#lillith warrior nun


My predictions/ things I’d like to see:

-I feel like Ava is going to be different from all of the previous warrior nuns. Perhaps the halo was working it’s way over hundreds of years just to get to Ava. It’s already been said that Ava has done things that is rare/ or never been done before by any other warrior nun (like levitating). She is obviously apart of some sort of prophecy.

-Also ava being brought back/resurrected somewhat parallels Jesus doing the same. not saying she is Jesus reborn but it’s something to think about. Perhaps this will reflect Avas importance as the warrior nun/strength.

-I think Ava may end up going to the same place Micheal went to, they are obviously connected somehow, he may play a part in Avas story/prophecy. Maybe Ava is the one to rescue both Jillian and Micheal. Jillian seems like she could be a big help in defeating Adriel. Also is the place Micheal and Jillian went to where Lilith went after being killed by the tarask?

-I’m not entirely sure where the girls stand with the OCS, Duretti may not accept them back, even though he didn’t kill sister Shannon he still has displayed some troubling actions as a leader. (Accepting in nuns who where previously deemed unfit to be in the OCS, trying to recruit/use Beatrice for his bidding and sending Lilith to kill Ava) So right now I’m guessing the girls will be on the run from Duretti, father Vincent and Adriel.

-I’d like to know more about Ava’s past, it doesn’t need to take up a tonne of screen time. Maybe it comes up in conversation with Beatrice or Mary, or perhaps a flashback.

-I’d also love to know more about Beatrices past. How she got to the OCS, why she was sent away. It probably has something to do with her being gay. It was also mentioned her parents where kinda crappy.

-Along with Beatrice’s past it’s the rumoured that the writers are going to explore a queer romance between Ava and Beatrice. If it is actually happening, I really hope it’s done well, with decent pacing and avoid typical tropes etc. (Hopefully it’ll be a nice slowburn) It’s also a great opportunity to have Ava as another canon queer main character, which there is so few of. Although along with this is the risk that Netflix may cancel it, as they have done previously with countless other diverse tv shows.

-I adore Mary and Avas friendship, the bond the two share is almost sisterly. I’d love for them to become best friends, seems like Mary really needs it.

-I know we have seen some bts of Alba’s stunt double doing some combat training, so im very excited to see Ava finally kick ass. Seeing her use phasing during a fight would be incredibly cool along with her devinuim sword. Ava seems to retain some of her training from the beginning of season one, and when she does use it, it’s executed great and looks really cool. We know the halo enhances her senses more than regular humans, so I feel like it won’t take her long to pick up on basic combat. Though I don’t want her to be unbeatable from the get go, I wanna see her mess up and learn from her mistakes, it’s one of the things I love about Ava, she makes mistakes like any other immature teenager would

-I would really like to see more of camilla, I feel like we got to see so little of her in season 1.

-One thing I’m hoping for at the very beginning of season 2 is Ava emitting that powerful blast. Maybe to save Mary or create a pathway for escape for the rest of the girls.

-Lastly, I really enjoy character driven stories as opposed to constant action. So I’m hoping for one on one scenes with the girls just getting to know each other. A lot of conversations that’ll strengthen their relationships and make them feel like very rounded and developed characters.
