#life adventures


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I just remembered a character I made up for an rp I had with a friend in middle school. And I think after a name change, she could be a very interesting character.

“Live life like tiger , be more wholehearted. ” ~Isha

Sometimes this life can be as simple as a plane paper and sometimes as complex as our human brains. Sometimes you may arrive to the deep dark forest of situations that you won’t have any option to even talk about it with anyone. You would think that you are alone at that point of time but the answer no. You are never alone because you have that heart beating up for you to beat down all the darkness in the world . The time when you realise that now you need to grow yourself up , from then no obstacle is left that you can’t overcome. I know it will take some time to make up your mind but it’s okay because as I have said earlier that time is the only thing that can heal you. So now go and get yourself out of this deep lump of darkness.

1.Go do what you want. Do some simple task like listening to positive music, reading, making coffee or tea, playing, singing or even a simple task such as having a shower.

2. Write down your new moto of life on how you can make your life more enjoyable and fulfilling for you.

3. Make some rules that you are going to follow which will prevent you from coming to this dark place again.

4. Just chill and focus on your goals, both long term and short term.

5. Try talking to your parents or your teachers about you and your situations and not your fellow teenager friends like you. Since the elders are more experienced and know better cause even if you don’t know but they also would be like you at some point of their lives.

6. Live life like you have the biggest heart in the whole world and sometimes forgive yourself and say it’s all okay and it’s part of my adventurous life .

7. Lastly say yourself the famous line “Aal iz well ”.

#tiger #life # advice #live #situations #aalizwell
