#lily talks


truly loving making eveyone suffer through my matrix fixation on every blog i have ❤

i finally got ps to work after getting a free trial with a hard drive i bought and it’s soooo satisfying to see how sharp the gifs i’m making are omg

hi just popping in to say the tlfy chapter will be posted tomorrow instead of today !! sorry everybody

okay….I’m an aethist/agnostic but Derek as SANTA…what a storyline

omg when they showed a clip of Ramin during the line “friends who are dear to us”

You guys there’s a new holiday special episode of ROYAL MISFITS

hey guys! i have links to pretty much all the carols for a cure albums (vol. 1 – vol. 19), so message me if you want any of them! 

happy holidays to all :)

Derek really out there doing all these concerts

hi everyone! so sorry for the unannounced hiatus, but i won’t be active on this blog as much anymore. i might return to this blog once in a while though!! 

i created this blog mainly to post my anastasia edits, but i no longer make more, which can explain my inactivity. i will keep this blog up and i just realized that i have like 3 gifsets (including the first one i made and my favorite)and a lot of icons in my drafts, so i’ll be posting those soon.

thank you to everyone who still shows my edits some love!! i’m surprised to see them still getting likes and re-blogs and it makes my day <3

also special thanks to @christinealtomare​ for helping me navigate this fandom when i entered it. i really appreciate it, lar!

i’ll be active on my main blog, @edenshazards, if you ever want to reach me :)


Molly gets her Anya debut!!

happy new year, everyone! ❤️

Happy Holidays, everyone! Sorry for my inactivity, but I’ve been on holiday in Dubai. I did make a few gif sets to post, so look out for them

Frans Compilation Entries Closed

Thank you so much to everyone who submitted AUs Everyone’s designs are so beautiful!

I have already started, so I will slowly be posting them 5 AUs at a time. So, if you don’t see yours it’s still in the works

Frans Compilation Final Entries

I have 1 places left for Frans AUs~

(Edit: CLOSED)

If there is an AU you would like to see or self-promote, send it in hehehe


For my Frans lovelies, since I didn’t have time to join in on Frans Week, I plan on drawing a couples compilation. So, feel free to send in your favourite Frans AUs and I shall add it to the collection hehehe

It can be your own AU or another persons - so long as there’s an available reference sheet, I am more than happy to add it

For my Frans lovelies, since I didn’t have time to join in on Frans Week, I plan on drawing a couples compilation. So, feel free to send in your favourite Frans AUs and I shall add it to the collection hehehe

It can be your own AU or another persons - so long as there’s an available reference sheet, I am more than happy to add it



If you’re a real human person still using the default tumblr avatar, consider changing it.


why should you change it?

When you guys pop up in our notifications, most seasoned tumblr users will suspect you’re a bot and block on sight.

why do we block immediately?

tumblr has a history of bots trying to infiltrate and establish a connection to a valid, existing blog in order to populate google searches. Simply liking or reblogging a post, not just adding a scam link to it, establishes this connection. Tumblr users don’t want this to happen, especially if it’s a scammy p*rn bot. So, we often block on sight.

So now I have to reblog stuff AND change my pfp?

Well, of course that’s up to you! I just want to explain why you may have been already blocked by an artist/blogger you may have discovered recently, and how you can avoid it in the future.

Reblogging does help creators more than likes because your reblogs will show up on the dash of those that may follow you. Plus, reblogging puts that post on your own blog, and in case the original gets deleted or edited by the OP, it’ll be on your blog like that–forever (or until you delete your blog). Nice.

Here are some free icons created by catalyststuff on freepik. Highly recommend their art for a simple replacement!


Please consider first of all the notes regarding the identity of the avatar.






Writing about a child rapist did not make Vladimir Nabokov a child rapist.

Writing about an authoritarian theocracy did not make Margaret Atwood an authoritarian theocrat.

Writing about adultery did not make Leo Tolstoy an adulterer.

Writing about a ghost did not make Toni Morrison a ghost.

Writing about a murderer did not make Fyodor Dostoevsky a murderer.

Writing about a teenage addict did not make Isabel Allende a teenage addict.

Writing about dragons and ice zombies did not make George R.R. Martin either of those things.

Writing about rich heiresses, socially awkward bachelors, and cougar widows did not make Jane Austen any of those things.

Writing about people who can control earthquakes did not make N.K. Jemisin able to control earthquakes.

Writing about your favorite characters and/or ships in situations that you choose does not make you a bad person.

It’s a shame that in this day and age these things need to be said.

Or, in short: the narrator =/ the author.

You know what else is a shame? This nowadays tendency of putting on the author the responsibility of teaching their readers morality.

Authors are allowed to write morally ambiguous characters.

Authors are allowed to write downright despicable characters - and guess what they are even allowed to make despicable characters charismatic and likeble and the protagonists of their stories if they wish - because absolute monsters exist only under the bed.

It is not up to the author to spoonfeed the readers about morality and Yes I know this character did a bad thing and I am going going to show it in the story and make other characters call them out of it and–Bullshit.

The authors should be able to write what they want without having thousands of people jumping and their throats claiming to know them, their ideas and their morality based on what they write.

It’s not up to the author to teach you about what is right and what is wrong.

It’s not up to the author to teach you about what is right and what is wrong.

The tags speak the truth.

Frans Compilation Poll

Drawing these pieces is taking a lot longer than I thought, so for those who participated in sending in request please let me know how fast you would like these pieces to be released.


Just popping in with an update on the Frans Compilation since you have all been waiting a while. I a

Just popping in with an update on the Frans Compilation since you have all been waiting a while. 

I am currently sketching out all of the pieces before moving onto the final product. Similarly, if you would like a more details spoiler of the sketches, you can find them on my Ko-fi page. 

Post link



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Understanding Your Character



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Shoutout to my $15+ patron, Douglas S.!
