

Halo Bearers! There are only a few days left to enter our fanfic contest! If you posted any fic (finished or not, minimum 1k words) between Aug 25th & Nov 25th, you can email us ([email protected]) your entries w/links and be entered into a drawing to win a $ prize!  Entrants must be 18+ to enter. One fic = one entry. Multiple entries are allowed. Contest closes at 11:59 pm PST on November 25th. The winner will be randomly drawn and announced on November 29th!

 cursing my name, wishing i stayedlook at how my tears ricochet  cursing my name, wishing i stayedlook at how my tears ricochet  cursing my name, wishing i stayedlook at how my tears ricochet

cursing my name, wishing i stayed
look at how my tears ricochet

Post link

My predictions/ things I’d like to see:

-I feel like Ava is going to be different from all of the previous warrior nuns. Perhaps the halo was working it’s way over hundreds of years just to get to Ava. It’s already been said that Ava has done things that is rare/ or never been done before by any other warrior nun (like levitating). She is obviously apart of some sort of prophecy.

-Also ava being brought back/resurrected somewhat parallels Jesus doing the same. not saying she is Jesus reborn but it’s something to think about. Perhaps this will reflect Avas importance as the warrior nun/strength.

-I think Ava may end up going to the same place Micheal went to, they are obviously connected somehow, he may play a part in Avas story/prophecy. Maybe Ava is the one to rescue both Jillian and Micheal. Jillian seems like she could be a big help in defeating Adriel. Also is the place Micheal and Jillian went to where Lilith went after being killed by the tarask?

-I’m not entirely sure where the girls stand with the OCS, Duretti may not accept them back, even though he didn’t kill sister Shannon he still has displayed some troubling actions as a leader. (Accepting in nuns who where previously deemed unfit to be in the OCS, trying to recruit/use Beatrice for his bidding and sending Lilith to kill Ava) So right now I’m guessing the girls will be on the run from Duretti, father Vincent and Adriel.

-I’d like to know more about Ava’s past, it doesn’t need to take up a tonne of screen time. Maybe it comes up in conversation with Beatrice or Mary, or perhaps a flashback.

-I’d also love to know more about Beatrices past. How she got to the OCS, why she was sent away. It probably has something to do with her being gay. It was also mentioned her parents where kinda crappy.

-Along with Beatrice’s past it’s the rumoured that the writers are going to explore a queer romance between Ava and Beatrice. If it is actually happening, I really hope it’s done well, with decent pacing and avoid typical tropes etc. (Hopefully it’ll be a nice slowburn) It’s also a great opportunity to have Ava as another canon queer main character, which there is so few of. Although along with this is the risk that Netflix may cancel it, as they have done previously with countless other diverse tv shows.

-I adore Mary and Avas friendship, the bond the two share is almost sisterly. I’d love for them to become best friends, seems like Mary really needs it.

-I know we have seen some bts of Alba’s stunt double doing some combat training, so im very excited to see Ava finally kick ass. Seeing her use phasing during a fight would be incredibly cool along with her devinuim sword. Ava seems to retain some of her training from the beginning of season one, and when she does use it, it’s executed great and looks really cool. We know the halo enhances her senses more than regular humans, so I feel like it won’t take her long to pick up on basic combat. Though I don’t want her to be unbeatable from the get go, I wanna see her mess up and learn from her mistakes, it’s one of the things I love about Ava, she makes mistakes like any other immature teenager would

-I would really like to see more of camilla, I feel like we got to see so little of her in season 1.

-One thing I’m hoping for at the very beginning of season 2 is Ava emitting that powerful blast. Maybe to save Mary or create a pathway for escape for the rest of the girls.

-Lastly, I really enjoy character driven stories as opposed to constant action. So I’m hoping for one on one scenes with the girls just getting to know each other. A lot of conversations that’ll strengthen their relationships and make them feel like very rounded and developed characters.

Rehash some theories?

Soooooo there is talk of filming beginning soon. I’m not sure if the cast has left for the filming location or not, I may have seen incorrectly on their insta stories(hopefully not), So the new season may not be too far away. I wanna hear all the theories you guys have for season two! It’s been a while so I’d enjoy reading them.

Ok but like I will literally cry if Simon is queerbaiting us. He quite literally has us in chokehold

Yes I’m going to keep doing this because…it’s them !!



Have you signed the petition to save Motherland: Fort Salem yet? Validate your signature and share the link!



These two are the main shiponMotherland: Fort Salem, Raelle and Scylla.

The actresses have amazing chemistry, you can see it clearly in every scene.

And this show will get cancelled after S3 and it’s unfair. It has good representation, good plot, good ships, very good acting and basically everything you could ask for! It deserves more than only 3 seasons.

This is the main cast of the show.

So, if you want to see more of them too…

Sign the petition and share it as much as possible! It’s very important, ‘cause we need at least 100.000 signatures to be noticed.

And it’s also important to watch the show legally in your country, here is how.

This is from an Instagram account (the name of the account is in the picture if you want to visit it)

Remember to sign and share, pls help us save Motherland Fort Salem. Our hope is for Hulu, Prime Video or Netflix to continue the production in case Freeform won’t.

Thank you all for your help!


HALO BEARERS! Be a part of the Warrior Nun fan legacy! To celebrate one year as a family, we are CALLING FOR SUBMISSIONS to the first ever Warrior Nun FanZine!

This is the first in a SERIES OF EVENTS we have planned for the first anniversary of the show so stay tuned!

I know these images are blurry, kindly go to :

for more details!

Avatrice Short 42

“Ava, this is your soulmate Beatrice. Beatrice, this is your soulmate, Ava.”

Ava didn’t think twice about the place. Sure, she did wonder what they were talking about when they listed all these supposedly “good deeds” she’d done when she was alive. As far as Ava knew, she’d been dealt with one bad luck after another and this was her due. The good life from the good place. 

A soulmate though?

She didn’t think that was remotely real. To be fair, her soulmate looked easy on the eyes at least. Her morals though? Ugh. Beatrice looked like she hasn’t had much fun in her life. Ava could show her. 

Or maybe she could focus first on ensuring she didn’t lose her spot in this place. 

Oh. Beatrice could help, right?

Right. Her soulmate. Surely she was obligated to help Ava out lest they get separated—and wouldn’t that go against the whole point of having soulmates?

Don’t fall in love with her

That was her first thought when Ava was introduced to her. She was in the good place precisely because she kept true to her faith and avoided all temptations. She knows she did well. Heaven surely wouldn’t lord someone like Ava over her secret while she was alive. Would they?

You can’t fall in love with her.

A fraud. How fitting, Beatrice thought.

Ava wasn’t who she was supposed to be and yet despite all her bad habits and tendency to leave chaos in her wake…

Maybe they do deserve each other, Beatrice mused. A fraud for a fraud.

Because as hard as she thought she couldn’t and wouldn’t—Beatrice was falling.

This IS the Bad Place!

Maybe this was the whole point of the Bad Place. It is meant to punish, was it not?

“I don’t want to forget you.” Beatrice held tight on to Ava’s hand.

Ava shook her head. “I don’t want to forget you either.”

“I wonder how many times have we been here. In this moment. About to lose each other and about to be introduced to another life we’re supposed to live for eternity with someone else.”

“Ava this is your soulmate, Lilith.”

“Hell, no!”

“What do you mean ‘no’? Ava, that is rude. You’ve yet to get to know Lilith.” Adriel smiled at Ava. But Ava knew something wasn’t right. And by the look on Lilith’s face, she knew it too.

“Beatrice, this is your soulmate, Teresa.”

“Hi.” Teresa held out her hand while her other hand consciously ran through her hair.

“There must be a mistake.” Beatrice whispered. 

Adriel cocked an eyebrow in her direction, letting her know her words were audible.

“I’m sorry. I think…I just don’t think she’s…mine.” Beatrice faltered at first, but grew stronger especially with the last word.

“I refuse to believe this is where we’re meant to be. God or whatever can’t be this cruel.” Ava held on just as tightly. She looked at the woman beside her as they looked at the setting sun. In awhile, Adriel would surely catch on to them once more.

“When I was alive, I tried so hard to be everything my parents wanted me to be. I did everything right. When I thought I’d found the love of my life, I rejected her because I thought it was wrong. That what I felt was wrong.”

“Do you still believe that?” Ava asked, heart in her throat as she waited for an answer.

“Yes.” Ava felt her heart break right as Beatrice looked into her eyes. She meant to pull away but Beatrice pulled her closer. “Only because what I feel for you eclipses anything I ever thought I felt for her. And THAT can’t be wrong. We aren’t a mistake. I refuse to believe that.”

“There you two lovebirds are.” 

The voice surprised them both. Caught unaware, Ava nearly stumbled but Beatrice caught her with both arms and that was how they faced off the despicable man in their midst.

Ava in Beatrice’s arms.

“Wow, I must admit it took a little bit longer to find you two this time around.” Adriel chuckled.

“You can’t keep doing this.” Ava hissed.

“I beg to differ, Ava. I can actually keep doing this. I mean…what’s it been? If we’re going on your petty human measurements, I dare say we’ve been at this for 25 years.”

Both women’s eyes widen in a mix of horror and fear.

“I can keep doing this. Forever if need be. I mean, you two make it even more interesting to be honest. Best assignment ever!” Adriel laughed out loud.

“You’re punishing us for what? For loving each other? Is that it?” Beatrice felt the tears but struggled to hold on to them. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of her pain.

Adriel stopped laughing and looked at them curiously. He tilted his head slightly to the side and stared at them.

“It doesn’t matter.” He said. “In awhile, you both wouldn’t even remember any of these.” He raised his hand, ready to snap his fingers for the nth time.

“You can’t keep us apart.” Ava warned, her eyes seeking the other woman’s as she spoke the words.

Beatrice nodded solemnly. “No one can.”

Adriel paused. 

“Are you saying the big man himself can’t keep you two apart?”

The question took them aback. Ava looked at Adriel and saw his focus completely on Beatrice.

Beatrice froze.

Could she? Does she dare doubt?

She felt her fingers being squeezed and her eyes returned to focus on the woman in her arms.

“I…” Beatrice started. “If He is in fact everything I’ve been taught He is to be…He wouldn’t keep us apart. He would love me—us—exactly as we are.”

Adriel switched his focus to Ava. “You think you deserve the likes of Beatrice? You were hardly worth ANYTHING when you ended up here.” He casually pointed at Beatrice with his thumb. “At least her biggest sin was being an idiot.”

“Hey!” Ava tensed and struggled to disengage from Beatrice’s hold. “You can keep on talking shit about me for the rest of fucking eternity but you WILL NOT call Beatrice names!”

“Ava, no!” Beatrice moved to stand in front of Ava as she glared at Adriel. 

“Ava may not have been the kindest when she was living. But she was HONEST. Life dealt her pain and suffering and she knew no better. No one gave taught her how. No one gave her a chance. And she’s done so much since she’s been here. She tried to do better and she’s done just that! It’s just you and the likes of you who seem hellbent on continuing to punish her even now.”

Adriel took a seat on a nearby tree stump, crossed his arms, and offered them a  smirk.

“This is new.”

Beatrice frowned at him in confusion, though still wary to let her guard down around him.

He waved his hand about in a way that belied his interest as he spoke. “All this time, the two of you ended up here. Again and again and again. Different ways, but ultimately the same.”

He yawned, placed his hands above him as if stretching out his limbs.

“I wasn’t kidding when I said I could do this forever, but you two were seriously beginning to depress me.”

“What?” Ava was the first to give in to the confusion.

“You,” he pointed at the slightly taller woman, causing both to tense in preparation for some sort of attack. “kept on lying to yourself. Pretending to be something and someone you’re not. Let’s not even touch upon the things you know about your parents but turned a blind eye and kept on believe otherwise because it’s what was comfortable. It’s what hurt less.”

In a split second, memories flashed through Beatrice’s head about meetings in the middle of the night, her parents’ guests and the subtly armed men that followed, the money she knew they shouldn’t have but they do. 

“You know about the lives that were ruined because of your family. But you didn’t do anything, did you? And the woman who thought you loved her…oh, she paid the ultimate price.” Adriel wagged a finger in Beatrice’s direction.

“You knew about her being an undercover agent because she trusted you. Trusted you to do the right thing.”

“Bea?” Ava’s voice rang through the tension-filled air but Beatrice barely heard her.

“You rejected her. And yet, despite her feelings of pain, she did her job because it’s what was right. Hell, she even tried to save you.”

The memories of how she did finally began to make sense.

“You called her a liar. In the middle of it all you dared to call her a liar. I mean, not to make fun of my man Peter at the gate but damn. He had nothing on you the way you denied her findings in front of her coworkers, but also denied even knowing her and testimony she was counting on you to disclose about your folks.” Adriel slowly clapped in obvious mockery.

“Tell me, do you think you still deserve anything at this point? Let alone a chance with this girl? Or anyone, really.” This time, he gestured towards Ava with a jut of his chin.


avatrice with that cat movie AU 

Soulmate AU (Yep. Finally went there.)

Avatrice Short 37

A case of “what if.”

Avatrice Short 35

Avatrice Short 34

chandelyer:Christian Dior spring 2021 couture This set gives me plot ideas. chandelyer:Christian Dior spring 2021 couture This set gives me plot ideas. chandelyer:Christian Dior spring 2021 couture This set gives me plot ideas. chandelyer:Christian Dior spring 2021 couture This set gives me plot ideas. chandelyer:Christian Dior spring 2021 couture This set gives me plot ideas. chandelyer:Christian Dior spring 2021 couture This set gives me plot ideas. chandelyer:Christian Dior spring 2021 couture This set gives me plot ideas. chandelyer:Christian Dior spring 2021 couture This set gives me plot ideas. chandelyer:Christian Dior spring 2021 couture This set gives me plot ideas. chandelyer:Christian Dior spring 2021 couture This set gives me plot ideas. 


Christian Dior spring 2021 couture

This set gives me plot ideas. 

Post link

Avatrice Short 33


*Still, there’s 1000 items left on my life to-do list.

*Well then, looks like we’re going to make history.

*I told you that I will learn to swim.

Me: So she means (in) p*ssy right?


But is Beatrice wearing a divinium necklace so she can tell when Ava’s nearby????

anyone want a one-shot about it?
