


First Errand

“Is this really necessary?” Mokuba asked his brother who was busy preparing a small drone for take-off. “Kissy’s walking to the Game shop, not into the middle of the wilderness.”

“Both of which can be scary experiences for someone so young,” Kaiba shot back as he brought the drone to life and it hovered before them. He tilt the control sticks side to side to test the device’s manoeuvrability and was satisfied with the response he got.

“And you don’t think being followed by ‘this' will scare her?”

“She won’t even be aware of its presence,” Kaiba assured his sceptical brother. “For starters, it’ll always be flying 30m away from her; as you can hear, it operates silently; and I made a tiny adjustment so it has the ability to camouflage itself.”

A flick of the switch he’d added to the remote triggered the tiny holographic projectors he’d placed on the drone and it became practically invisible.

“Okay~… So how do you plan to fly what you can’t see?”

“With these.” A seemingly normal pair of shades were pulled down in place from where they had been resting on Kaiba’s head. “Not only do they make the drone visible, but they also project the drone’s camera footage for me to keep tabs on Kisara.” 

Mokuba let out a heavy exasperated sigh. “I know you have fears, Seto, but I don’t think anybody is going to try and kidnap Kissy. Even if they did, you’ve already given her an alarm to activate.”

“An alarm won’t provide me with footage to locate her.”

“There’s a tracking device in the alarm!”

“Which can easily be discarded.”

As frustrated as he was, Mokuba knew there was no talking sense into his brother once his mind was set. The least he could do would be to play along with this charade and hope it didn’t get even more outrageous. “What’s the range on that thing?”


“That’s not going to cover the distance she has to travel.”

“Then I guess we had better get walking,” Kaiba grinned smugly and set off on the same route Kisara had taken.
