#linkeduniverse wind


“My fingers have definitely gone numb at this point and I don’t care :D”

When life gets hard, always draw the comfort character admiring his loot like the gremlin pirate he is. That is all <3

Wasn’t planning on making this a mixed media painting, but what can ya do when you’re dissatisfied with the first attempt?

So whoop here’s a marker drawing with gouache paint details, feat a windy boy doing his windy thing :>

hit the tumblr image limit but you can find the full presentation here enjoy!!listen to this while yhit the tumblr image limit but you can find the full presentation here enjoy!!listen to this while yhit the tumblr image limit but you can find the full presentation here enjoy!!listen to this while yhit the tumblr image limit but you can find the full presentation here enjoy!!listen to this while yhit the tumblr image limit but you can find the full presentation here enjoy!!listen to this while yhit the tumblr image limit but you can find the full presentation here enjoy!!listen to this while yhit the tumblr image limit but you can find the full presentation here enjoy!!listen to this while yhit the tumblr image limit but you can find the full presentation here enjoy!!listen to this while yhit the tumblr image limit but you can find the full presentation here enjoy!!listen to this while y

hit the tumblr image limit but you can find the full presentation here 


listen to this while you read it for the full experience

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