#lily cowles


Antebellum | Official Trailer

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Gif 1: Inside the Crashdown at night, season 1 episode 4. Liz stands looking at Max (off screen). Her brow is furrowed and she shakes her head slightly; she looks torn. The text reads “”I found the stuff towards the beginning of the season like, particularly episode 4…early on it was like the negotiating…wanting to reach each other, taking a step forward, but make it a half step.” - Jeanine Mason ”.

Gif 2: Inside a hospital room, season 1 episode 8. A closeup of Isobel’s torso as Kyle jabs a needle into her and presses the plunger. The shot cuts to her face, shocked and pained at the sudden attack. The text reads ““I loved the episode that I had with Michael Trevino, where he…stabbed me in the heart. I hadn’t gotten to work with him too much before but Isobel and Kyle is like a really fun dynamic” - Lily Cowles”.

Gif 3: Inside the Project Shepherd bunker, season 1 episode 9. Kyle stands by the bunker door with his arms crossed, looking at Cam and Alex (off screen). He purses his lips and nods consideringly, tilting his head to look between them. The text reads ““[1x09] was honestly one of my favorite episodes, just ‘cause [Shiri Appleby]’s just full of energy.” - Michael Trevino”.

Gif 4: Inside of the Wild Pony, season 1 episode 10. Closeup on Maria standing behind the bar. She is absently rubbing at her upper chest just below her collarbone; she is looking off to the side as though she is turning something over in her mind. The text reads ““I love exploring the part of Maria’s spirituality.” - Heather Hemmens”.

Gif 5: In the cave with Noah’s pod, season 1 episode 13. An overhead shot, closeup of Max lying on his back, eyes open, head lolling, clearly dead. Liz is draped over his chest with her back to the camera, distraught. The text reads ““the most challenging stuff for me was at the very end feeling what was going on with Liz and what was like, being on the receiving end of all of that emotion, that, that upset and anger and, and just laying there and you know, absorbing all of that.” - Nathan Dean Parsons”.

Gif 6: In Max’s house, season 1 episode 13. Closeup on Michael looking at Max (off screen). His eyes are filled with unshed tears and he shakes his head slightly, clearly slightly shocky. The text reads ““Probably…it has to be that, that last episode. Just like, believing that my mom was dead. Believing that I was losing my mom.” - Michael Vlamis”.

Gif 7: In Michael’s trailer, season 1 episode 13. Alex steps closer to Michael (off screen), his eyes flitting down to his mouth once. He swallows as he moves, he’s a little nervous but intent and hopeful. The text reads ““Honestly I think it might have been in episode 12 or 13, where Alex finally decides “I’m going to tell him exactly what I want” you know, “I’m not going to walk away” and…it’s just so raw, he’s just so honest.” - Tyler Blackburn”.

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