I gave myself to leave her behind when I finally ran away. I was fourteen.



Mona:I’ve never pretended or acted like I’m a good person, but every time I think about that, I can’t shrug off how fucked up that was of me. Maybe that’s why I like sticking my neck out for street kids?

Lucas:Not sure how far a fourteen year old girl would’ve gotten if you had grabbed her. Sounds like an un-winnable situation. If it makes you feel better, escaping at all is a feat.

Mona:Heh, I knew I was right to pick you.


Sienna:Hey Frosty.

Summer:That’s…surprisingly a new one. Why me?

Sienna:You’re pretty gentle, like a snow rabbit.

Summer:Thank you? Well, I’m no stranger to therapy. I’ll listen to you.

Sienna:I can’t remember my real name, and that gets to me sometimes.

Summer:…..Sienna isn’t your real name?

Sienna:Hehe, no. It’s what Adam gave me, or…the name I gave myself? My memories are pretty hazy around that time and everything before. Not just my name, but family too. I remember the mines, bits and pieces anyways. I also know…I killed my brother. No face, voice, or even how, but I know it was me.

Summer:That’s…a lot to take in. I’m sorry you went through that.

Sienna:Anytime I try remembering, or even think about asking anyone who does know, my head starts feeling like it’ll split open. My heart races and I can’t stop shaking. Wearing jewelry freaks me out too; my body remembers those days vividly. Just not my brain.

Summer:Our minds can block out traumatic experiences as a way of protecting us. I only recently went back to the lake I nearly died. Immediately had a panic attack, my head remembering the moment I fell in. It was terrifying and I had to leave. There are times our body knows what’s best.

Sienna:Isn’t that just a nice way of saying we’re too weak to handle the truth?

Summer:…Sure feels that way sometimes, doesn’t it?


Canary:I take it you’re no stranger to Ruby drama?

Carmine:I could write a book about it. Rant.

Canary:When I needed a hero, a person who truly understood my sorrow, Ruby Rose wasn’t there. Not only that but she took away other people with her! I didn’t have to be a girl with limited memories of her dad and no scythe knowledge. I don’t even blame her for the death. I just….it would’ve felt like he was still there if she stood by me. *rubs eyes*

Carmine:Mo- Ruby is never at her best when she’s highly emotional. Sadly, being a mother, daughter, niece, anything of the sort is ripe with emotion. Ironically, it makes her the best hero for everyone else because she understands the weight of those familial ties.

Canary:I don’t hate her or anything. It just sucks. They say never meet your heroes. But when your hero is family…

Carmine:Disappointment comes with it. Yeah, it’s the worst. It’s ironic. You would think out of anyone it would be her family that sees her through rose tinted glasses.


Nick:Hi Yujin.

Yujin:What are the odds? I was gonna pick you too. Heh, same brain cell. *smiles*

Nick:Ha, guess so. Honestly I don’t have many things I haven’t aired out before. I’ve actually gone to therapy, so that helped. *lays on his back*

Yujin:I’m sensing a “but” is on its way.

Nick:Heh, but, I’ll admit I’m pretty upset with myself. I wish I could be rude. Like unapologetically rude. It’s annoying how many people look up to me or expect things. I’ve been surrounded by hundreds before but felt completely alone.

Yujin:I get that. *sits* I can’t count how many times someone said “Yang’s daughter” and I wanted to scream. Not our parents fault that they’re amazing, but it can blow.

Nick:How do you deal with it?

Yujin:It helps when my parents are there watching me do something. Yeah, I am Yang’s daughter, and she’s currently losing her mind over it. I love that.

Nick:Hmmm never looked at it quite like that. It is always nice seeing mom and dad cheer. Can’t undo blood. Guess it really is about changing perspective.

Yujin:Also I’m pretty sure anyone who actually cares about you would understand if you asked them to leave you alone. Anybody else are the actual rude people.

Nick:What’s your confession?

Yujin:Truthfully? I feel like a brat. Always have. People try consoling me and I’m aware bigger things in the world take priority, but I still get upset. I feel like I’m making things a hassle a times. What’s worse is when I’m ignorant about information so now I don’t know I’m making things rough. I want to be better than that.

Nick:Unfortunately…I’m just as lost as you are on that front.

Yujin:That’s okay. Thanks for listening to me. I appreciate it.


Aero:Of all the people to call…

Jael:You seem like a straightforward individual. Kinda like my sister.

Aero:Oh. *red* Thank you. Also I’m terrible at advice so…sorry in advance.

She leans forward until her forehead of his chest.

Jael:It’s alright. Neither is she. My sister lives a life of secrecy to the point she doesn’t actually exist, fake name and all. Mom is maiden and her family is gone, so she’s off the grid. Then there’s dear old dad, who officially dead more than two decades ago. The only person who really exists is me, and I’m basically on borrowed time.


Jael:*tearing up* If I don’t make something of myself, it’ll be like my family never existed. The name Taurus will remain infamous. *crying* It’s not fair. Not when so much more has happened.

Aero:*pats head* My mom believes things happen for a reason. If I were to guess, I’d say you’re on borrowed time because the world knows it’s still more than enough to leave your mark. So don’t sweat it. You’re ahead of schedule.


Tenzen:Helping people is hard.

Sparrow:Truer words have never been spoken. I take it you help a lot of people?

Tenzen:I try to, but I never really feel too good at it. I always feel like I don’t really understand their pain and it only makes things worse. I’m always outside looking in.

Sparrow:Kid, you have your entire life ahead of you. You’re not supposed to have all the answers and solve everyone’s problems. If it comes from a place of sincerity and love then you’re doing the best you can. I’m sure Yujin thinks you’re doing just fine.

Tenzen:I didn’t say it was-

Sparrow:Didn’t have to.


Jackie:What’s with the face?

Sparrow:I was just here. I must be popular.

Jackie:I can’t burden kids with my hang ups! You’re the obvious choice.

Sparrow:Do you have hang ups? You seem pretty put together.

Jackie:At my point in life, only one thing troubles me, my family. Each one of them as their own personal demons in one way or another. I’m doing my best to help them. Together we’re pretty happy. But…eventually we’ll all be apart. It scares me to think that if I were to get hurt and go away to soon, they wouldn’t handle it well. I made a home filled with love. What happens when I can’t give them it anymore?

Sparrow:…Well, did you forget your mother’s love?

Jackie:….*tearing up*

Sparrow: *smiles* That’s the thing about parents. Kids never forget them, for better or worse. You built a home with what you remembered love felt like.

Jackie:I’ve made so many mistakes. I wasn’t a good person for awhile. That love she gave didn’t stop the anger. My demons, they’ve done things.

Sparrow:So you’re just like my mom then and if your kids take after you, they’ll find their way eventually. Right back to the love.

Jackie:….Can I cry?

Sparrow:Heh, you need permission?

Jackie:No. Just giving you a heads up.

Sniffles turn into whimpering as Jacquelyn starts crying softly. Sparrow was kind enough to offer her a warm hug in her moment of stress. He really was raised well.
